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Showing 61-90 of 588
Westoff, Charles F, Almaz T Sharmanov, and Jeremiah M Sullivan.
Replacement of abortion by contraception in three Central Asian republics
Washington, DC: The Policy Project, 1998.
Journal Article
Ahiadeke, Clement, Charles Ackah, Richmond Aryeetey, and Adjoa Acquah.
Factors influencing the use of adequately iodated salt in Ghana
African Journal of Food Science 6, no. 3 (2012): 58-64.
Conference Paper
Becker, Charles M, Dina S Urzhumova, and Ai-Gul S Seitenova.
Mortality recovery and stabilization in Kazakhstan, 1995-2001
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America.
Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 14, 2003.
Journal Article
Westoff, Charles F, and Akinrinola Bankole.
The time dynamics of unmet need: an example from Morocco
(1998) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Westoff, Charles F, and Akinrinola Bankole.
The potential demographic significance of unmet need
International Family Planning Perspectives 22, no. 1 (1996): 16-20.
Journal Article
Westoff, Charles F, and Akinrinola Bankole.
Mass media and reproductive behavior in Africa
(1997) DHS Analytical Studies.
Working Paper
Westoff, Charles F, and German Rodriguez.
The mass media and family planning in Kenya
(1993) DHS Working Papers.
Nzioka, Charles.
Willing fathers, reluctant parents: young men's perspectives on unwanted pregnancies and abortion in Kenya
: Ossrea, 2009.
Working Paper
Snow, Robert W, Marlies H Craig, Charles R Newton, and Richard W Steketee.
The public health burden of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Africa
(2003) Disease Control Priorities Project Working Paper.
Journal Article
Lawn, Joy E, Anthony Costello, Charles Mwansambo, and David Osrin.
Countdown to 2015: will the Millennium Development Goal for child survival be met?
Archives of disease in childhood 92, no. 6 (2007): 551-556.
Marquez, Maria Paz, and Charles F Westoff.
The two child norm in the Philippines
: University of the Philippines, 1999.
Banda, Charles, Shelah S Bloom, Gloria Songolo, Samantha Mulendema, Amy E Cunningham, and J.T. Boerma.
National trends in AIDS knowledge and sexual behavior in Zambia 1996-98
: MEASURE Evaluation, 1999.
Katende, Charles, Rodney Knight, Robert Gardner, Moses Lubale, Cheryl Lettenmaier, Bates Buckner, Cindy Paeratakul, and Catherine Elkins.
Uganda delivery of improved services for health evaluation surveys, 1997
: USAID, 1999.
Katende, Charles, Ruth Bessinger, Neeru Gupta, Rodney Knight, and Cheryl Lettenmaier.
Uganda delivery of improved services for health (DISH) evaluation surveys 1999
Rugadya, Margaret, Herbert Kamusiime, and Charles Mukasa.
Literature review: Land and gender surveys in Uganda
: Associates Research Uganda , 2007.
Hailemariam, Assefa, and Charles Teller.
The demographic transition and development in Africa: Applying the case study of Ethiopia in developing countries
: Springer London, Limited, 2011.
Journal Article
Ringheim, Karin, Charles Teller, and Erin Sines.
Ethiopia at a Crossroads: Demography, Gender, and Development
(2009) Population Reference Bureau Policy Brief.
Journal Article
Simkins, Charles.
Employment and unemployment in South Africa
Journal of Contemporary African Studies 22, no. 2 (2004): 253-278.
Journal Article
Simkins, Charles.
Agricultural production in the African reserves of South Africa, 1918 - 1969
Journal of Southern African Studies 7, no. 2 (1981): 256-283.
Working Paper
Simkins, Charles.
Population growth, migration, economic growth and poverty in Gauteng since 1970
Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 47 (2010).
Teller, Charles H, and Soumya Alva.
La lutte contre la malnutrition infantile en Afrique subsaharienne : des progrès mitigés selon les enquêtes
: Population Reference Bureau, 2008.
Onsomu, Eldah, Juliana Nzomo, and Charles Obiero.
The SACMEQ II Project in Kenya: A study of the conditions of schooling and the quality of education
Harare, Zimbabwe: SACMEQ, 2005.
Thesis or Dissertation
Amlin, Charles.
Participación en los Mercados de Crédito Financiero y Condiciones de Vida en la Economía de Haití: Un Análisis con Datos de 2001
Master thesis, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, 2008.
Working Paper
Callen, Michael, Moahammad Isaqzadeh, James D Long, and Charles Sprenger.
Violent Trauma and Risl Preferences: Artefactual Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan
Working Paper
Hofmann, Charles-Antoine.
Cash transfer programmes in Afghanistan: a desk review of current policy and practice
(2005) Humanitarian Policy Group .
Journal Article
Westoff F, Charles.
The Recent Fertility Transition in Rwanda
PoPulation and Development Review 38, no. s1 (2013): 169-178.
Journal Article
Twesigye-Bakwatsa, Charles.
Baseline Analysis of the Gender Dimensions in the Provision of Agricultural Services in Rwanda
(2010) Kigali: Gender Monitoring Office and UNIFEM.
Kazal, Mohammad Haque M, Charles C Villinueva, Zakir Hossain, and Tulshi K Das.
Food Security Strategies of the People Living in Haor Areas: Status and Prospects
Journal Article
Graham, Ben, and Charles Paul.
The economic status of women in the Marshall Islands: is it really getting better
(2002) USA: the Insular Areas Statistical Enhancement Program.
Book Section
Coppel A, Charles.
Routledge Handbook of the Chinese Diaspora
(2013) Diaspora and Hybridity: Peranakan Chinese Culture in Indonesia.
Showing 61-90 of 588