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Showing 2911-2940 of 8296
Working Paper
Bhorat, Haroon, and Morné Oosthuizen.
The post-Apartheid South African labour market
DPRU Working Paper , no. 05/93 (2005).
Journal Article
Schlemmer, Lawrence, and Valerie Møller.
The shape of South African society and its challenges.
Social indicators research 41, no. 1-3 (1997): 15-50.
Conference Paper
Udjo, Eric, Mark Orkin, and Sandile Similane.
Levels of social indicators in South Africa in relation to international goals of development
Forum 2000 Seminar on Statistics for Social Progress, Geneva, Switzerland.
Journal Article
Daniels, Reza.
The impact of income transfers on poverty levels in the subsistence fisheries sector
(2001) Trade and industry monitor .
Ntuli, Antoinette.
South African Health Review 1998
Durban, South Africa: Health Systems Trust, 1998.
Journal Article
Daniels, Reza.
Financial intermediation, regulation and the formal microcredit sector in South Africa
Development Southern Africa 21, no. 5 (2004): 831-849.
Journal Article
Christopher J, Anthony.
First steps in the desegregation of South African towns and cities, 1991-6
Development Southern Africa 18, no. 4 (2001): 457-469.
Working Paper
Wittenberg, Martin.
Nonparametric estimation when income is reported in bands and at points
Economic Research Southern Africa. (ERSA Working Paper) , no. 94 (2008).
Working Paper
Hattingh, Damian, James Hodge, and Sandrine Rospabe.
The impact of privatisation and regulatory reform on wage premia in state-owned enterprises in South Africa
DPRU Working Paper , no. 03/78 (2003).
Conference Paper
Cornwell, Katy, and Brett Inder.
Migration and unemployment in South Africa: When motivation surpasses the theory
Growth, poverty reduction and human development in Africa, 21st to 22nd March, 2004, St Catherine’s College, Oxford.
Oxford, United Kingdom, March 22, 2004.
Sekwati, Welcome M, Ros Hirschowitz, and Statistics South Africa.
The youth of South Africa: Selected findings from Census ’96
Pretoria, South Africa: Statistics South Africa, 2001.
Working Paper
Leibbrandt, Murray, James Levinsohn, and Justin McCrary.
Incomes in South Africa since the fall of Apartheid
NBER Working Paper , no. 11384 (2005).
Journal Article
Piazza-Georgi, B.
Human and social capital in Soweto in 1999: Report on a field study
Development Southern Africa 19, no. 5 (2002): 615-639.
Journal Article
Moller, Valerie, and Richard Devey.
Trends in living conditions and satisfaction among poorer older South Africans: Objective and subjective indicators of quality of life in the October Household Survey
Development Southern Africa 20, no. 4 (2003): 457-476.
Kraak, Andre, and Karen Press.
Human resources development review 2008: Education, employment and skills in South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2003.
Journal Article
Ngwane, Alfred K, Venkata S S Yadavalli, and Francois E Steffens.
Poverty in South Africa: statistical inference for decomposable poverty measures
Development Southern Africa 20, no. 2 (2003): 283-291.
Journal Article
Phillips, Heston E, Barbara A Anderson, and N P Tsebe.
Sex ratios in South African census data, 1970-96
Development Southern Africa 20, no. 3 (2003): 387-404.
Working Paper
Oosthuizen, Morne.
Expected Labour Demand in South Africa, 1998-2003
Working Papers , no. 81 (2003).
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, and Daniela Casale.
What has been happening to internal labour migration in South Africa, 1993-1999?
South African Journal of Economics 71, no. 3 (2003): 455-479.
Working Paper
Pirouz, Farah.
Have labour market outcomes affected household structure in South Africa? A descriptive analysis of households.
DPRU Working Paper , no. 05/100 (2005).
Journal Article
Serumaga-Zake, Philip A E, and Willem Naude.
Labour market discrimination in the North West province of South Africa
Development Southern Africa 18, no. 5 (2001): 671-682.
Journal Article
Piombo, Jessica.
Political parties, social demographics and the decline of ethnic mobilization in South Africa, 1994-99
Party Politics 11, no. 4 (2005): 447-470.
Sidiropoulos, Elizabeth, Anthea Jeffrey, Herma Forgey, Cheryl Chipps, Terence Corrigan, Thabo Mophuthing, and Andrea Helman.
South Africa survey 1997/98
johannesburg: South African Institute of Race Relations, 1998.
Working Paper
Lam, David, Murray V Leibbrandt, and Vimal Ranchhod.
Labour force withdrawal of the elderly in South Africa
CSSR Working Paper 118 , no. 118 (2005).
Working Paper
Bhorat, Haroon, and Ravi Kanbur.
Poverty and well-being in post-Apartheid South Africa: An overview of data, outcomes and policy
DPRU Working Paper 05/101 , no. 05/101 (2005).
Journal Article
Budlender, Debbie.
Women, gender and policy-making in the South African context.
Development Southern Africa 14, no. 4 (1997): 513-529.
Working Paper
Nattrass, Nicoli.
Trading-off income and health: AIDS and the disability grant in South Africa
CSSR Working Paper , no. 082 (2004).
Working Paper
Dieden, Sten.
Ahoy the Good Hope? Some bearings and signals in seldom-navigated waters - on inequality in South Africa’s coloured and african population.
CSSR Working Paper , no. 107 (2005).
Journal Article
Orkin M, F.
Earning and spending in South Africa
(1997) Central Statistical Service.
Journal Article
Crankshaw, Owen.
Race, space and the post-Fordist spatial order of Johannesburg
Urban Studies 45, no. 8 (2008): 1692-1711.
Showing 2911-2940 of 8296