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Showing 1-30 of 89
Journal Article
Ofstedal, Mary B, Zachary Zimmer, Albert I Hermalin, Angelique Chan, Yi-Li Chuang, Josefina Natividad, and Zhe Tang.
Short-term trends in functional limitation and disability among older Asians: a comparison of five Asian settings
Journal of cross-cultural gerontology 22, no. 3 (2007): 243-261.
Journal Article
Malhotra, Rahul, Angelique Chan, and Truls Østbye.
Prevalence and correlates of clinically significant depressive symptoms among elderly people in Sri Lanka: findings from a national survey
International Psychogeriatrics 22, no. 02 (2010): 227-236.
Journal Article
Østbye, Truls, Rahul Malhotra, and Angelique Chan.
Thirteen Dimensions of Health in Elderly Sri Lankans: Results from a National Sri Lanka Aging Survey
American Geriatrics Society 57, no. 8 (2009): 1376-1387.
Journal Article
Østbye, Truls, Angelique Chan, Rahul Malhotra, and Jinendra Kothalawala.
Adult Children Caring For Their Elderly Parents: Results from a national survey of ageing in Sri Lanka
Asian Population Studies 6, no. 1 (2010): 83-97.
Journal Article
Crookston, Benjamin A, Kirk T Dearden, Ketsana Chan, Theary Chan, and David D Stoker.
Buddhist nuns on the move: an innovative approach to improving breastfeeding practices in Cambodia
Maternal & Child Nutrition 3, no. 1 (2007): 10-24.
Journal Article
Weng, Chan Ngai.
Risk, exposure and vulnerability to flood hazards in a rapidly developing country: The case of Peninsular Malaysia
Akademika 49, no. 1 (1996).
Journal Article
Chan, Kam Wing.
Urbanization and rural-urban migration in China since 1982: a new baseline
Modern China 20, no. 3 (1994): 243-281.
Journal Article
Chan, Kam Wing, and Li Zhang.
The hukou system and rural-urban migration in China: Processes and changes
(1999) The China Quarterly.
Journal Article
Chan, Kam Wing.
Chinese census 2000: new opportunities and challenges
China Review 3, no. 2 (2003): 1-12.
Journal Article
Shepard, Donald S, Wu Zeng, Peter Amico, Angelique K Rwiyereka, and Carlos Avila-Figueroa.
A Controlled Study of Funding for Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome as Resource Capacity Building in the Health System in Rwanda
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 86, no. 5 (2012): 902-907.
Journal Article
Davalos, Liliana M, Adriana C Bejarano, Mark A Hall, Leonardo H Correa, Angelique Corthals, and Oscar J Espejo.
Forests and drugs: coca-driven deforestation in tropical biodiversity hotspots
Environmental science & technology 45, no. 4 (2011): 1219-1227.
Working Paper
Hall, Peter E, and Chan Chhuong.
Reproductive health commodity security country case study: Cambodia
(2006) Unpublished report. DFID Health Resource Centre.
Conference Paper
Chan, Nguyen, and Tran Kim Dung.
Further development of CGE model to evaluate tariff policy in Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam, 2001.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chan, Isabella.
The Political Economy of Maternal Health in a Medically Pluralistic Environment: A Case Study in the Callejón de Huaylas, Perú
Master of Arts Department of Anthropology with a Concentration in Biocultural Medical Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences. University of South Florida, 2013.
Journal Article
Yu, ELENA S, Qiyi Xie, Konglai Zhang, Ping Lu, and Lillian L Chan.
HIV infection and AIDS in China, 1985 through 1994.
American Journal of Public Health 86, no. 8 (1996): 1116-1122.
Journal Article
Choenni E, Chan.
Ethnicity and Politics: Political Adaption of Hindostanis in Suriname
Sociological Bulletin 63, no. 3 (2014): 407-431.
Becerra, Martin, Santiago Marino, Guillermo Mastrini, Marius Dragomir, Mark Thompson, Fernando Bermejo, Yuen-Ying Chan, Christian S Nissen, Duvsan Reljic, and Russell Southwood.
Mapping digital media: Argentina
Working Paper
Amarra, MSV, PM Chan, S Muslimatun, U Suthutvoravut, and CVC Barba.
Nutrition of Pregnant Adolescents in Southeast Asia
Working Paper
Sukontamarn, P.
Micro-credit, fertility decisions, and women’s empowerment in Bangladesh
(2006) Unpublished Working Paper, University of Adelaide.
Journal Article
Chan, Kit Yee, Mark A Stoove, Luechai Sringernyuang, and Daniel D Reidpath.
Stigmatization of AIDS patients: disentangling Thai nursing students’ attitudes towards HIV/AIDS, drug use, and commercial sex
AIDS and Behavior 12, no. 1 (2008): 146-157.
Conference Paper
Chan, Nguyen, Dang Huu Dao, Hoang Minh Hai, and Nguyen Tien Dung.
Evaluating tax reform In Vietnam using general equilibrium methods
Impacts of Macroeconomicand Adjustment Policies (MIMAP).
Hanoi, Vietnam, 1998.
Journal Article
Chan, Nguyen, Tran Kim Dung, Madanmohan Ghosh, and John Whalley.
Adjustment costs in labour markets and the distributional effects of trade liberalization: Analytics and calculations for Vietnam
Journal of Policy Modeling 27, no. 9 (2005): 1009-1024.
Chan, Nguyen, and Tran Kim Dung.
The impact of trade liberalization on household welfare in Vietnam
Journal Article
Chan, Brian T, Sheri D Weiser, Yap Boum, Mark J Siedner, Rain A Mocello, Jessica E Haberer, Peter W Hunt, Jeffrey N Martin, Kenneth H Mayer, and David R Bangsberg.
Persistent HIV-related stigma in rural Uganda during a period of increasing HIV incidence despite treatment expansion.
(2014) AIDS.
Journal Article
Coxhead, Ian, Anan Wattanakuljarus, and Chan V Nguyen.
Are Carbon Taxes Good for the Poor? A General Equilibrium Analysis for Vietnam
(2013) World Development.
Journal Article
Le, Phuc, Ulla K Griffiths, Dang D Anh, Luisa Franzini, Wenyaw Chan, Ha Pham, and John M Swint.
The economic burden of pneumonia and meningitis among children less than five years old in Hanoi, Vietnam
Tropical Medicine & International Health 19, no. 11 (2014): 1321-1327.
Journal Article
Siu, Kaxton, and Anita Chan.
Strike Wave in Vietnam, 2006-2011
Journal of Contemporary Asia 45, no. 1 (2015): 1-21.
Working Paper
Coxhead, Ian, and Nguyen Van Chan.
The incidence of Vietnam’s environmental tax law: general equilibrium analysis
(2011) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, manuscript.
Journal Article
Chan, Adrienne K, Gabriel Mateyu, Andreas Jahn, Erik Schouten, Paul Arora, William Mlotha, Marion Kambanji, and Monique Lettow.
Outcome assessment of decentralization of antiretroviral therapy provision in a rural district of Malawi using an integrated primary care model
Tropical Medicine and International Health 15, no. 1 (2010): 90-97.
Journal Article
Van Lettow, Monique, Richard Bedell, Megan Landes, Lucy Gawa, Stephanie Gatto, Isabell Mayuni, Adrienne K Chan, Lyson Tenthani, and Erik Schouten.
Uptake and outcomes of a prevention-of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) program in Zomba district, Malawi
BMC public health 11, no. 1 (2011).
Showing 1-30 of 89