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Showing 31-60 of 110
Journal Article
Bonny, Aime, Kemi Tibazarwa, Samuel Mbouh, Jonas Wa, Rene Fonga, Cecile Saka, and Marcus Ngantcha.
Epidemiology of sudden cardiac death in Cameroon: the first population-based cohort survey in sub-Saharan Africa
(2017) International Journal of Epidemiology.
Journal Article
Tabah, Earnest Njih, Dickson Shey Nsagha, Anne-Cecile Zoung-Kanyi Bissek, Alfred Kongnyu Njamnshi, Martin W Bratschi, Gerd Pluschke, and Alphonse Um Boock.
Buruli ulcer in Cameroon: The development and impact of the National Control Programme
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10, no. 1 (2016): e0004224.
Journal Article
Tabah, Earnest Njih, Dickson Shey Nsagha, Anne-Cecile Zoung-Kanyi Bissek, Martin W Bratschi, Theophilus Ngeh Njamnshi, Gerd Plushke, and Alfred Kongnyu Njamnshi.
The Burden of Leprosy in Cameroon: Fifteen Years into the Post-elimination Era
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10, no. 10 (2016): e0005012.
Journal Article
Ruiz-Casares, Monica, Brett D Thombs, and Cecile Rousseau.
The association of single and double orphanhood with symptoms of depression among children and adolescents in Namibia
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 18, no. 6 (2009): 369-376.
Working Paper
Giraud, Gaël, Cécile Renouard, Hélène L'Huillier, Raphaële De La Martinière, and Camille Sutter.
Relational capability: A multidimensional approach
Journal Article
Grosh, Margaret, Kristin Fox, and Maria Jackson.
An observation on the bias in clinic-based estimates
Berton, Hélène, Rica Garde, Rosie Jackson, Frances Mason, Abigail Perry, Alex Rees, Victoria Sibson, Anna Taylor, and Delphine Valette.
Hungry for change
London: Save the Children UK, 2009.
Jackson, Ken.
Is heterogeneity a barrier to coordination? A cross-country analysis of diversity and public goods
Powell-Jackson, Timothy, Basu D Neupane, Suresh Tiwari, Jo Morrison, and Anthony Costello.
Support to the Safe Motherhood Programme, Nepal: Evaluation of the safe delivery incentive programme: Final report of the evaluation
Conference Paper
Thornton, Rebecca L, and David Lam.
Measuring subjective life expectancy in developing countries: The case of Malawi and South Africa
Subjective probabilities and expectations: Methodological issues and empirical applications to economic decision-making, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, September 2007.
Jackson, Ashley.
Promises, Promises: A briefing paper for the Kabul Conference on Afghanistan
: Oxfam, 2010.
Working Paper
Jackson, Ashley.
High Stakes: Girls' Education in Afghanistan
Huang, Shirlena, Brenda SA Yeoh, and Richard T Jackson.
Labour in Southeast Asia: Local Processes in a Globalised World
Journal Article
Wamala, Joseph F, Luswa Lukwago, Mugagga Malimbo, Patrick Nguku, Zabulon Yoti, Monica Musenero, Jackson Amone, William Mbabazi, Miriam Nanyunja, Sam Zaramba, Alex Opio, Julius J Lutwama, Ambrose O Talisuna, and Sam I Okware.
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Associated with Novel Virus Strain, Uganda, 2007-2008
Emerging Infectious Diseases 16, no. 7 (2010): 1087-1092.
Book Section
Rao, Appa S, J M Schiller, C Bounphanousay, P Inthapanya, and M T Jackson.
Rice in Laos
(2006) The colored pericarp (black) rice of Laos .
Jackson, Tony.
Equal Access to Education: A Peace Imperative for Burundi.
London, UK: International Alert, 2000.
Working Paper
Hamilton, Pansy, Jean Jackson, Susan McIntyre, and Julie Solo.
Case Study of the Contraceptive Technology Research Program In Jamaica What was achieved and how?
Thesis or Dissertation
Lumenyela, Jonathan Jackson.
Assessment of the performance in revenue collection from fresh water fishes at Nyamagana municipal council in Mwanza, Tanzania
Master of Science, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2014.
Working Paper
Jackson, K.
Why does diversity matter? An empirical analysis of piped water provision in Sub-Saharan Africa
Journal Article
Yajnik, C.S., S.S. Deshpande, A.A. Jackson, H. Refsum, S. Rao, D.J. Fisher, D.S. Bhat, K.J. Naik, C.V. Coyaji, S.S. Joglekar, and others.
Vitamin B 12 and folate concentrations during pregnancy and insulin resistance in the offspring: the Pune Maternal Nutrition Study
Diabetologia 51, no. 1 (2008): 29-38.
Working Paper
Hanson, Kara, and Timothy Powell-Jackson.
Financial incentives for maternal health: Impact evaluation of a national programme in Nepal
Journal Article
Debpuur, Cornelius, James F Phillips, Elizabeth F Jackson, Alex Nazzar, Pierre Ngom, and Fred N Binka.
The impact of the Navrongo Project on contraceptive knowledge and use, reproductive preferences, and fertility
Studies in Family Planning 33, no. 2 (2003): 141-164.
Phillips, James F, Wendy L Greene, and Elizabeth F Jackson.
Lessons from Community-based Distribution of Family Planning in Africa
Conference Paper
Mumah, Joyce N, and Douglas Jackson-Smith.
Why are the benefits of increased resources not impacting the risk of HIV infection for high SES women in Cameroon?
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.
Busan, Republic of Korea, October, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Jackson, Ruth.
(Un) safe routes: maternal mortality and Ethiopia's developmental agenda
PhD thesis, Deakin University, 2010.
Working Paper
Jackson, Aasha.
Socio-cultural barriers to family planning access
(2013) Brown University, Cameroon: Social Pluralism and Development Program.
Journal Article
Dingle, Antonia, Timothy Powell-Jackson, and Catherine Goodman.
A decade of improvements in equity of access to reproductive and maternal health services in Cambodia, 2000–2010
International Journal for Equity in Health 12, no. 51 (2013): 1-12.
Thesis or Dissertation
Langat K, Jackson.
Effect of Credit on Household Welfare: The Case of “Village Bank” Model in Bomet District, Kenya
Master thesis, Egerton University, 2009.
Journal Article
Thame, Minerva M, Maria D Jackson, Inger P Manswell, Clive Osmond, and Matthias G Antoine.
Weight retention within the puerperium in adolescents: a risk factor for obesity?
Public health nutrition 13, no. 02 (2009): 283-288.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gaduh B, Arya.
Three essays on cooperation, social interactions, and religion
University of Southern California, 2013.
Showing 31-60 of 110