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Showing 121-150 of 359
Working Paper
Cossío, Diego Alejandro Vera.
Matriculacion y trabajo infantil en Bolivia: Un análisis quasi experimental
(2011) Serie de Documentos de Trabajo sobre Desarrollo.
Journal Article
Rejekiningsih W, Tri.
Mengukur Besarnya Peranan Industri Kecil dalam Perekonomian di Propinsi Jawa Tengah
Jurnal Dinamika Pembangunan (JDP) 1, no. Nomor 2 (2004): 125-136.
Journal Article
Bengtsson, Linus, Xin Lu, Quoc Cuong Nguyen, Martin Camitz, Nguyen Le Hoang, Tuan Anh Nguyen, Fredrik Liljeros, and Anna Thorson.
Implementation of web-based respondent-driven sampling among men who have sex with men in Vietnam
PloS One 7, no. 11 (2012).
Surbakti, Indra M, Izhar C Idroes, Hendricus A Simarmata, and Tommy Firman.
Workshops of Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Urban Development Planning for Asian Coastal Cities, Bangkok
Conference Paper
Ngo, Thu Hien Laura, and Paulo Santos.
Geography and Economic Growth in Vietnam
International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Triennial Conference, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 18-24 August, 2012.
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 2012.
Working Paper
Singh, I P, and M K Bhasin.
Anthropological studies among Pangwalas and Gaddis of Himachal Pradesh, North India.
Anthropologischer Anzeiger 41, no. 2 (1983): 137-148.
Working Paper
Das, Dinesh, and Minakshee Pathak.
Gender equality: A core concept of socio-economic development in india
(2012) Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Working Paper
Supe, SJ, SM Rao, SG Sawant, G Janakiraman, and A Ganesh.
Population dose evaluation and standards for man and his environment
Working Paper
Bhasin, M K, H Walter, Indera P Singh, V Bhasin, Sikh Mohinder Singh, and Ratanjit Singh.
Genetic studies of Pangwalas, Transhumant and Settled Gaddis
(1982) Zeitschrift fur Morphologie und Anthropologie.
Journal Article
Eledi, Joyce Angnayeli, and Elias Danyi Kuusaana.
Uncontrolled Urbanisation in Ghana: A Concern for Food Systems in the Wa Municipality
Journal of Sustainable Development Studies 6, no. 2 (2014): 260-293.
Journal Article
Balestrieri, Alessandro, Simone Messina, Francesca Pella, Claudio Prigioni, Nicola Saino, and Mauro Fasola.
Eurasian otter Lutra lutra in developing countries: a resurvey of Albania 22 years after the fall of communism
(2013) Methods.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nyame, Joyce.
‘Are we men enough?’An intersectional analysis of lived experiences of men with physical
Master of Arts, 2013.
Journal Article
Commercio E, Michele.
Emotion and blame in collective action: Russian voice in Kyrgyzstan and Latvia
Political Science Quarterly 124, no. 3 (2009): 489-512.
Working Paper
Parashurama G, K.
Ageing in Rural India: Issues and Concerns
DEEKSHA 12, no. 2 (2014): 22-30.
Tonnessen, Arnfinn, and Center Regionalvetenskap.
Perception of Nuclear Risk at the Kola Peninsula
Oslo, Sweden: Ume{\aa} University, CERUM, Centre for Regional Science, 2001.
Working Paper
Rajbhandari, Utsav Shree, and Amrit Man Nakarmi.
Energy Consumption and Scenario Analysis of Residential Sector Using Optimization Model – A Case of Kathmandu Valley
Working Paper
Cardenas, Mauricio, Piedad Urdinola, and Julian Yaya.
Cuadros y graficas: Situacion del Casanare 2006
Journal Article
Wekwete, NN, H Sanhokwe, W Murenjekwa, F Takavarasha, and N Madzingira.
The Association between Spousal Gender Based Violence and Women’s Empowerment among Currently Married Women aged 15-49 in Zimbabwe: Evidence from the 2010-11 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey
African Population Studies 28, no. 3 (2014): 1413-1431.
Working Paper
Saueressig, Alexandra.
Egypt: Eliminating Malnutrition through Education and Reform
Thesis or Dissertation
Kalungwana, Ng'andwe.
Prevalence and factors associated with schistosomiasis in five Schools of Ng'ombe township in Lusaka Urban District
Master of Public Health, The University of Zambia, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chifuwe, Eucress.
The socio-economic effects of drought and human response: the case of Monze district, 1970-2003
Master of Science, The University of Zambia, 2011.
Working Paper
Nag, Anu, and Praveen Singhal.
Gender Preference towards Male Child among Uttar Pradesh Migrants in Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Anthropologist 15, no. 2 (2013): 219-223.
Working Paper
Aktar, Nasim, and Chand Sultana.
Status of Literacy in Malda District of West Bengal - An Overview
Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities 4, no. 5 (2014): 354-362.
Journal Article
Hanpachern, Rawee.
University as an Urban Economic Booster: A Case Study of Khon Kaen in Northeast Thailand
Regional Views , no. 25 (2012).
Working Paper
Shah, Tushaar, and Prakash Singh.
Irrigation development and rural poverty in Gujarat, India: A disaggregated analysis
Water International 29, no. 2 (2004): 167-177.
Working Paper
Shipekesa, Arthur M, and Thomas S Jayne.
Gender Control and Labour Input: Who Controls the Proceeds from Staple Crop Production among Zambian Farmers?
Journal Article
Chandoevwit, Worawan.
The impact of the global financial crisis and policy responses in Thailand
TDRI Quarterly Review 25, no. 1 (2010): 12-24.
Journal Article
Mayeya, John, Roy Chazulwa, Petronella Ntambo Mayeya, Edward Mbewe, Lonia Mwape Magolo, Friday Kasisi, and Annel Chishimba Bowa.
Zambia mental health country profile
International Review of Psychiatry 16, no. 1-2 (2004): 63-72.
Working Paper
Garje R, Ravikiran.
Indian Economic Reforms: Evaluation of NREGS in Nanded and Hingoli Districts of Marathwada Region in Maharashtra State
Variorum Multi- Disciplinary e-Research Journal 1, no. 4 (2011).
Journal Article
Ozer, Erdal, Mehmet Can Nacar, Ali Yildirim, Ozgur Enginyurt, Hasan Din, and Durmus Evcuman.
Underage mothers in Turkey
(2014) Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research.
Showing 121-150 of 359