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Showing 1081-1110 of 2303
Journal Article
Devkota, Surendra.
Socio-economic development in Nepal
South Asia Economic Journal 8, no. 2 (2007): 285-3.
Journal Article
Pyakuryal, Bishwambher.
Poverty alleviation efforts and food security in Nepal (Programmes: Impact on Poverty and Nutrition)
(2005) Nutrition security in South Asia.
Journal Article
Lopriore, C, M C Dop, A Solal-Celigny, and G Lagnado.
Excluding infants under 6 months of age from surveys: impact on prevalence of pre-school undernutrition
Public health nutrition 10, no. 01 (2007): 79-87.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sawant V, Kshama.
Elderly labor supply in a rural, less developed economy: an empirical study
PhD thesis, North CArolina State University, 2009.
Journal Article
Murray, Christoper J, Thomas Laakso, Kenji Shibuya, Kenneth Hill, and Alan D Lopez.
Can we achieve Millennium Development Goal 4? New analysis of country trends and forecasts of under-5 mortality to 2015
(2007) The Lancet.
Journal Article
Mason, J B, M Deitchler, A Gilman, K Gillenwater, M Shuaib, D Hotchkiss, K Mason, N Mock, and K Sethuraman.
Iodine fortification is related to increased weight-for-age and birthweight in children in Asia
Food and Nutrition Bulletin 23, no. 3 (2002): 292.
Rokx, Claudia, Rae Galloway, and Lynn Brown.
Prospects for improving nutrition in eastern Europe and central Asia
: World Bank Publications, 2002.
Journal Article
Rosa, Ghislaine, and Thomas Clasen.
Estimating the scope of household water treatment in low-and medium-income countries
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 82, no. 2 (2010): 289.
Kwon, S, Q.Y. Meng, and V Tangcharoensathien.
User fee in Asia: rationales, impacts and policy options
Journal Article
Whitsel M, Christopher.
Compulsory policy change and divergence in educational attainment in four former Soviet Republics of Central Asia
European Education 43, no. 1 (2011): 56-75.
Book Section
Schaaf, Marta.
Poverty and social exclusion in the WHO European Region: health systems respond
(2010) Roma Health.
Godinho, Joanna.
HIV/Aids in the western Balkans: priorities for early prevention in a high-risk environment
: World Bank Publications, 2005.
Conference Paper
McGuire W, James.
Democracy and public health in Thailand
Congress of the American Political Science Association.
Boston, MA, 2008.
Mapping the global Muslim population: a report on the size and distribution of the world's Muslim population
: Pew Research Center, 2009.
Working Paper
Clifford, David.
Trends in first union formation in post-Soviet Central Asia
Journal Article
Scrimshaw, Nevin.
Frequency, cause, and significance of iron deficiency for the children of Central Asia
Journal Article
Moreno, Lorenzo, and Noreen Goldman.
Contraceptive failure rates in developing countries: Evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys
International Family Planning Perspectives 17, no. 2 (1991): 44-49.
Journal Article
Reynolds, Heidi W, Emelita L Wong, and Heidi Tucker.
Adolescents' use of maternal and child health services in developing countries
International Family Planning Perspectives 32, no. 1 (2006): 6-16.
Journal Article
Bairagi, R, S Becker, A Kantner, K B Allen, A Datta, and K Purvis.
An evaluation of the 1993-94 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey within the Matlab area
Asia-Pacific population research abstracts East-West Center, Program on Population , no. 11 (1997).
Journal Article
Bairagi, R, and A K Datta.
Demographic transition in Bangladesh: what happened in the twentieth century and what will happen next?
Asia-Pacific Population Journal 16, no. 4 (2001): 3-16.
Journal Article
Hussain, Rafat, and Alan Bittles.
Assessment of association between consanguinity and fertility in Asian populations
Journal of health, population, and nutrition 22, no. 1 (2004): 1.
Journal Article
Holman, Darryl, and Michael Grimes.
Colostrum feeding behaviour and initiation of breast-feeding in rural Bangladesh
Journal of biosocial science 33, no. 1 (2001): 139-154.
Journal Article
Dev, S. Mahendra, K.S. James, and Binayak Sen.
Causes of fertility decline in India and Bangladesh: role of community
(2002) Economic and Political Weekly.
Journal Article
Obermeyer, Ziad, Julie K Rajaratnam, Chang H Park, Emmanuela Gakidou, Margaret C Hogan, Alan D Lopez, and Christopher J Murray.
Measuring adult mortality using sibling survival: a new analytical method and new results for 44 countries, 1974-2006
PLoS Medicine 7, no. 4 (2010): e1000.
Journal Article
Hussain, Mahmud, and John F Smith.
Women's physical mobility in rural Bangladesh: The role of socio-economic and community factors
Contemporary South Asia 8, no. 2 (1999): 177-186.
Journal Article
Dancer, Diane, Anu Rammohan, and Murray D Smith.
Infant mortality and child nutrition in Bangladesh
Health Economics 17, no. 9 (2008): 1015-1035.
Journal Article
Rudan, Igor, Cynthia Boschi-Pinto, Zrinka Biloglav, Kim Mulholland, and Harry Campbell.
Epidemiology and etiology of childhood pneumonia
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 86, no. 5 (2008): 408-416B.
Journal Article
Leone, Tiziana, Sabu S Padmadas, and Zoe Matthews.
Community factors affecting rising caesarean section rates in developing countries: An analysis of six countries
Social Science & Medicine 67, no. 8 (2008): 1236-1246.
Journal Article
Morris, Saul S, Robert E Black, and Lana Tomaskovic.
Predicting the distribution of under-five deaths by cause in countries without adequate vital registration systems
International Journal of Epidemiology 32, no. 6 (2003): 1041.
Journal Article
Quaiyum, Abdul, Rukhsana Gazi, Azharul I Khan, Jasim Uddin, Meghla Islam, Faiz Ahmed, and Nirod C Saha.
Programmatic aspects of dropouts in child vaccination in Bangladesh: findings from a prospective study
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 23, no. 2 (2011): 141.
Showing 1081-1110 of 2303