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Working Paper
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Habib-Mourad, Carla, Lilian A Ghandour, Helen J Moore, Maya Nabhani-Zeidan, Kassim Adetayo, Nahla Hwalla, and Carolyn Summerbell. "Promoting healthy eating and physical activity among school children: findings from Health-E-PALS, the first pilot intervention from Lebanon." BMC public health 14, no. 1 (2014).
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Bruine, Eva, Michaela Hordijk, Carla Tamagno, and Yanina S Arimborgo. "Living Between Multiple Sites: Transnational Family Relations from the Perspective of Elderly Non-Migrants in Junín, Peru." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 39, no. 3 (2013): 483-500.
Thesis or Dissertation
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Alegana, Victor A, Peter M Atkinson, Carla Pezzulo, Alessandro Sorichetta, D Weiss, T Bird, E Erbach-Schoenberg, and Andrew J Tatem. "Fine resolution mapping of population age-structures for health and development applications." Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12, no. 105 (2015).
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
Mateo Pacheco, Carla Marlene. "Analisis e incidencia de la desigualdad a traves del indice de GINI en la ciudad de Guayaquil, periodo 2011-2015." título de economista, Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Economicas, 2016.
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