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Thesis or Dissertation
Stenson, Barbara-Anne. "Too many hats: exploring the possibilities for women's political empowerment within Cook Islands civil society." Master Thesis, Massey University, 2013.
Journal Article
Cook, Kristy, and Donna O Kerner. "Gender and food shortage in Tanzania." Feminist Issues 9, no. 1 (1989): 57-72.
Journal Article
Cook J, Linda. "Spontaneous Privatization’and its political consequences in Russia’s postcommunist health sector." (2014) The politics of non-state welfare.
Working Paper
Bensch, Gunther, Nicolas Jersch, Jochen Kluve, and Jonathan Stöterau. "Employment and income effects of improved cook stove and pico-solar interventions: An impact evaluation of the EnDev Kenya Programme." (2016) RWI Projektberichte.
Thesis or Dissertation
Worlaedem Abla Dzakuma, Dzinedzormi. "Invisibility of the eldery in HIV/AIDS: Policy and practice in Ghana." Masters, Institute of Social Studies, 2007.
Journal Article
Parikh, Jyoti, Kalpana Balakrishnan, Vijay Laxmi, and Haimanti Biswas. "Exposure from cooking with biofuels: pollution monitoring and analysis for rural Tamil Nadu, India." Energy 26, no. 10 (2001): 949-962.
Journal Article
Schoeman, S., M. Faber, V. Adams, C. Smuts, N. Ford-Ngomane, J. Laubscher, and M. Dhansay. "Adverse social, nutrition and health conditions in rural districts of KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape provinces, South Africa." South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 23, no. 3 (2010).
Journal Article
Cook, Ian, Marianne Alberts, and Estelle Lambert. "Compliance with physical activity guidelines in rural, black South Africans in the Limpopo Province: an energy expenditure approach." British Journal of Sports Medicine 45, no. 8 (2011): 619-625.
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Journal Article
Narsey L, Wadan. "Poverty in Fiji: Changes 2002-03 to 2008-09 and policy implications." (2012) James Cook University Research.
Journal Article
Narang, HP, DC Parashar, SC Bhattacharya, and Abdul P Salam. "A study of biomass as a source of energy in India." International Energy Journal 21, no. 1 (1999).
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Working Paper
Ramanathan, R, and L S Ganesh. "A multi-objective analysis of cooking-energy alternatives." Energy 19, no. 4 (1994): 469-478.
Journal Article
Egeru, Anthony, Eseza Kateregga, and Gilber Mwanjalolo J Majaliwa. "Coping with Firewood Scarcity in Soroti District of Eastern Uganda." Open Journal of Forestry 4, no. 1 (2014): 70-74.
Journal Article
Tabuti, J. S. R, S. S Dhillion, and K. A Lye. "Firewood use in Bulamogi County, Uganda: Species Selection, Harvesting and Consumption Patterns." Biomass and Bioenergy 25, no. 6 (2003): 581-596.
Journal Article
Tucho, Gudina Terefe, and Sanderine Nonhebel. "Bio-Wastes as an Alternative Household Cooking Energy Source in Ethiopia." Energies 8, no. 9 (2015): 9565-9583.
Journal Article
Kimiywe, Judith, Judith Waudo, Dorcus Mbithe, and Patrick Maundu. "Utilization and medicinal value of indigenous leafy vegetables consumed in urban and peri-urban Nairobi." (2007) Ajfand online.
Inglot, Tomasz, Dorottya Szikra, and Cristina Rat. Continuity and Change in Family Policies of the New European Democracies: A Comparison of Poland, Hungary and Romania. : National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, 2011.
Journal Article
Cockburn, Nicky, David Steven, Karin Lecuona, Francois Joubert, Graeme Rogers, Colin Cook, and Sarah Polack. "Prevalence, causes and socio-economic determinants of vision loss in Cape Town, South Africa." PloS One 7, no. 2 (2012).
Journal Article
Isara, Alphonsus Rukevwe, and Adesuwa Queen Aigbokhaode. "Household cooking fuel use among residents of a sub-urban community in Nigeria: implications for indoor air pollution." The Eurasian Journal of Medicine 46, no. 3 (2014): 203-208.
Journal Article
Macrae, SM, and BV Cook. "A retrospective study of the cancer patterns among hospital in-patients in Botswana 1960-72.." British journal of cancer 32, no. 1 (1975): 121.
Working Paper
Lambe, Fiona, Marie Jurisoo, Hannah Wanjiru, and Jacqueline Senyagwa. "Bringing clean, safe, affordable cooking energy to households across Africa: an agenda for action." (2015)
Working Paper
Heykoop, Cheryl, and Phillip Cook. "Child Participation in the Sierra Leone Truth & Reconciliation Commission: Considering the Broader Cultural Context." (2015) UNICEF Innocenti WP.
Journal Article
Kessaram, Tara, Jeanie McKenzie, Natalie Girin, Onofre Edwin A Merilles, Jessica Pullar, Adam Roth, Paul White, and Damian Hoy. "Overweight, obesity, physical activity and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in adolescents of Pacific islands: results from the Global School-Based Student Health Survey and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System." BMC obesity 2, no. 1 (2015).
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Conference Paper
Bazzurro, P, I Gomez, J Park, and D Duggan. "Probabilistic Seismic Risk Assessment for Pacific Island Countries." 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. 2012.
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