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Showing 91-120 of 370
Working Paper
McKelvey, Christopher, Thomas Duncan, and Elizabeth Frankenberg.
Fertility Regulation in an Economic Crisis
Journal Article
Kazembe, Lawrence N, Christopher C Appleton, and Immo Kleinschmidt.
Spatial analysis of the relationship between early childhood mortality and malaria endemicity in Malawi
Geospatial Health 2, no. 1 (2007): 41-50.
Wilson, Christopher, and Eugenio Weigend.
Plan Tamaulipas: A new security strategy for a troubled state
: Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, Mexico Institute, 2014.
Journal Article
Mupimpila, Christopher, and N Narayana.
The role of vocational education and technical training in economic growth: a case of Botswana
International Journal of Education Economics and Development 1, no. 1 (2009): 3-13.
Journal Article
Kazembe, Lawrence N, Adamson S Muula, Christopher C Appleton, and Immo Kleinschmidt.
Modelling the effect of malaria endemicity on spatial variations in childhood fever, diarrhoea and pneumonia in Malawi
International Journal of Health Geographics 6, no. 33 (2007).
Journal Article
Mukulu, Sandra, Christopher S Wright, and Samanthala Hettihewa.
An inquiry into the relationship of wealthincome and demographics to HIV/Aids: The case of Kenya
International Review of Business Research Papers 8, no. 2 (2012).
Journal Article
Korenromp, Eline L, John Miller, Richard E Cibulskis, M. Kabir Cham, David Alnwick, and Christopher Dye.
Monitoring mosquito net coverage for malaria control in Africa: possession vs. use by children under 5 years
Tropical Medicine & International Health 8, no. 8 (2003): 693-703.
Journal Article
Kazembe, Lawrence N, Adamson S Muula, and Christopher Simoonga.
Joint spatial modelling of common morbidities of childhood fever and diarrhoea in Malawi
Health & Place 15, no. 1 (2009): 165-172.
McKelvey, Christopher.
Circumcision and the Labor Market Consequences of HIV in Developing Countries
Journal Article
Agha, Sohail, and Christopher Beaudoin.
Assessing a thematic condom advertising campaign on condom use in urban Pakistan
Journal Article
Huicho, Luis, Miguel Davila, Fernando Gonzales, Christopher Drasbek, Jennifer Bryce, and Cesar Victora.
Implementation of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness strategy in Peru and its association with health indicators: an ecological analysis
Health Policy and Planning 20, no. suppl 1 (2005): i32-i41.
Journal Article
Oluwadare, Christopher.
The social determinants of routine immunisation in Ekiti State of Nigeria
Studies on Ethno-Medicine 3, no. 1 (2009): 49-56.
Working Paper
de Mel, Suresh, David McKenzie, and Christopher Woodruff.
The demand for, and consequences of, formalization among informal firms in Sri Lanka
Journal Article
Huicho, Luis, Miguel Dávila, Miguel Campos, Christopher Drasbek, Jennifer Bryce, and Cesar G Victora.
Scaling up integrated management of childhood illness to the national level: achievements and challenges in Peru
Health Policy and Planning 20, no. 1 (2005): 14-24.
Journal Article
Hetzel, Manuel, Brigit Obrist, Christian Lengeler, June Msechu, Rose Nathan, Angel Dillip, Ahmed Makemba, Christopher Mshana, Alexander Schulze, and Hassan Mshinda.
Obstacles to prompt and effective malaria treatment lead to low community-coverage in two rural districts of Tanzania
BMC Public Health 8, no. 1 (2008): 317.
Working Paper
Penders, Christopher L, John M Staatz, and James F Tefft.
Agricultural development and child nutrition: What do we know?
(2000) Policy synthesis for cooperating USAID offices and country missions.
Journal Article
Doran, Christopher M, Joshua M Byrnes, Hideki Higashi, and Khoa Truong.
Revenue implications to the Vietnamese government of using taxes to curb cigarette smoking
(2010) Addictive Behaviors.
Andvig, Jen Christopher.
Family - controlled child labor in Sub-Saharan Africa - a survey of research
Journal Article
Christopher J, Anthony.
First steps in the desegregation of South African towns and cities, 1991-6
Development Southern Africa 18, no. 4 (2001): 457-469.
Journal Article
Christopher J, A.
Urban segregation in post-apartheid South Africa
Urban Studies 38, no. 3 (2001): 449-466.
Journal Article
Isike, Christopher, and Ufo O Uzodike.
Marginalising women in politics: Recent trends in KwaZulu-Natal
Development Southern Africa 28, no. 2 (2011): 226-240.
Journal Article
Bonell, Christopher, James R Hargreaves, Vicki Strange, Paul M Pronyk, and John Porter.
Should structural interventions be evaluated using RCTs? The case of HIV prevention
Social Science & Medicine 63, no. 5 (2006): 1135-1142.
Journal Article
Hatcher, Abigail, Jacques de Wet, Christopher Philip Bonell, Vicki Strange, Godfrey Phetla, Paul M. Proynk, Julia C. Kim, Linda Morison, John D. H. Porter, Joanna Busza, Charlotte Watts, and James R. Hargreaves.
Promoting critical consciousness and social mobilization in HIV/AIDS programmes: lessons and curricular tools from a South African intervention
Health Education Research 26, no. 3 (2011): 542-555.
Journal Article
Inglehart, Ronald, Roberto Foa, Christopher Peterson, and Christian Welzel.
Development, freedom, and rising happiness: A global perspective (1981–2007)
Perspectives on Psychological Science 3, no. 4 (2008): 264-285.
Journal Article
Jeanette Kurian Birnbaum, Christopher JL Murray , and Rafael Lozano.
Exposing misclassified HIV/AIDS deaths in South Africa
Bulletin of the world health organisation 89, no. 4 (2011): 278-285.
Journal Article
Wells, Christopher J, and Abraham Alano.
Prophylactic Procurement of University Students in Southern Ethiopia: Stigma and the Value of Condom Machines on Campus
PloS ONE 8, no. 4 (2013): 0-0.
Journal Article
Wallace, Lauren J, Alastair J Summerlee, Cate E Dewey, Chantharith Hak, Ann Hal, and Christopher V Charles.
Women’s Nutrient Intakes and Food-Related Knowledge in Rural Kandal Province, Cambodia
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 23, no. 2 (2014): 263-271.
Journal Article
Gill, Christopher J, Mark Young, Kate Schroder, Liliana Carvajal-Velez, Marion McNabb, Samira Aboubaker, Shamim Qazi, and Zulfiqar A Bhutta.
Bottlenecks, Barriers, and Solutions: Results from Multicountry Consultations Focused on Reduction of Childhood Pneumonia and Diarrhoea Deaths
Lancet 381, no. 14 (2013): 87-98.
Working Paper
Minten, Bart, Christopher Barrett, Claude Randrianarisoa , Zazá Randriamiarana, and Tiaray Razafimanantena.
Riz et pauvreté à Madagascar
Africa Region Working Paper , no. 102 (2006).
Journal Article
Minten, Bart, Jean-Claude Randrianarisoa, and Christopher B Barrett.
Productivity in Malagasy rice systems: wealth-differentiated constraints and priorities
Agricultural Economics 37, no. s1 (2007): 225-237.
Showing 91-120 of 370