
Showing 1-10 of 10
Thesis or Dissertation
Rizka Fahmi, Cahyani. "Hubungan motivasi berwirausaha dengan kesiapan berwirausaha siswa kelas XI Program Keahlian Jasa Boga di SMK Negeri 6 Yogyakarta." Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 2016.
Journal Article
Stover, John, Boga Fidzani, Batho C Molomo, Themba Moeti, and Godfrey Musuka. "Estimated HIV Trends and Program Effects in Botswana." PLoS One 3, no. 11 (2008).
Journal Article
Bollinger, Lori A, John Stover, Godfrey Musuka, Boga Fidzani, Themba Moeti, and Lesego Busang. "The Cost and Impact of Male Circumcision on HIV/AIDS in Botswana." (2009) Journal of the International AIDS Society.
Journal Article
Carter, Marion W, Joan Marie Kraft, Todd Koppenhaver, Christine Galavotti, Thierry H Roels, Peter H Kilmarx, and Boga Fidzani. "“A bull cannot be contained in a single kraal”: concurrent sexual partnerships in Botswana." AIDS and Behavior 11, no. 6 (2007): 822-830.
Journal Article
Fidzani, Lily C, and Marilyn A Read. "Identity Expression and Bedroom Personalization by Urban Adolescents in Botswana." (2013) Journal of Adolescent Research.
Journal Article
Fidzani, Lily Clara, and Kesitegile SM Gobotswang. "Housing conditions of home-based care patients in Botswana and the implications for HIV care." African Journal of AIDS Research 11, no. 1 (2012): 45-56.
Journal Article
Mohamed, Ahmed Abade, Joseph Oundo, Samuel M Kariuki, Hamadi I Boga, Shanaz K Sharif, Willis Akhwale, Jared Omolo, Anyangu S Amwayi, David Mutonga, and David Kareko. "Molecular epidemiology of geographically dispersed Vibrio cholerae, Kenya, January 2009-May 2010." Emerging Infectious Diseases 18, no. 6 (2012): 925-31.
Working Paper
Malo, Zulema, Mayra Ortega J Vivanco, Dolores Rojas M Toledo, and Óscar Juanatey-Boga. "Microemprendimiento Turístico y Tejido Empresarial Bases para una modelización: El caso de Ecuador." (2016)
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