
Showing 121-150 of 215
Journal Article
Lindsey, Peter A, Vincent R Nyirenda, Jonathan I Barnes, Matthew S Becker, Rachel McRobb, Craig J Tambling, Andrew W Taylor, Frederick G Watson, and Michael t’Sas-Rolfes. "Underperformance of African protected area networks and the case for new conservation models: insights from Zambia." PloS one 9, no. 5 (2014).
Journal Article
Flynn, Raymond, Richard Taylor, Robinah Kulabako, and Mariona Miret-Gaspa. "Haematite in Lateritic Soils Aids Groundwater Disinfection." Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 223, no. 5 (2012): 2405-2416.
Working Paper
Taylor, Stephen, and Nicholas Spaull. "The Effects of Rapidly Expanding Primary School Access on Effective Learning: The Case of Southern and Eastern Africa since 2000." Stellenbosch Economic WP , no. 1/13 (2013).
Conference Paper
Correa, Fernanda Vidal. "Mujeres en el Poder Ejecutivo Mexicano: desafios para su incorporacion.." Asociación Mexicana de Ciencia Política. Toluca, Meexico, September 11-13, 2014.
Journal Article
Kroeger, Karen, Allan Taylor, Heather Marlow, Douglas T Fleming, Vanessa Beyleveld, Mary Grace Alwano, Mabel Tebogo Kejelepula, Kentsenao Busang Chilume, Dawn K Smith, Thierry H Roels, and Peter H Kilmarx. "Perceptions of Door-to-Door HIV Counselling and Testing in Botswana." SAHARA J (Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance) 8, no. 4 (2011): 171-178.
Thesis or Dissertation
Taylor B, Tonye. "Factors Associated with Intention to Enrol into the HIV Treatment Programme in and around Lobatse, Botswana." Master Thesis, University of the Witwatersrand, 2014.
Journal Article
Creek, Tracy L, Mary Grace Alwano, Ronald R Molosiwa, Thierry H Roels, Tom A Kenyon, Vida Mwasalla, Ethleen S Lloyd, Modisaotsile Mokomane, Philip A Hastings, Allan W Taylor, and Peter H Kilmarx. "Botswana’s Tebelopele Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing Network: Use and Client Risk Factors for HIV Infection, 2000–2004." JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 43, no. 2 (2006): 210-218.
Working Paper
Golemanova, Antoaneta, and Aleš Kuhar. "Post-accession opportunities for rural development in Bulgaria." (2007)
Cleveland, Lara L, Michael Davern, and Steven Ruggles. Drawing Statistical Inferences from International Census Data. 2011.
Journal Article
Ickes, Scott B, Taylor E Hurst, and Valerie L Flax. "Maternal Literacy, Facility Birth, and Education Are Positively Associated with Better Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices and Nutritional Status among Ugandan Children." The Journal of nutrition 145, no. 11 (2015): 2578-2586.
Journal Article
Taylor, Myra, Nthabiseng Dlamini, Zama Khanyile, Lloyd Mpanza, and Reshma Sathiparsad. "Exploring the use of role play in a school-based programme to reduce teenage pregnancy." South African Journal of Education 32, no. 4 (2012): 441-448.
Working Paper
Carter, Karen, Margaret Cornelius, Richard Taylor, Shareen S Ali Shareen S Ali, Chalapati Rao Chalapati Rao, Alan Lopez Alan Lopez, Vasemaca Lewai Vasemaca Lewai, Ramneek Goudar Ramneek Goudar, and Claire Mowry Claire Mowry. "An Assessment of Mortality Estimates for Fiji, 1949-2008: Findings and Life tTables." (2010) Health Information Systems Knowledge Hub.
Journal Article
Herman, Edward S, and David Peterson. "Genocide Denial and Genocide Facilitation: Gerald Caplan and The Politics of Genocide." (2010)
Kvalsvig, JD, M Taylor, S Kauchali, and M Chhagan. Neuropsychology of Children in Africa. : Springer New York, 2013.
Journal Article
Tuomilehto, P Ram, R Eseroma, R Taylor, and P Zimmet. "Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus in Fiji: analysis of mortality, morbidity and risk factors." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 62, no. 1 (1984): 133-143.
Dapice, David. Current economic conditions in Myanmar and options for sustainable growth. : Tufts University, 2003.
Journal Article
Vithana, Chiranthika, Christine Linhart, Richard Taylor, Stephen Morrell, and Syed Azim. "Trends in Sri Lankan cause-specific adult mortality 1950-2006." BMC public health 14, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Carter, Karen, Margaret Cornelius, Richard Taylor, Shareen S Ali, Chalapati Rao, Alan D Lopez, Vasemaca Lewai, Ramneek Goundar, and Claire Mowry. "Mortality trends in Fiji." Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 35, no. 5 (2011): 412-420.
Journal Article
Taylor, Richard, Karen Carter, Shivnay Naidu, Christine Linhart, Syed Azim, Chalapati Rao, and Alan D Lopez. "Divergent mortality trends by ethnicity in Fiji." Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 37, no. 6 (2013): 509-515.
Journal Article
Kuehn, Rebecca, James Fong, Richard Taylor, Rajanishwar Gyaneshwar, and Karen Carter. "Cervical cancer incidence and mortality in Fiji 2003-2009." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 52, no. 4 (2012): 380-386.
Journal Article
Gyaneshwar, Rajat, Swaran Naidu, Magdalena Z Raban, Sheetal Naidu, Christine Linhart, Stephen Morrell, Isimeli Tukana, and Richard Taylor. "Absolute cardiovascular risk in a Fiji medical zone." BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Lin, Sophia, Isimeli Tukana, Christine Linhart, Stephen Morrell, Richard Taylor, Penina Vatucawaqa, Dianna J Magliano, and Paul Zimmet. "Diabetes and obesity trends in Fiji over 30 years." (2015) Journal of diabetes.
Working Paper
Taylor, Stephen, and Marisa Fintel. "Estimating the impact of language of instruction in South African primary schools: A fixed effects approach." (2016) Economics of Education Review.
Journal Article
Henson, Connie, Alan Taylor, Joanne Cohen, Alita Q Waqabaca, and Saral Chand. "Attempted suicide in Fiji." Religion 5, no. 1.94 (2012): 3-63.
Conference Paper
Mkhize, N, M Coertzen, M Taylor, L Ramsay, T T Gounden, and CA Buckley. "The water institute of Southern Africa (WISA) Biennial conference and exhibition." WISA Biennal Conference 2014, 25-28 May, Mbombela, Mpumalanga, South Africa . 2013.
Journal Article
Taylor-Leech, Kerry. "Language and identity in East Timor." Language Problems & Language Planning 32, no. 2 (2008): 153-180.
Working Paper
Taylor-Leech, Kerry, and Agustinho Caet. "Mother tongue-based multilingual education: A new direction for Timor-Leste." (2012)
Journal Article
Taylor-Leech, Kerry. "Timor-Leste: Multilingual Education for All?." (2013) Ellipsis.
Rothman, Ines, John Taylor, Ian Patrick, and Nick Chapman. Evaluation of ireland aid’s Timor Leste country programme. : ITAD Ltd, 2008.
Journal Article
Taylor-Leech, Kerry. "Quick-fix English: Discontinuities in a language development aid project." English Teaching: Practice and Critique 8, no. 1 (2009): 97-111.
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