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Journal Article
Austin, Anne, Hanna Gulema, Maria Belizan, Daniela S Colaci, Tamil Kendall, Mahlet Tebeka, Mengistu Hailemariam, Delayehu Bekele, Lia Tadesse, and Yemane Berhane. "Barriers to providing quality emergency obstetric care in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Healthcare providers’ perspectives on training, referrals and supervision, a mixed methods study." BMC pregnancy and childbirth 15, no. 1 (2015): 74.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kligman, Gail, Robert Hummer, and Ruth McRoy. "The effects of child welfare reform on levels of child abandonment and deinstitutionalization in Romania, 1987-2000." Doctor of Philosophy , University of Texas at Austin, 2003.
Journal Article
Higiro, Jean-Marie Vianney. "Rwandan private print media on the eve of the genocide." (2007) IDRC Archive.
Journal Article
Maguire, JAR Miles, FN Macnamara, PJ Wilkinson, FJ Austin, and JU Mataika. "Mosquito-borne infections in Fiji V. The 1971-73 dengue epidemic." Journal of Hygiene 73, no. 02 (1974): 263-270.
Journal Article
Jackson, Elizabeth F, Ayesha Siddiqui, Hialy Gutierrez, Almamy M Kante, Judy Austin, and James F Phillips. "Estimation of indices of health service readiness with a principal component analysis of the Tanzania Service Provision Assessment Survey." BMC health services research 15, no. 1 (2015).
Thesis or Dissertation
Vásquez R, Tania. "The Institutional Process of an Education Decentralization Policy: The Case of the Rural Networks of Schools in Peru in 2002." Master Thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Read K, Laura. "Addressing water availability and climate change issues in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru through technical analysis and community building strategies." Master Thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, 2010.
Journal Article
Nkwengulila, Gamba, Austin HN Mtethiwa, and Jared Bakuza. "Prevalence and Intensity of Schistosomiasis in Communities around Water Reservoirs in Malawi." Journal of Tropical Diseases 4, no. 1 (2015).
Thesis or Dissertation
Gevrek, Deniz. "Incentives in education and marriage." PhD thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 2008.
Olson, James Stuart. An ethnohistorical dictionary of China. : Greenwood Publishing Group, 1998.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rendall, Michelle Teresita. "The evolution of women's choices in the macroeconomy." PhD thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 2008.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wildsmith, Elizabeth Maxfield. "Female headship: Testing theories of linear assimilation, segmented assimilation, and familism among Mexican origin women." University of Texas at Austin, 2000.
Journal Article
Otegbulu C, Austin. "Governance and management of urban infrastructure services in Lagos Nigeria." Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research 5, no. 1 (2013): 8-21.
Journal Article
Ajayi, OJ, ES Yisa, Y Muhammed, MU Austin, S Jibrin, and JH Tsado. "Effect of extension contact on maize production in Kachia local government area of Kaduna state, Nigeria." Asian Journal of Science and Technology 5, no. 7 (2014): 405-411.
Journal Article
Ismayilova, Leyla, Eleni Gaveras, Austin Blum, Alexice Tô-Camier, and Rachel Nanema. "Maltreatment and mental health outcomes among ultra-poor children in Burkina Faso: a latent class analysis." PLoS one 11, no. 10 (2016).
Journal Article
Wirth, Kathleen E, Denis Agniel, Christopher D Barr, Matthew D Austin, and Victor DeGruttola. "A composite likelihood approach for estimating HIV prevalence in the presence of spatial variation." Statistics in medicine 34, no. 28 (2015): 3750-3759.
Working Paper
Muchimuti, Mukhaye, and Austin Hart. "Access to Water Improves Boys’ Education, not Girls’: Evidence from Tanzania and Uganda." (2015)
Thesis or Dissertation
Gamboa, Lucía. "Telecommunications in Mexico since the 2013 reform: Federal Telecommunications Institute delivers, competition issues remain." Degree of Master, The University of Texas at Austin, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Shin, Heeju. "Female-Headed Households, Living Arrangements, and Poverty in Mexico." Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Texas at Austin, 2008.
Working Paper
Wright, Austin L, and Patrick Signoret. "Climate Shocks, Price Dynamics, And Human Conflict." (2016)
Journal Article
Cetorelli, Valeria. "The Effect on Fertility of the 2003-2011 War in Iraq." Population and development review 40, no. 4 (2014): 581-604.
Journal Article
Wang, Haidong, Tim M Wolock, Austin Carter, Grant Nguyen, Hmwe Hmwe Kyu, Emmanuela Gakidou, Simon I Hay, Edward J Mills, Adam Trickey, and William Msemburi. "Estimates of global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980-2015: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015.." The lancet. HIV 3, no. 8 (2016): e361-e387.
Journal Article
Ntenda, Peter Austin Morton, Kun-Yang Chuang, Fentanesh Nibret Tiruneh, and Ying-Chih Chuang. "Analysis of the effects of individual and community level factors on childhood immunization in Malawi." Vaccine 35, no. 15 (2017): 1907-1917.
Journal Article
Ntenda, Peter Austin Morton, Kun-Yang Chuang, Fentanesh Nibret Tiruneh, and Ying-Chih Chuang. "Multilevel Analysis of the Effects of Individual-and Community-Level Factors on Childhood Anemia, Severe Anemia, and Hemoglobin Concentration in Malawi." (2017) Journal of Tropical Pediatrics.
Working Paper
Austin, Kate, Michelle Duren, Ben Emmel, Diana Rosales, and Alex Straka. "“Shake-shake it off”: implementing SBIRT in Mwembeshi and Central Province, Zambia." (2014)
Journal Article
Alam, AY, F Rashid, H Shahzad, and SM Abbas. "Integrating Evidence Seeking with Rural Community Health Clerkship and Primary Care: SPICE Model." Austin Journal of Nursing & Health Care 3, no. 1 (2016): 1027.
Journal Article
Namuyinga, Ruth J, Dyson Mwandama, Dubulao Moyo, Austin Gumbo, Peter Troell, Miwako Kobayashi, Monica Shah, Andrew Bauleni, Jodi Vanden Eng, and Alexander K Rowe. "Health worker adherence to malaria treatment guidelines at outpatient health facilities in southern Malawi following implementation of universal access to diagnostic testing." Malaria journal 16, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Austin, Anne. "Unmet contraceptive need among married Nigerian women: an examination of trends and drivers." Contraception 91, no. 1 (2015): 31-38.
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