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Showing 61-90 of 182
Journal Article
Stevenson, Mark, Dang Viet Hung, Thanh Huong Hoang, Luong Mai Anh, Tu Nguyen Thi Hong, and Ngoan Le Tran.
Evaluation of the Vietnamese A6 Mortality Reporting System: all-cause mortality
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 27, no. 7 (2015): 733-742.
Journal Article
Yount, Kathryn M, Eilidh M Higgins, Kristin E VanderEnde, Kathleen H Krause, Tran Hung Minh, Sidney Ruth Schuler, and Hoang Tu Anh.
Men’s perpetration of intimate partner violence in Vietnam: Gendered social learning and the challenges of masculinity
Men and Masculinities 19, no. 1 (2016): 64-84.
Conference Paper
Hung, Ngo Viet.
Danang CDS addressing climate change within urban planning system in Vietnam: innovations and challenges.
Resilient Cities 2013 Congress.
Working Paper
Fanchette, Sylvie, Moustier P Le Vuan Hung, DJao Thế Anh, and Nguyễn Xuan Hoản.
Multi-activity employment, agricultural decline and urban transition
Journal Article
Thompson, Corinne N, Jonathan L Zelner, Tran Do Hoang Nhu, My VT Phan, Phuc Hoang Le, Hung Nguyen Thanh, Duong Vu Thuy, Ngoc Minh Nguyen, Tuan Ha Manh, and Tu Van Hoang Minh.
The impact of environmental and climatic variation on the spatiotemporal trends of hospitalized pediatric diarrhea in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
(2015) Health & Place.
Journal Article
Stevenson, Mark, Vu Ba Quyet, and Kieu Dinh Hung.
Ageing and fatal work-related injuries: a case study from Vietnam
Southeast Asian Journal of Sciences 3, no. 1 (2014): 87-92.
Journal Article
Stevenson, Mark R, Dang Viet Hung, Nguyen Thi Huong Tu, Anh Luong Mai, Rebecca Q Ivers, and Hoang Thanh Huong.
Evaluation of the Vietnamese A6 mortality reporting system: injury as a cause of death
Injury Prevention 18, no. 6 (2012): 360-364.
Journal Article
Hung L, Ngọc.
Levels and trends of the social change in Vietnam today: seen from the sociological angle
Social Sciences Information Review 4, no. 2 (2011): 3-8.
Journal Article
Valimba, Richard, Jafary Liana, Mohan P Joshi, Edmund Rutta, Martha Embrey, Maganga Bundala, and Bryceson Kibassa.
Engaging the private sector to improve antimicrobial use in the community: experience from accredited drug dispensing outlets in Tanzania
Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice 7, no. 1 (2014): 11.
Journal Article
Pham, Thong Le, Peter Kooreman, Ruud H Koning, and Doede Wiersma.
Gender patterns in Vietnam’s child mortality
(2011) Journal of Population Economics.
Journal Article
Huong, Pham Lan, Bui Quang Tuan, and Dinh Hein Minh.
Employment poverty linkages and policies for pro-poor growth in Vietnam
(2003) Issues in Employment and Poverty Discussion Paper.
Pham, Manh-Cuong.
Land-use change in the Northwestern Uplands of Vietnam: empirical evidence from spatial econometric models and geo-referenced analyses and policy implications for sustainable rural development
: Cuvillier Verlag, 2005.
Journal Article
Tra, Pham Thi Tu, Nguyen Vi, Ngo Quang Thanh, and Le Thai Tuong Quan.
Gender inequality and labour market segmentation under trade reform
Journal Article
Huong, Pham Thi Lan.
The impacts of Vietnam's accession to the WTO on income distribution using a general equilibrium framework
Journal Article
Nhiem, Pham Thanh.
Contraceptive use
(1999) Health and wealth in Vietnam: an analysis of household living standards.
Journal Article
Thang, Tran Cong, Emma Samman, Karl Rich, Pham Quang Dieu, Nguyen Do Anh Tuan, Nguyen Van Thanh, and Dang Van Thu.
The participation of the poor in agricultural value chains: a case study of tea
(2004) Making markets work better for the poor.
Jensen, Henning T, John Rand, Finn Tarp, Pham Lan Huong, and Dinh Hien Minh.
A new Vietnam social accounting matrix for the year 2000
: Science and Technics, 2004.
Journal Article
Pham, Thi Tu Tra, and Robert Lensink.
Household borrowing in Vietnam
Journal of Emerging Market Finance 7, no. 3 (2008): 237.
Journal Article
Allman, James, Vu Qui Nhan, Nguyen Thang, Pham Bich San, and Vu Duy Man.
Fertility and family planning in Vietnam
Studies in Family Planning 22, no. 5 (1991): 308-317.
Journal Article
Thuy, Nguyen Thi Bich, Pham Ngoc Toan, Nguyen Thi Hien, and Nguyen Van Trang.
Gender income gap in Vietnam in the 2000s: evidence from household surveys.
Lan T, Pham.
Sexually Transmitted Infections and other Reproductive Tract Infections in Rural Vietnam: Current Situation, Management and Implications for Control
Stockholm, Sweden: Department of Public Health Sciences, 2009.
Journal Article
Trong, Truong D, Tran B Thien, and Pham K Dung.
The Non-Farm Household Business Sector in Vietnam
(2013) Economica Vietnam.
Thesis or Dissertation
Long, Pham Dinh.
Impacts of Trade Liberalization and Institutions on Labor Market and Firm Productivity in Vietnamese Manufacturing
M.A. , Universitat zu Kiel, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pham, Thi Thanh Nga.
The rights of the child in the judicial sector in Vietnam: compliance with international legal standards
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Wollongong, 2015.
Working Paper
Arndt, Channing, Roberta Distante, M. Azhar Hussain, Lars Peter Østerdal, Pham Lan Huong, and Maimuna Ibraimo.
Ordinal welfare comparisons with multiple discrete indicators: a first order dominance approach and application to child poverty
Thesis or Dissertation
Pham T, Phoung.
Women's status in the course of reform in Vietnam
Masters, The Pennsylvania State University, 2008.
Journal Article
Tuan, Pham Anh.
Viet Nam country case study
(2008) Background Paper for the Chronic Poverty Report 2008-09.
Working Paper
Pham, Thong Le, Ruud H Koning, Doede Wiersma, and Peter Kooreman.
Child mortality and health programs in Vietnam’s transitional period
Journal Article
Luc, Nguyen, Nguyen Minh Thang, Ingrid Swenson, and Pham Bich San.
Selected determinants of fertility in Vietnam: age at marriage, marriage to first birth interval and age at first birth
(1993) J. biosoc. Sci.
Working Paper
Trung, Hoang Xuan, Mehmet Ali Ulubasoglu, and Cong S Pham.
Nonfarm Activity And Poverty Reduction In Rural Vietnam: 2002-2008
(2011) DEPOCEN.
Showing 61-90 of 182