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Showing 3511-3540 of 8296
Journal Article
Visaria, Pravin.
Provisional population totals of the 1971 census: some questions and research issues
Economic and Political Weekly 6, no. 29 (1971): 1459-1465.
Brown, Richard PC, and Gareth Leeves.
Impacts of international migration and remittances on source country household incomes in small island states: Fiji and Tonga
Journal Article
Lin, Hebin, Jeffrey A Thornton, Thomas M Slawski, and Walter Rast.
Partnerships of Payments for Ecosystem Services on the Watershed Scale
Aquatic Science and Technology 1, no. 1 (2013): 119-142.
Conference Paper
Notodiputro, Khairil A, and Anang Kurnia.
Development of Small Area Estimation Research in Indonesia
2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (ICoMS-2007).
Malaysia, 2007.
Journal Article
Atmodiwirjo, Paramita.
The Use of Urban Public Places in Jakarta for Adolescents' Hanging Out
Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 7, no. 2 (2008): 339-346.
Journal Article
Banerjee, Abhijit, and Rohini Somanathan.
The political economy of public goods: Some evidence from India
Journal of development Economics 82, no. 2 (2007): 287-314.
Working Paper
Chernichovsky, Dov, and Oey A Meesook.
Regional Aspects of Family Planning and Fertility Behavior in Indonesia
World Bank Staff WP , no. 462 (1981).
Journal Article
Venkoda, A.
Mental health and ageing in India
Indian journal of psychiatry 23, no. 1 (1981): 11-20.
Journal Article
Sudhira, H S, T V Ramachandra, and K S Jagadish.
Urban sprawl: metrics, dynamics and modelling using GIS
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 5, no. 1 (2004): 29-39.
Working Paper
Indonesia, Insights.
Population Density, Migration, and the Returns to Human Capital and Land
Conference Paper
Dower, Paul, and Elizabeth Potamites.
Signaling Credit-Worthiness: Land Titles, Banking Practices and Access to Formal Credit in Indonesia
American Agricultural Economics Association 2005 Annual Meeting.
December 17, 2010.
Working Paper
Vothknecht, Marc, and Sudarno Sumarto.
Beyond the overall economic downturn: Evidence on sector-specific effects of violent conflict from Indonesia
Journal Article
Ramachandran, K, and S Ramnarayan.
Entrepreneurial orientation and networking: Some Indian evidence
Journal of Business Venturing 8, no. 6 (1993): 513-524.
Journal Article
Ray C, Subhash.
Did India's economic reforms improve efficiency and productivity? A nonparametric analysis of the initial evidence from manufacturing
Indian Economic Review XXXVIII, no. 1 (2002): 23-57.
Working Paper
Bost, L.
Levels and Trends of Contraceptive Use in Java and Bali: Data from Family Planning Service Statistics and Surveys
Journal Article
Chernichovsky, Dov, and Oey A Meesook.
Female Labor Force Participation in Indonesia.
Journal Article
Nair, PR Gopinathan.
Decline in birth rate in Kerala: a hypothesis about the inter-relationship between demographic variables, health services and education
Economic and Political Weekly 9, no. 6/8 (1974): 323-336.
Journal Article
Tuyen, Tran Quang.
Farmland and Peri-Urban Livelihoods in Hanoi, Vietnam: Evidence From Household Survey Data in Hanoi's Peri-Urban Areas
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 7, no. 7 (2013): 580-590.
Working Paper
Roubaud, François, Thai Pham Minh, Laure Pasquier-Doumer, Xavier Oudin, and D?t Vu Hoang.
Adjustment of the Vietnamese Labour Market in Time of Economic fluctuations and Structural Changes
(2014) Document de travail UMR DIAL.
Journal Article
Majumdar K, Sumit.
Fall and Rise of Productivity in Indian Industry: Has Economic Liberalisation Had an Impact?
Economic and political weekly 31, no. 48 (1996): 46-53.
Working Paper
Narayana R, M.
Policy and non-policy economic determinants of inter-regional migration of workers in a developing country: Some new evidence based on a polytomous logit model for India
Population Research and Policy Review 9, no. 3 (1990): 285-302.
Working Paper
Nath, V.
1991 Population Census: Some Facts and Policy Issues - II
(1991) Economic and Political Weekly.
Working Paper
Chernichovsky, Dov, and Oey A Meesook.
School Enrollment in Indonesia
World Bank Staff WP , no. 746 (1985).
Thesis or Dissertation
Asamoah K, Kennedy.
The contributions of international development partners to rural poverty reduction in Ghana: A case study of the international fund for agricultural development (ifad) and small-holder farming in the Sekyere-West District, Ashanti Region.
Masters of Arts, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mensah, Emmanuel, and Marilyne Huchet-Bourdon.
Infrastructure access and household welfare in rural ghana: the empirics of the nexus
Master of Science in Rural Development, Ghent University, 2011.
Working Paper
Saepudin, Didin, Dian Kusumaningrum, and Asep Saefuddin.
Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression (GWPR) for Analyzing The Malnutrition Data in Java-Indonesia
Journal Article
Deters, Bart K, and Zina Nimeh.
Diverse We Stand: Horizontal Inequality and Ethno-Communal Conflict in Indonesia
UNU-MERIT Working Paper Series , no. #2014-091 (2014).
Working Paper
Resosudarmo, Budy P, Chikako Yamauchi, and Tadjuddin Effendi.
Rural-Urban Migration in Indonesia: Survey Design and Implementation
Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper , no. DP630 (2009).
Thesis or Dissertation
Gaduh B, Arya.
Three essays on cooperation, social interactions, and religion
University of Southern California, 2013.
Working Paper
Kurnia, Anang, and Khairil A Notodiputro.
EB-EBLUP MSE estimator on small area estimation with application to BPS data
Showing 3511-3540 of 8296