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Showing 3361-3390 of 8296
Journal Article
Ahmed, S. S, M. A. H Rashid, and N. Chowdhury.
Comparative Profitability of Boro Rice and Potato Production in Some Selected Areas of Mymensingh District
Progressive Agriculture 20, no. 1-2 (2009): 253-258.
Working Paper
Abou-Ali, Hala, Hesham El-Azony, Heba El-Laithy, Jonathan Haughton, and Shahidur R Khandker.
Evaluating the impact of Egyptian Social Fund for Development programs
Thesis or Dissertation
Assefa, Meron.
Female-headed Households and Poverty in Urban Ethiopia
Master of Science in Economic Policy Analysis, Addis Ababa University, 2003.
Working Paper
Malek, Mohammad A, Amzad Hossain, Ratnajit Saha, and Franz W Gatzweiler.
Mapping Marginality Hotspots and Agricultural Potentials in Bangladesh
ZEF WP Series , no. 114 (2013).
Journal Article
Roy, Manoj.
Book Review: Urban Poverty in Bangladesh: Slum Communities, Migration and Social Integration
Urban Studies 51, no. 2 (2014): 453-457.
Journal Article
Hossain, Basharat.
Do the Slum Dwellers Enjoy the Basic Constitutional and Economic Rights as a Citizen in Bangladesh?
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 5, no. 22 (2014): 82-89.
Working Paper
Chaaban, Jad, and Wael Mansour.
The Impact of Remittances on Education in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon
(2012) Economic Research Forum.
Journal Article
Rabbani, Golam, and Solaiman Chowdhury.
Social Safety Net for Employment Generation and Capacity Development: Current State and Policy Dynamics
Global Journal of Management And Business Research 14, no. 5 (2014).
Working Paper
Zewdu, Fitsum.
Socioeconomic Factors Of Early Childhood Mortality In Ethiopia: Evidence From Demographic And Health Survey
Thesis or Dissertation
Participatory Development Communication and People’s Happiness in a Bhutanese Community
Masters of Communication Arts, The Graduate School of Bangkok University, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wakjira, Lemma Asfaw.
Household Solid Waste Generation Rate and Composition Analysis in two Selected Kebeles of Adama Town
Master of Science in Environmental Science, Addis Ababa University, 2007.
Working Paper
Hare, Paul, and Alexander Naumov.
A Study of Changing Income Distribution in Kazakhstan Using a New Social Accounting Matrix and Household Survey Data
Thesis or Dissertation
Naumov, Alexander.
An analysis of Kazakhstan and its energy sector using SAM and CGE modeling
Doctor of Philosophy , Heriot-Watt University, 2009.
Journal Article
Ngware, Moses W, Eldah N Onsomu, David I Muthaka, and Damiano K Manda.
Improving access to secondary education in Kenya: what can be done?
Equal Opportunities International 25, no. 7 (2006): 523-543.
Journal Article
Adeladza T, Amegah.
The influence of socio-economic and nutritional characteristics on child growth in Kwale District of Kenya.
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 9, no. 7 (2009).
Conference Paper
Kirimi, Lilian, and Kirimi Sindi.
A Duration Analysis of Poverty Transitions in Rural Kenya
American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA July 23-26, 2006.
Working Paper
Ondieki-Mwaura, FN, LM Njoroge, and JJ Okello.
Are there significant welfare outcomes for farmers who participate in global commodity chains? The case of export horticultural farmers in Kirinyaga region of Kenya
Working Paper
Bigsten, Arne, Damiano Kulundu Manda, Germano Mwabu, and Anthony Wambugu.
Incomes, inequality, and poverty in Kenya
WIDER Working Paper 2014, no. 126 (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Siddiquee S, Muhammad Hossain.
Exploring Impact on Landholdings, Health and Income of the Ultra Poor in Bangladesh.Evidence from CFPR-TUP Program
Master thesis, 2011.
Working Paper
Bruhns, Ramona.
The Long-run Effects of hiv/aids in Kenya
Journal Article
Toda, Mitsuru, Antony Opwora, Evelyn Waweru, Abdisalan Noor, Tansy Edwards, Greg Fegan, Catherine Molyneux, and Catherine Goodman.
Analyzing the equity of public primary care provision in Kenya: variation in facility characteristics by local poverty level
International Journal for Equity in Health 11, no. 1 (2012): 75.
Working Paper
Brossmann, Michael.
Off-grid Rural Electrification and Fighting Poverty. A Comparative Impact Assessment of Solar Home Systems and Small Solar Home Systems in Rural Bangladesh
(2013) Global Studies WP 19/2013.
Osório, Rafael Guerreiro.
The recent impact of government transfers on poverty in Honduras and alternatives to enhance their effects
Thesis or Dissertation
Rahman S, Muhammad.
The Role of Agricultural Credit in Rice Production and Food Security in Some Selected Areas of Gazipur District
Master thesis, Bangladesh Agricultural University, 2013.
Working Paper
Cuesta, Jose, Hugo Ñopo, and Georgina Pizzolitto.
Using pseudo-panels to measure income mobility in Latin America
Working Paper
Fiszbein, Ariel, Ravi Kanbur, and Ruslan Yemtsov.
Social Protection, Poverty and the Post-2015 Agenda
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 6469 (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Hossain I, Mohammad.
Public Expenditure Effectiveness, Economic Growth, and Poverty in Bangladesh: An Assessment of the Impact of Government Spending and Intervention on Poor Citizens
Master thesis, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, 2013.
Journal Article
Cordero, Jose Antonio.
Honduras: Recent economic performance
(2009) Center for Economic and Policy Research.
Journal Article
Fotso, Jean-Christophe, Alex Chika Ezeh, Nyovani Janet Madise, and James Ciera.
United Nations expert group meeting on population distribution, urbanization, internal migration and development
(2007) BMC Public Health.
Gindling, TH, and Juan Diego Trejos.
Handbook of Central American Governance
Showing 3361-3390 of 8296