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Showing 1981-2010 of 8296
Working Paper
Chirwa W, Ephraim.
Farmer organisations and profitability in smallholder tobacco in Malawi
Working Paper
Conforti, Piero, Emanuele Ferrari, and Alexander Sarris.
Impacts and policy responses to a commodity price boom: The case of Malawi
Thesis or Dissertation
Renshaw-Calisse D, Michaela.
Tackling millennium goal 3: Promoting gender equality, women’s empowerment and health by reducing the gender disparity at secondary and trade school level in a rural area of Malawi
Master of Public Health thesis, University of Malawi, 2007.
Working Paper
Baird, Sarah, Craig McIntosh, and Berk Özler.
Designing cost-effective cash transfer programs to boost schooling among young women in Sub-Saharan Africa
Thesis or Dissertation
Hou, Zhenchun.
Theoretical and empirical analysis of child labor: evidence from Kosovo and Iraq
McGill University, 2005.
Working Paper
Francavilla, F, and S Lyon.
Household chores and child health: preliminary evidence from six countries
(2003) Florence: Innocenti Research Centre.
Working Paper
Cogneau, Denis.
Colonisation, school and development in Africa: An empirical analysis
Working Paper
Vullnetari, Julie Vullnetari.
Albanian migration and development: State of the art review
(2007) IMISCOE Working Paper No. 18.
Working Paper
Carletto, Gero, Katia Covarrubias, Benjamin Davis, Marika Krausova, and Paul Winters.
Rural income generating activities study: Methodological note on the construction of income aggregates
(2007) Agricultural Sector in Economic Development Service, Food and Agriculture Organization.
Journal Article
Howe, Laura D, James R Hargreaves, Sabine Gabrysch, and Sharon R Huttly.
Is the wealth index a proxy for consumption expenditure? A systematic review
(2009) Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
Journal Article
Doak, C M, Adair, M Bentley, C Monteiro, and B M Popkin.
The dual burden household and the nutrition transition paradox
International Journal of Obesity 29, no. 1 (2004): 129-136.
Journal Article
Namazie, Ceema, and Peter Sanfey.
Happiness and transition: the case of Kyrgyzstan
Review of Development Economics 5, no. 3 (2001): 392-405.
Benjamin, Dwayne, Loren Brandt, Paul William Glewwe, and Li Guo.
Markets, human capital, and inequality: evidence from Rural China
Journal Article
Xiang, Yi.
Rural-Urban migration and education in China: a case study
(2008) Duke East Asia Nexus.
Working Paper
Cox, Donald, Emanuela Galasso, and Emmauel Jimenez.
Private transfers in a cross section of developing countries
(2006) Center for Retirement Research Working Paper No. 2006-2.
Working Paper
Birdsall, Nancy.
The (indispensable) middle class in developing countries; Or, the rich and the rest, not the poor and the rest
(2010) Center for Global Development Working Paper No. 207.
Journal Article
Zezza, Alberto, and Luca Tasciotti.
Urban agriculture, poverty, and food security: Empirical evidence from a sample of developing countries
Food Policy 35, no. 4 (2010): 265-273.
Working Paper
Grace, Jeremy, Charles Kenny, Christine Z Qiang, Jia Liu, and Taylor Reynolds.
Information and communication technologies and broad-based development: A partial review of the evidence
(2004) World Bank Working Paper No. 12.
Working Paper
Bayliss, Kate.
Post-conflict privatisation: A review of developments in Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina
(2005) Economic and Statistics Analysis Unit, Overseas Development Institute, Working Paper No. 12.
Journal Article
Nguyen, Ngoc.
An assessment of the Young Lives sampling approach in Vietnam
(2008) Open Access publications from University of Oxford.
Journal Article
Smith, Adrian.
Employment restructuring and household survival in 'postcommunist transition': Rethinking economic practices in Eastern Europe
Environment and Planning A 32, no. 10 (2000): 1759-1780.
Working Paper
Schady, Norbert, and Maria C Araujo.
Cash Transfers, Conditions, School Enrollment, and Child Work: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Ecuador
(2006) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3930.
Journal Article
Lanjouw, Jean O, and Philip Levy.
A difficult question in deed: A cost-benefit framework for titling programs
William and Mary Law Review 45, no. 3 (2004): 889-951.
Journal Article
Lancaster, Geoffrey, Pushkar Maitra, and Ranjan Ray.
Household expenditure patterns and gender bias: Evidence from selected Indian states
Oxford Development Studies 36, no. 2 (2008): 133-157.
Working Paper
Seekings, Jeremy.
Poverty and inequality after Apartheid
(2007) Centre for Social Science Research Working Paper No. 200.
Working Paper
Beegle, Kathleen, Joachim De Weerdt, and Stefan Dercon.
Adult mortality and consumption growth in the age of HIV/AIDS
(2007) Centre for the Study of African Economies Working Paper No. 261.
Conference Paper
Nyarko, Yaw, Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong, and Klaus Peter-Hellwig.
Review of African household survey data on social safety-nets and the role of education, remittances and migration
European Report on Development Conference on .
Dakar, Senegal, June 28-30, 2010.
Journal Article
Ainsworth, Martha, and Julia Dayton.
The impact of the AIDS epidemic on the health of older persons in Northwestern Tanzania
World Development 31, no. 1 (2003): 131-148.
Working Paper
Dimova, Ralitza, Gil S Epstein, and Ira N Gang.
Migration, remittances, and child labor
Working Paper
Adebusoye M, Paulina.
Geographic labour mobility in Sub-Saharan Africa
(2006) International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Working Paper on Globalization, Growth and Poverty No. 1.
Showing 1981-2010 of 8296