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Showing 61-90 of 233
Journal Article
Mzilahowa, Themba, Madalitso Luka-Banda, Veronica Uzalili, Don P Mathanga, Carl H Campbell Jr, Mavuto Mukaka, and John E Gimnig.
Risk factors for Anopheles mosquitoes in rural and urban areas of Blantyre District, southern Malawi
Malawi Medical Journal 28, no. 4 (2016): 154-158.
Journal Article
Enarson, Penelope M, Robert P Gie, Charles C Mwansambo, Ellubey R Maganga, Carl J Lombard, Donald A Enarson, and Stephen M Graham.
Reducing deaths from severe pneumonia in children in Malawi by improving delivery of pneumonia case management
PloS one 9, no. 7 (2014): e102955.
Journal Article
Adisasmita, Asri, Carl V Smith, Ayman AE El-Mohandes, Poppy Elvira Deviany, Judith J Ryon, Michele Kiely, Quail Rogers-Bloch, and Reginald F Gipson.
Maternal characteristics and clinical diagnoses influence obstetrical outcomes in Indonesia
Maternal and child health journal 19, no. 7 (2015): 1624-1633.
Journal Article
Smits, Mattijs, and Carl Middleton.
New arenas of engagement at the water governance-climate finance nexus? An analysis of the boom and bust of hydropower CDM projects in Vietnam
Water Alternatives 7, no. 3 (2014): 561-583.
Journal Article
Dahoma, Mohammed, Lisa G Johnston, Abigail Holman, Leigh Ann Miller, Mahmoud Mussa, Asha Othman, Ahmed Khatib, Ramadhan Issa, Carl Kendall, and Andrea A Kim.
HIV and related risk behavior among men who have sex with men in Zanzibar, Tanzania: results of a behavioral surveillance survey
AIDS and Behavior 15, no. 1 (2011): 186-192.
Journal Article
Lu, Yang Carl, Holly Krambeck, and Liang Tang.
Use of Big Data to Evaluate and Improve Performance of Traffic Signal Systems in Resource-Constrained Countries: Evidence from Cebu City, Philippines
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board , no. 2620 (2017).
Cleland, John, Nelson Onuoha, and Ian Timaeus.
Fertility change in sub-Saharan Africa: a review of the evidence
Journal Article
Walker, S P, T D Wachs, S Grantham-McGregor, M M Black, C A Nelson, S L Huffman, H Baker-Henningham, S M Chang, J D Hamadani, B Lozoff, and others.
Inequality in early childhood: risk and protective factors for early child development
(2011) The Lancet.
Journal Article
Onuoha, Nelson.
Nuptiality patterns in two West African states
(1993) Journal of biosocial science.
Book Section
Barros, Aluísio S, Cesar R Victora, Juraci Cesar, Nelson Neumann, and Andréa Bertoldi.
Reaching the poor with health, nutrition, and population services: what works, what doesn't, and why
(2005) Brazil: are health and nutrition programs reaching the neediest?.
Book Section
Nyangu, Nelson, and Kumbutso Dzekedzeke.
Fertility trends and determinants in six African countries
(1994) Fertility patterns and their determinants in Zambia: Findings from the Zambia Demographic and Health Survey.
Arur, Aneesa, Nelson Gitonga, Barbara O’Hanlon, Francis Kundu, Maggie Senkaali, and Richard Ssemujju.
Insights from innovations: lessons from designing and implementing family planning/reproductive health voucher programs in Kenya and Uganda
: USAID, 2009.
Shisana, Olive, and Leickness Simbayi.
Nelson Mandela/HSRC study of HIV/AIDS: South African national HIV prevalence, behavioural risks and mass media: Household survey 2002
Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC, 2002.
Journal Article
Snell, Beverley, Lidia Gomes, Misliza Vital, Michael Dibley, Odete MF Belo, Sarah Moon, Clement Malau, and Nelson Martins.
Health: family issues in Timor-Leste
(2005) Development Bulletin.
Working Paper
Gierend, Albert, Henry Ojulong, and Nelson Wanyera.
A combined ex-post/ex-ante impact analysis for improved sorghum and finger millet varieties in Uganda
Yeghiazaryan, Armen, Vahram Avanesian, and Nelson Shahnazaryan.
How to Reverse Emigration?
: AMERIA, 2003.
Mango, Nelson, Patti Kristjanson, Anirudh Krishna, Maren Radeny, Abisalom Omolo, and Michael Arunga.
Why is it some households fall into poverty at the same time others are escaping poverty? Evidence from Kenya
: ILRI (aka ILCA and ILRAD), 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nelson, Jeffrey.
Fertility and the Bolsa Familia Program: Demographic Determinants under Conditional Cash Transfers in Brazil
Bachelor, University of Pittsburgh, 2013.
Journal Article
Brown, Arthur E, Kenrad E Nelson, Trevor C Smith, S Suprasert, and DM Scollard.
Hepatitis B antigen and antibody in patients with leprosy: a study of three resettlement villages in Thailand.
Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy & Immunology 7, no. 2 (1989): 89-93.
Nelson, Rebecca M, Mary Jane Bolle, and Shayerah Ilias.
US Trade and Investment in the Middle East and North Africa: Overview and Issues for Congress
Journal Article
Karmorh Jr, Benjamin S, Abdulai Jalloh, Gerald C Nelson, and Timothy S Thomas.
West African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis.
Working Paper
Nelson, Valerie, Modesto Galvez, and Mick Blowfield.
Social Impact of Ethical and Conventional Brazil Nut Trading on Forest-Dependent People in Peru
(2000) NRET, University of Greenwich.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mena Ortiz, Hilda G, Rosario A Orellana Martínez, and Nelson A Ramírez Pérez.
Plan de mercadeo para la pequeña empresa de la industria de la panificación en el área metropolítana de San Salvador. Caso de estudio: Panadería y Pastelería Fortuna del Pan
Grado de licenciado, Universidad de El Salvador, 2016.
Working Paper
Iimi, Atsushi.
The impacts of metering and climate conditions on residential electricity demand: the case of Albania
The World Bank: Finance, Economics and Urban Development Department Policy Research Working Paper, no. 5520 (2011).
Journal Article
Onuoha, Nelson, and Ian M Timaeus.
Has a fertility transition begun in West Africa?
Journal of international development 7, no. 1 (1995): 93-116.
Journal Article
Okech, Timothy C, Nelson W Wawire, and Tom K Mburu.
Empirical analysis of determinants of demand for family planning services in Kenya’s city slums
Global Journal of Health Science 3, no. 2 (2011): 109.
Journal Article
Veronicah, Kirogo, Wambui Kogi-Makau, and Nelson Muroki.
The role of irrigation on improvement of nutritional status of young children in Central Kenya
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 7, no. 2 (2007).
Barnes, Jeff, Barbara O'Hanlon, Frank Feeley, Kimberly Mckeon, Nelson Gitonga, and Caytie Decker.
Private health sector assessment in Kenya
: World Bank, 2010.
Journal Article
Okech, Timothy, Nelson Wawire, and Tom Mburu.
Contraceptive use among women of reproductive age in Kenya’s city slums
International Journal of Business and Social Science 2, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Onuoha, Nelson.
Contributions of the proximate determinants to fertility change in Senegal
Social Science & Medicine 35, no. 10 (1992): 1317-1320.
Showing 61-90 of 233