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Showing 121-150 of 1892
Journal Article
Asiimwe, Caroline, David Gelvin, Evan Lee, Yanis Ben Amor, Ebony Quinto, Charles Katureebe, Lakshmi Sundaram, David Bell, and Matt Berg.
Use of an innovative, affordable, and open-source short message service-based tool to monitor malaria in remote areas of Uganda
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 85, no. 1 (2011): 26-33.
Journal Article
Oguttu, David W, Joseph KB Matovu, David C Okumu, Alex R Ario, Allen E Okullo, Jimmy Opigo, and Victoria Nankabirwa.
Rapid reduction of malaria following introduction of vector control interventions in Tororo District, Uganda: a descriptive study
Malaria Journal 16, no. 1 (2017): 227.
Journal Article
Winston, Susanna E, Amon K Chirchir, Lauryn N Muthoni, David Ayuku, Julius Koech, Winstone Nyandiko, Jane E Carter, and Paula Braitstein.
Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections including HIV in street-connected adolescents in western Kenya
(2015) Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Journal Article
Zamora, Alejandro Amador, and David Lopez Marin.
Acceso y uso de las TIC en el sector productivo
(2017) Hacia la Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento.
Journal Article
Scott, Nick, Azfar S Hussain, Rowan Martin-Hughes, Freya JI Fowkes, Cliff C Kerr, Ruth Pearson, David J Kedziora, Madhura Killedar, Robyn M Stuart, and David P Wilson.
Maximizing the impact of malaria funding through allocative efficiency: using the right interventions in the right locations
Malaria Journal 16, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Meremo, Alfred, Beati Mboya, David Paul Ngilangwa, Robert Dulle, Edith Tarimo, David Urassa, Emillian Michael, Nyasiro Gibore, Bonaventura Mpondo, and Gabriel Mchonde.
Barriers to accessibility and utilization of HIV testing and counseling services in Tanzania: experience from Angaza Zaidi programme
Pan African Medical Journal 23, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Ansumana, Rashid, Anthony P Malanoski, Alfred S Bockarie, Abu James Sundufu, David H Jimmy, Umaru Bangura, Kathryn H Jacobsen, Baochuan Lin, and David A Stenger.
Enabling methods for community health mapping in developing countries
International journal of health geographics 9, no. 1 (2010).
Journal Article
de Laiglesia, Juan R, and Christian Morrisson.
Household Structures and Savings: Evidence from Household Surveys
Hilber, Adriane M, Xavier Bosch-Capblanch, Christian Schindler, Lise Beck, Florence Sécula, Oran McKenzie, Sara Gari, Christina Stuckli, and Sonja Merten.
Gender and immunisation
Basel, Switzerland: Swiss Centre for International Health, 2010.
Yukich, Joshua, Fabrizio Tediosi, and Christian Lengeler.
Operations, costs and cost-effectiveness of five insecticide-treated net programs (Eritrea, Malawi, Tanzania, Togo, Senegal) and two indoor residual spraying programs (Kwa-Zulu-Natal, Mozambique)
Basel, Switzerland: Swiss Tropical Institute, 2007.
Journal Article
Yukich, Joshua O, Mehari Zerom, Tewolde Ghebremeskel, Fabrizio Tediosi, and Christian Lengeler.
Costs and cost-effectiveness of vector control in Eritrea using insecticide-treated bed nets
Malaria Journal 8, no. 1 (2009).
Journal Article
Agha, Sohail.
Changes in the timing of sexual initiation among young Muslim and Christian women in Nigeria
Archives of sexual behavior 38, no. 6 (2008): 899-908.
Working Paper
Alagarajan, Manoj.
Trends in religious differentials in fertility, Kerala, India: An analysis of birth intervals
(2008) Working Papers.
Davenport, Christian, and Cyanne E Loyle.
The conflict-HIV/AIDS nexus: An empirical assessment
ASCI Research Report ed. Vol. 21. : AIDS, Security and Conflict Initiative, 2009.
Journal Article
Christian, Parul.
Nutrition and Maternal Survival in Developing Countries
(2008) Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy.
Journal Article
Inglehart, Ronald, and Christian Welzel.
Development and democracy: What we know about modernization today
(2009) Foreign Affairs.
Book Section
Welzel, Christian, and Ronald Inglehart.
(2009) Political culture, mass beliefs, and value change.
Journal Article
Kotze, Hennie.
Shared values in South Africa?: A selection of value orientations in the field of personal ethics
Scriptura 75, no. 4 (2000): 437-448.
Journal Article
Inglehart, Ronald, Pippa Norris, and Christian Welzel.
Gender equality and democracy
Comparative Sociology 1, no. 3/4 (2002): 321-0.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lottner, Jeanne, and Christian Lengeler.
Tanzania malaria indicator surveys 2001-2008: Morbidity indicators and coverage of major malaria prevention and control interventions
PhD thesis, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland, 2010.
Emini, Christian Arnault, Valérie Ongolo Zogo, Dorine Kanmi Feunu, and Maurice Henri Tadjuidje.
Décomposition des effets des politiques économiques sur l'évolution de la pauvreté et de la distribution au Cameroun: Une analyse en équilibre général micro-simulé avec double calibration
Cameroun: Université Yaoundé II, 2014.
Carton, Michel, and Christian Kingombe.
TVET Scoping and Advisory Mission to Sierra Leone 2012
Journal Article
Meyers R, Melissa.
Infant Mortality in Central Asia: Sad Statistics Come to Life
Journal of Christian Nursing 31, no. 2 (2014): 117-119.
Lubke, Christian.
Methodology and Research Practice in Southeast Asian Studies
Journal Article
Culas, Christian, Benoît Massuyeau, Mireille Razafindrakoto, and François Roubaud.
Un état des lieux des conditions de vie des groupes ethniques au Viet Nam : approche économique et socio-anthropologique
(2012) Les Journées de Tam Ðao 2011.
Journal Article
Razafindrakoto, Mireille, Jean-Pierre Cling, Christian Culas, and François Roubaud Roubaud.
Comment la transition économique est-elle vécue et perçue par la population? Analyse de la complémentarité entre approches quantitative et qualitative
(2011) Les Journées de Tam Ð?o 2010.
Working Paper
Van Stolk, Christian.
To Strengthen the Governance Dimension of Social Safety Net Programs in the ASEAN Region
Bogetic, Zeljko, Sanjeev Gupta, Marijn Verhoeven, Calvin A McDonald, Gerd Schwartz, and Christian Schiller.
Mitigating the social costs of the economic crisis and the reform programs in Asia
: International Monetary Fund, 1998.
Working Paper
Blyde, Juan, Armando C Pinneiro, Christian Daude, and Eduardo Fernández-Arias.
Competitiveness and Growth in Brazil
Inter-American Development Bank , no. IDB-TN-113 (2010).
Thesis or Dissertation
Martinez Rozo, Pilar Tatiana, Christian Ronald Baquero Moreno, and Paola Alejandra Sarmiento Vargas.
Formulación y evaluación de un proyecto para la prestación de servicios de un salón de onces en la localidad de Engativá barrió Minuto de Dios.
Trabajo de Grado, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2012.
Showing 121-150 of 1892