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Showing 31-60 of 331
Bauze, Anna, Chris Morgan, and Russel Kitau.
Papua New Guinea: developing an investment case for financing equitable progress towards MDGs 4 and 5 in the Asia Pacific region: phase 1: mapping report
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea: University of Papua New Guinea and Burnet Institute, 2009.
Working Paper
Athanassova, Anna.
Fighting Poverty in Bulgaria Demands Strategic Thinking and Planning
Participatory Learning and Action , no. 51 (2005).
Heltberg, Rasmus, Naomi Hossain , and Anna Reva.
Living Through Crises: How the Food, Fuel, and Financial Shocks Affect the Poor
Washington, DC, USA: World Bank Publications, 2012.
Working Paper
Fruttero, Anna, and Varun Gauri.
What to Expect from Development NGOs: Location Decisions and Impact in Rural Bangladesh
Working Paper
Matz, Julia Anna, Matthias Kalkuhl, and Getachew Ahmed Abegaz.
The Short-term Impact of Price Shocks on Food Security-Evidence from Urban and Rural Ethiopia
Reimondos, Anna, Iwu D Utomo, Peter McDonald, Terence Hull, Heru Suparno, and Ariane Utomo.
Smoking and Young Adults in Indonesia
Working Paper
Asaduzzaman, M., A. Enamul K Haque, K. Nabiul M Islam, Qamar M Munir, Stephen Roddick, Erin Roberts, and Anna Hasemann.
Assessing the Risk of Loss and Damage Associated with the Adverse Effects of Climate Change in Bangladesh
Working Paper
Matz, Julia Anna, Gaia Narciso, and Carol Newman.
Changing social norms: Land titling and child labour in rural Vietnam
Journal Article
Brinkerhoff, Derick W, and Anna Wetterberg.
Performance-based Public Management Reforms: Experience and Emerging Lessons from Service Delivery Improvement in Indonesia
International Review of Administrative Sciences 79, no. 3 (2013): 433-457.
Macias, Anna.
Contra Viento Y Marea/Against Winds and Tides: El Movimiento Feminista En Mexico Hasta 1940
: CIESAS, 2002.
Thesis or Dissertation
Schischke, Anna.
Cross-sectional study of the prevalence of Babesia bigemina in Uganda
Thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2015.
Working Paper
Bartolomeo, Anna D, Tamirace Fakhoury, and Delphine Perrin.
CARIM-Migration Profile: Senegal. Le Cadre Démographique-économique de la Migration; Le Cadre Juridique de la Migration; Le Cadre Socio-politique de la Migration
Thesis or Dissertation
Aggestam, Josefin, and Anna Hallberg.
Unemployment in Sri Lanka-Explanations, Constraints and Prospects for the Future
Bachelor Thesis, Lund University, 2005.
Journal Article
Scott, Sue, Milena Stefanova, Anna Naupa, and Karaeviti Vurobaravu.
Vanuatu National Leasing Profile:A Preliminary Analysis
World Bank: Justice for the poor 7, no. 1 (2012).
Working Paper
Gibert, Anna.
Blurring the Boundaries between Formal and Non-Formal Skill Development in the Pacific: Lessons from Vanuatu
Journal Article
Graham, Errol George, Leonardo Garrido, and Anna Kristiina Karjanlahti.
Liberia: Inclusive Growth Diagnostics
(2012) Poverty Reduction and Economic Management 4 Africa Region.
Journal Article
Štastná, Anna.
Harmonizace rodiny a zamestnání Mikrosociální a individuální souvislosti rodicovství
Journal Article
Pegels, Anna.
Pitfalls of policy implementation: The case of the South African feed-in tariff
(2011) Diffusion of renewable energy technologies: Case studies of enabling frameworks in developing countries.
Book Section
McGregor, Andrew, Anna Fink, and Brian Dawson.
Vulnerability of Pacic Island agriculture and forestry to climate change
(2015) Implications of climate change for contributions by agriculture and forestry to Pacific Island economies and communities.
Journal Article
Larin, Alexander, Anna Novak, and Irina Khvostova.
Consumption dynamics in Russia: Estimates on microdata
Applied Econometrics 32, no. 4 (2013): 29-44.
Journal Article
Bartolomeo, Anna D, Tamirace Fakhoury, and Delphine Perrin.
Tunisia. The Demographic-Economic Framework of Migration. The Legal Framework of Migration. The Socio-Political Framework of Migration
(2010) CARIM – Migration Profile.
Journal Article
Mironova, Anna Alekseevna, and Lidia Prokofieva.
Households participation strategies in exchanges of private intergenerational transfers
(2017) Sociology. SOC.
Working Paper
Iara, Anna.
The effect of work migration on domestic labour supply in Albania
(2009) Global Development Network Southeast Europe.
Gligorov, Vladimir, Anna Iara, Michael Landesmann, Robert Stehrer, and Hermine Vidovic.
Western Balkan countries: Adjustment capacity to external shocks, with a focus on labour markets
: Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2008.
Conference Paper
Sharunina, Anna.
Public-Private Wage Gap in Russia
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Young Researchers EDAMBA 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Smits, Anna.
Collective social captial and adaptation strategies to flooding: A case study of the neighbourhood Kemijen in Semarang, Indonesia
Bachelor thesis, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 2013.
Journal Article
Maier, Daniel, Magdalena Doppler, Anna Gasser, Herta Zellner, Jaffer Dharsee, Erich Schmutzhard, and Andrea Sylvia Winkler.
Imaging-based disease pattern in a consecutive series of cranial CTs and MRIs in a rural and an urban Tanzanian hospital: a comparative, retrospective, neuroradiological analysis
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 122, no. Supplement 3 (2010): 40-46.
Prata, Ndola, Fiona Greig, Julia Walsh, and Anna West.
Ability to pay for maternal health services: what will it take to meet WHO standards?
: Elsevier Scientific Publishers, 2004.
Working Paper
Gillespie, Anna, Hilary Creed-Kanashiro, Deuanesay Sirivongsa, Deuan Sayakoummane, and Rae Galloway.
Consulting with caregivers: using formative research to improve maternal and newborn care and infant and young child feeding in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
(2004) World Bank Human Development Network HNP Discussion Paper.
Journal Article
Pharris, Anastasia, Nguyen Thi Kim Chuc, Carol Tishelman, Ruairí Brugha, Nguyen Phuong Hoa, and Anna Thorson.
Expanding HIV testing efforts in concentrated epidemic settings: a population-based survey from Rural Vietnam
PloS One 6, no. 1 (2011).
Showing 31-60 of 331