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Journal Article
Amoako Johnson, Fiifi Amoako, Sasu S Padmadas, and James S Brown. "On the spatial inequalities of institutional versus home births in Ghana: a multilevel analysis." Journal of community health 34, no. 1 (2009): 64-72.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Johnson, Fiifi A, Hukum Chandra, James J Brown, and Sabu S Padmadas. "District-level estimates of institutional births in Ghana: Application of small area estimation technique using census and dhs data." Journal of Official Statistics 26, no. 2 (2010): 341-359.
Working Paper
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Johnson, Kiersten B, Priscilla Akwara, Shea O Rutstein, and Stan Bernstein. "Fertility preferences and the need for contraception among women living with HIV: the basis for a joint action agenda." (2009) Official journal of the international AIDS society.
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Johnson, Kiersten, and Ann Way. "Risk factors for HIV infection in a national adult population: evidence from the 2003 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey." JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 42, no. 5 (2006): 627.
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Bicego, Georges, Shea Rutstein, and Kiersten Johnson. "Dimensions of the emerging orphan crisis in sub-Saharan Africa." Social Science & Medicine 56, no. 6 (2003): 1235-1247.
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Barden-O'Fallon, Janine L, Joseph de Graft-Johnson, Thomas Bisika, Sara Sulzbach, Aimee Benson, and Amy O Tsui. "Factors associated with HIV/AIDS knowledge and risk perception in rural Malawi." AIDS and Behavior 8, no. 2 (2004): 131-140.
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Peterman, Amber, and Kiersten Johnson. "Incontinence and trauma: Sexual violence, female genital cutting and proxy measures of gynecological fistula." Social Science & Medicine 68, no. 5 (2009): 971-979.
Journal Article
Okonofua, Friday E, Clifford Odimegwu, Helen Ajabor, Patrick H Daru, and Agnes Johnson. "Assessing the prevalence and determinants of unwanted pregnancy and induced abortion in Nigeria." Studies in Family Planning 30, no. 1 (1999): 67-77.
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Freymeyer, Robert H, and Barbara E Johnson. "An exploration of attitudes toward female genital cutting in Nigeria." Population Research and Policy Review 26, no. 1 (2007): 69-83.
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Johnson, L.F., and R.E. Dorrington. "Modelling the demographic impact of HIV/AIDS in South Africa and the likely impact of interventions." Demographic Research 14, no. 22 (2006): 541-574.
Working Paper
Thomsen, Sarah, Matthew Tiedemann, Karen Katz, Heidi Reynolds, Elan Reuben, Laura Johnson, Helen Lugina, and Norah Kaaya. "Voluntary HIV counseling and testing services for youth and linkages with other reproductive health services in Tanzania." (2006) Family Health International Youth Research Working Paper No. 5.
Journal Article
McCarraher, Donna, Carment Cuthbertson, Dorcas Kung'u, Conrad Otterness, Laura Johnson, and Gilbert Magiri. "Sexual behavior, fertility desires and unmet need for family planning among home-based care clients and caregivers in Kenya." AIDS care 20, no. 9 (2008): 1057-1065.
Journal Article
Stover, Jean, P Johnson, T Hallett, M Marston, R Becquet, and I Timaeus. "The Spectrum projection package: improvements in estimating incidence by age and sex, mother-to-child transmission, HIV progression in children and double orphans." Sexually transmitted infections 86, no. Suppl 2 (2010): ii16-ii21.
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Devries, Karen, Sunita Kishor, Holly Johnson, Heidi Stöckl, Loraine Bacchus, Claudia Garcia-Moreno, and Charlotte Watts. "Intimate partner violence during pregnancy: analysis of prevalence data from 19 countries." Reproductive Health Matters 18, no. 36 (2010): 158-170.
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Meenakshi, J.V, Nancy Johnson, Victor Manyong, Hugo DeGroote, Josyline Javelosa, David Yanggen, Firdousi Naher, Carolina Gonzalez, James Garcia, and Erika Meng. "How cost-effective is biofortification in combating micronutrient malnutrition? An ex ante assessment." World Development 38, no. 1 (2010): 64-75.
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Thesis or Dissertation
Boliari, Natalia. "Two Essays on the Land Tenure Institutions of Bulgaria: Evolution, Land Fragmentation and Land Productivity." Doctor of Philosophy, Carleton University, 2008.
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Viney, Kerri A, Penelope Johnson, Markleen Tagaro, Saen Fanai, Nguyen N Linh, Paul Kelly, David Harley, and Adrian Sleigh. "Tuberculosis Patients’ Knowledge and Beliefs about Tuberculosis: A Mixed Methods Study from the Pacific Island Nation of Vanuatu." BMC Public Health 14, no. 467 (2014): 1-12.
Journal Article
Johnson, Ari D, Dana R Thomson, Sidney Atwood, Ian Alley, Jessica L Beckerman , Ichiaka Koné, Djoumé Diakité, Hamed Diallo, Boubacar Traoré, Klenon Traoré, Paul E Farmer, Megan Muray, and Joia Mukherjee. "Assessing early access to care and child survival during a health system strengthening intervention in Mali: a repeated cross sectional survey." PLoS ONE 8, no. 12 (2013): 0-0.
Journal Article
Johnson, Derek C, Madhav P Bhatta, Jennifer S Smith, Mirjam-Colette Kempf, Thomas R Broker, Sten H Vermund, Eric Chamot, Shilu Aryal, Pema Lhaki, and Sadeep Shrestha. "Assessment of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infections Using Clinician-and Self-Collected Cervical Sampling Methods in Rural Women from Far Western Nepal." PloS one 9, no. 6 (2014).
Journal Article
Johnson, Kiersten B, Anila Jacob, and Molly E Brown. "Forest cover associated with improved child health and nutrition: evidence from the Malawi Demographic and Health Survey and satellite data." Global Health: Science and Practice 1, no. 2 (2013): 237-248.
Journal Article
Padmadas, Sabu S, Fiifi A Johnson, Tiziana Leone, and Govinda P Dahal. "Do mobile family planning clinics facilitate vasectomy use in Nepal?." Contraception Journal 89, no. 6 (2014): 557-563.
Journal Article
Callaghan-Koru, Jennifer A, Abiy Seifu, Maya Tholandi, Joseph Graft-Johnson, Ephrem Daniel, Barbara Rawlins, Bogale Worku, and Abdullah H Baqui. "Newborn care practices at home and in health facilities in 4 regions of Ethiopia." BMC Pediatrics 13, no. 1 (2013): 198.
Working Paper
Dickson, Kim E, Aline Simen-Kapeu, Mary V Kinney, Luis Huicho, Linda Vesel, Eve Lackritz, Joseph Graft Johnson, and Severin Xylander. "Every Newborn 4 Health-systems bottlenecks and strategies to accelerate scale-up in countries." (2014) Series of five papers about newborn health. The Lancet Every Newborn Study Group.
Journal Article
Johnson, Derek Christopher, Madhav Prasad Bhatta, Santosh Gurung, Shilu Aryal, Pema Lhaki, and Sadeep Shrestha. "Knowledge and Awareness of Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Cervical Cancer and HPV Vaccine among Women in Two Distinct Nepali Communities." Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15, no. 19 (2014): 8287-8293.
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