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Showing 1-30 of 188
Journal Article
Kruger, Elizabeth A, and Anneli Douglas.
Constraints to consumption of South Africa's national parks among the emerging domestic tourism market
Development Southern Africa 32, no. 3 (2015): 303-319.
Goce-Dalika, and F Dalika.
Modeling the Impact of Overseas Filipino Workers Remittances on the Philippine Economy: An Inter. Regional and Economy-Wide Approach
Journal Article
Rahji, MAY, TE Aiyelari, OO Ilemobayo, and MO Nasiru.
An Analysis of the Agricultural Entrepreneurship of Broiler Farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria.
Agrosearch 11, no. 1 (2011): 83-98.
Book Section
Kährik, Anneli, and Jüri Kõre.
Social Housing in Transition Countries
(2012) Estonia: Residualization of Social Housing and the New Programs.
Journal Article
Ahas, Rein, Jüri Roosaare, Anneli Uusküla, and Siiri Silm.
Seasonal variability of human reproduction in Estonia
(2008) Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis.
Working Paper
Tammaru, Tiit, Maarten Van Ham, Kadri Leetmaa, Anneli Kährik , and Kristiina Kamenik.
Ethnic Dimensions of Suburbanisation in Estonia
IZA Discussion Paper , no. 5617 (2013).
Journal Article
Altmets, Katre, Allan Puur, Anneli Uusküla, Astrid Saava, Luule Sakkeus, and Kalev Katus.
Self-reported activity limitations among the population aged 20-79 in Estonia: a cross-sectional study
The European Journal of Public Health 21, no. 1 (2011): 49-55.
Journal Article
Uuskula, Anneli, Louise A McNutt, and Jack Dehovitz.
Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Estonia: Consistency With the Evidence-Based Medicine Principles
Sexually transmitted diseases 31, no. 10 (2004): 631-635.
Conference Paper
Duraisamy, Dr. Malathy, and Rajesh Raj S N.
Size, Structure and Factor Productivities in the Unorganized Manufacturing Sector in India, 1984/5-1994/5
PhD-Student Conference on “Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Growth” at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).
Stockholm, Sweden, November, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Awal, Abdul.
An Economic Analysis of Potato and Carrot Production in Selected Areas of Mymensingh District
Master thesis, Bangladesh Agricultural University, 2013.
Working Paper
Massey, Douglas, Jorge Durand, Fernando Riosmena, and Maria Gertrudis Roa.
Capitales relativos a la migracion y su relacioncon la experiencia migratoria internacional en Colombia
Thesis or Dissertation
Mitu, Sharlin Jahan.
Solani Poultry Production in Selected Areas of Gazipur District: An Economic Study
Master of Science, Bangladesh Agricultural Universit, 2013.
Journal Article
McCauley, Douglas J, Eleanor A Power, Douglas W Bird, Alex McInturff, Robert B Dunbar, William H Durham, Fiorenza Micheli, and Hillary S Young.
Conservation at the edges of the world
(2013) Biological conservation.
Conference Paper
Onoja, Anthony O, MK Ibrahim, and AI Achike.
Econometric analysis of credit and farm resource technical efficiencies’ determinants in Cassava farms in Kogi State, Nigeria: a diagnostic and stochastic frontier aproach
14 th Annual Conference of the African Econometric Society based in South Africa, Abuja.
Journal Article
Adinya, S Afu, and J Ijoma.
Economic meltdown and decline in pineapple production: Determinants of production inefficiency of Pineapple-Based Alley Cropping Practices in Cross River State, Nigeria
The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 20, no. 2 (2010): 107-116.
Journal Article
Adinya, IB, EE Enun, and JU Ijoma.
Exploring profitability pontentials in groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea) production through agroforestry practices: a case study in Nigeria.
The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences 20, no. 2 (2010): 123-131.
Journal Article
Ojo, MA, AO Ojo, AJ Jirgi, and OJ Ajayi.
Non-Parametric Analysis of Production Efficiency of Poultry Egg Farmers in Delta State, Nigeria
British Journal of Poultry Sciences 1, no. 2 (2012): 18-24.
Journal Article
Maniriho, Aristide, and Alfred Bizoza.
Analysis of Allocative Efficiency among Small Scale Farmers in Musanze District, Northern Rwanda
European Journal of Academic Essays 2, no. 2 (2015): 57-64.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chong Rios, Alexci Igor, and Tessy Gabriela Tapullima Torres.
Evaluación econométrica de la función de producción Cobb Douglas aplicado al sector agropecuario en Loreto periodo 1992 - 2013
economista, Universidad Nacional De La Amazonía Peruana, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Huy, Huynh Truong.
Economic Perspectives of Internal Migration in Vietnam: A focus on the Mekong River Delta Region
Doctor in Applied Economics, Universiteit Antwerpen, 2012.
Journal Article
Chongela, Joel.
Economic analysis of outgrowers’ sugarcane and paddy production scheme at ruembe sugarcane basin in Kilosa District, Morogoro, Tanzania
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 5, no. 2 (2015): 108-116.
Journal Article
Kayamba, Violet, Douglas C Heimburger, Douglas R Morgan, Masharip Atadzhanov, and Paul Kelly.
Exposure to biomass smoke as a risk factor for oesophageal and gastric cancer in low-income populations: A systematic review
Malawi Medical Journal 29, no. 2 (2017): 212-217.
Working Paper
Foster, Mick, and Douglas Zormelo.
How, When and Why does Poverty get Budget Priority Poverty Reduction Strategy and Public Expenditure in Ghana
Overseas Development Institute Working Paper , no. 164 (2002).
Journal Article
Divino, José Ângelo, Milene Takasago, Vladimir K Teles, and Aquiles Rocha de Farias.
The Brazilian tourism production function
Ewbank, Douglas C, and James N Gribble.
Effects of health programs on child mortality in sub-Saharan Africa
Washington DC, USA: National Academies Press, 1993.
Journal Article
Singiza, Douglas K, and Jaap De Visser.
Chewing more than One Can Swallow: The Creation of New Districts in Uganda
Law, Democracy & Development 15, no. 1 (2011).
Working Paper
Gollin, Douglas, and Richard Rogerson.
Agriculture, Roads, and Economic Development in Uganda
Book Section
Klapper, Leora, and Douglas Randall.
Trade Finance during the Great Trade Collapse
(2011) Financial crisis and supply-chain financing .
Journal Article
Webster, Douglas R, Jianming Cai, Larissa Muller, and Binyi Luo.
Peri-urbanization in Chengdu, Western China: From “third line” to market dynamics
(2004) Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University.
Sullivan, Caroline, Charles J Vorosmarty, Eric Craswell, Stuart Bunn, Sarah Cline, Claudia Heidecke, Adam Storeygard, Alex Proussevitch, Ellen Douglas, Deborah Bossio, and others.
Mapping the links between water, poverty and food security.
Showing 1-30 of 188