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Thesis or Dissertation
Chamorro, Byron A, Jose B Flores, and Santiago P Galarza.
Valoración de discapacidad física por lumbalgia aplicando la escala de “Oswestry” en comparación con la escala de “Roland y Morris” en pacientes adultos del servicio de medicina física y rehabilitación del Hospital Quito No. 1
Tesis Postgrado, Universidad Central Del Ecuador, 2012.
Journal Article
Hesari, Asghar Rashidi Ebrahim, and Morteza Chekaniazar.
Neighbourhood Classification and Organization of Informal Settlements Using Development Method of Morris (Case Study: Bonab City)
(2013) Journal of Civil Engineering and Urbanism.
Journal Article
Biranvandzadeh, Maryam, and Kobra Sorkhkamal.
Assessment of Development Level of Sistan and Baluchistan Province Compared to other Iran’s Provinces
International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development 5, no. 1 (2015): 69-76.
Journal Article
Morris, Brian J, Richard G Wamai, Esther B Henebeng, Aaron AR Tobian, Jeffrey D Klausner, Joya Banerjee, and Catherine A Hankins.
Estimation of country-specific and global prevalence of male circumcision
Population Health Metrics 14, no. 1 (2016): 4.
Journal Article
Morris, Brian J, Richard G Wamai, John N Krieger, Joya Banerjee, and Jeffrey D Klausner.
Male circumcision to prevent syphilis in 1855 and HIV in 1986 is supported by the accumulated scientific evidence to 2015: Response to Darby
(2015) Global Public Health.
Working Paper
Ruel, Marie T, James L Garrett, Saul S Morris, Daniel Maxwell, Arne Oshaug, Patrice Engle, Purnima Menon, Alison Slack, and Lawrence Haddad.
Urban challenges to food and nutrition security: A review of food security, health, and caregiving in the cities
(1998) Food Consumption and Nutrition Division Discussion Paper.
Book Section
Serbanescu, Florina, Howard Goldberg, and Leo Morris.
The new demographic regime: Population challenges and policy responses
(2005) Reproductive health in the transition countries of Europe .
Conference Paper
Serbanescu, Florina, Howard Goldberg, and Leo Morris.
Reproductive health in transition countries in the European context
European Population Forum 2004.
Geneva, Switzerland, January 12-14, 2004.
Working Paper
Morris, Joanne, and Jennie Barron.
Agricultural Water Management Technology Expansion and Impact on Crop Yields in Northern Burkina Faso (1980-2010): A Review
(2014) CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food.
Journal Article
Janowitz, Barbara, Walter Rodrigues, Deborah L Covington, Jose Maria Arruda, and Leo Morris.
Cesarean Delivery in Northeast Region of Brazil, 1978-80
American Journal of Public Health 75, no. 5 (1985): 560-562.
Working Paper
Morris, Elizabeth.
Promoting Employment in Cambodia: Analysis and Options
(2007) ILO.
Conference Paper
Morris, Leo, Isabella Danel, Paul Stupp, and F Sarbanescu.
Demographic Evaluation of Health Programmes
Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography (CICRED).
February 26-28, 1996.
McFarlane, C P, J S Friedman, L Morris, and H I Goldberg.
Contraceptive Prevalence Survey Jamaica 1993. Volume III. Sexual experience contraceptive practice and fertility.
McFarlane, C P, J S Friedman, and L Morris.
1993 Contraceptive Prevalence Survey Jamaica. Volume II: Knowledge and attitudes towards family contraception and AIDS.
Journal Article
Abdel-Aziz, Abdallah, John E Anderson, Leo Morris, Phyllis Wingo, and Borhan Shrydeh.
Family Planning in Jordan: 1983 Survey Data
Studies in Family Planning 17, no. 4 (1986): 199-206.
Journal Article
Morris, Saus, Carol Levin, Margaret Armar-Klemesu, Daniel Maxwell, and Marie Ruel.
Does geographic targeting of nutrition interventions make sense in Cities? Evidence from Abidjan and Accra
World Development 27, no. 11 (1999): 2011 .
Journal Article
Morris, Saul S, Robert E Black, and Lana Tomaskovic.
Predicting the distribution of under-five deaths by cause in countries without adequate vital registration systems
International Journal of Epidemiology 32, no. 6 (2003): 1041.
Journal Article
Morris S, Saul.
Targeting urban malnutrition: a multi-city analysis of the spatial distribution of childhood nutritional status
Food Policy 26, no. 1 (2001): 49 - .
Journal Article
Prata, Ndola, Leo Morris, Elizio Mazive, Farnaz Vahidnia, and Mark Stehr.
Relationship between HIV risk perception and condom use: evidence from a population-based survey in Mozambique
(2006) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Black, Robert, Saul Morris, and Jennifer Bryce.
Where and why are 10 million children dying every year?
The Lancet 361, no. 9376 (2003): 2226-2234.
Journal Article
Epstein, Helen, and Martina Morris.
Concurrent partnerships and HIV: an inconvenient truth
Journal of the International AIDS Society 14, no. 1 (2011): 13.
Journal Article
Kaufmann, R., L. Morris, and A. Spitz.
Comaparison of two question sequences for assessing pregnancy intentions
American Journal of Epidemiology 145, no. 9 (1997): 810-816.
Journal Article
Jones, James, and Martina Morris.
Orphans and “grandorphans” in Sub-Saharan Africa: The consequences of dependent mortality
(2003) SAFAIDS.
Morris, Elizabeth, and Ole Bruun.
Promoting Employment Opportunities in Rural Mongolia: Past Experience and ILO Approaches
Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Office, 2005.
Journal Article
Haider, Sadia, Catherine Todd, Malalay Ahmadzai, Shakira Rahimi, Pashtoon Azfar, Jessica L Morris, and Suellen Miller.
Childbearing and contraceptive decision making amongst Afghan men and women: a qualitative analysis
Health care for women international 30, no. 10 (2009): 935-953.
Journal Article
Bourne, Paul A, C Morris, and D Eldemire-Shearer.
Happiness among Older Men in Jamaica: is it a health issue
Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 2, no. 1 (2010): 25-36.
Journal Article
Clementi, F, A L Dabalen, V Molini, and F Schettino.
The Center Cannot Hold: Patterns of Polarization in Nigeria
Journal Article
Morris, Matthew.
Measuring poverty in the Pacific
Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper , no. 9 (2011).
Journal Article
Sasson, Morris, Marcos Lee, Carmen Jan, Flavia Fontes, and Jorge Motta.
Prevalence and associated factors of obesity among Panamanian adults. 1982-2010
PloS One 9, no. 3 (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Matanda, Dennis Juma.
Child Physical Growth and Care Practices in Kenya: Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys
PhD Dissertation, University of Bergen, 2015.
Showing 1-30 of 238