
Showing 3721-3750 of 4626
Thesis or Dissertation
Bonifaz Iza, Jennyfer Maritza, and Diana Elizabeth Sunanga Cando. "La politica laboral y el desempleo juvenil en el Ecuador, 2007-2015.." Proyecto de graduacion previo a la obtencion del título de economista, Quito: Univercidad Central del Ecuador., 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Araque Bolanos, Carmen Rocio, and Andres Fausto Armas Rojas. "Analisis socioeconomico del empleo en el sector de la construccion del Ecuador en los periodos 2007-2015.." Título de economista, Quito: Universidad Central del Ecuador., 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gallegos Irigoyen, Ana Paula. "Analisis de la pobreza por Necesidades Basica Insatisfechas en el Ecuador durante el periodo 2008-2015. Informe de Investigacion." título de economista, Universidad de Los Hemisferios , 2017.
Journal Article
Nkomazana, Oathokwa, Wim Peersman, Merlin Willcox, Robert Mash, and Nthabiseng Phaladze. "Human resources for health in Botswana: the results of in-country database and reports analysis." African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine 6, no. 1 (2014): 1-8.
Journal Article
Setlhare, Vincent, Anne Wright, and Ian Couper. "The experiences of people living with HIV/AIDS in Gaborone, Botswana: stigma, its consequences and coping mechanisms." South African Family Practice 56, no. 6 (2014): 309-313.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ayala Villalva, Colon Alex. "Plan de capacitacion en autoempleo para reducir el desempleo juvenil (Muey-Salinas, Santa Elena)." Magíster en población y desarrollo local sustentable, Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Economicas, 2016.
Journal Article
Walker, Josephine G, Mphoeng Ofithile, Marina F Tavolaro, Jan A Wyk, Kate Evans, and Eric R Morgan. "Mixed methods evaluation of targeted selective anthelmintic treatment by resource-poor smallholder goat farmers in Botswana." Veterinary Parasitology 214, no. 1 (2015): 80-88.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hlabano, Wazha. "Hand hygiene practices among health care workers at Nyangabgwe Hospital, Francistown, Botswana." Master of Public Health , University of Limpopo, 2015.
Journal Article
Mweemba, Mable, Maurice M Musheke, Charles Michelo, Hikabasa Halwiindi, Oliver Mweemba, and Joseph M Zulu. "“When am I going to stop taking the drug?” Enablers, barriers and processes of disclosure of HIV status by caregivers to adolescents in a rural district in Zambia." BMC Public Health 15, no. 1 (2015): 1028.
Journal Article
Hancock, Nancy L, Carla J Chibwesha, Marie CD Stoner, Bellington Vwalika, Sujit D Rathod, Margaret Phiri Kasaro, Elizabeth M Stringer, Jeffrey SA Stringer, and Benjamin H Chi. "Temporal Trends and Predictors of Modern Contraceptive Use in Lusaka, Zambia, 2004 - 2011." (2015) BioMed Research International.
Journal Article
Chongwe, Gershom, Charles Michelo, and Paul Kelly. "Diagnostic yield of nontuberculous mycobacteria in patients booked for endoscopy at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka." BMC Research Notes 10, no. 1 (2017): 27.
Journal Article
Letamo, Gobopamang, and Kannan Navaneetham. "Levels, trends and reasons for unmet need for family planning among married women in Botswana: a cross-sectional study." BMJ Open 5, no. 3 (2015): e006603.
Journal Article
Ogundipe, Radiance M, and Robert Mash. "Development of Family Medicine training in Botswana: Views of key stakeholders in Ngamiland." African journal of primary health care & family medicine 7, no. 1 (2015): 1-9.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mosarwana, Ketlabareng Peaceful. "The impact of the Okavango River on the health of the community of Sepopa Village in the Okavango District, Botswana." Master of Public Health, University of Limpopo, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Izurieta Villacis, Myriam Alexandra. "Estrategia de identidad corporativa y de crecimiento empresarial para las microempresas de confeccion textil de Quisapincha.." título de Magister en Administración de Empresas Mención Planeación, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador, 2017.
Journal Article
Bati, Keagile, Oarabile Mogobe, and Wellington RL Masamba. "Concentrations of Some Trace Elements in Vegetables Sold at Maun Market, Botswana." Journal of Food Research 6, no. 1 (2016): 69.
Journal Article
Pell, Lisa G, Diego G Bassani, Lucy Nyaga, Isaac Njagi, Catherine Wanjiku, Thulasi Thiruchselvam, William Macharia, Ripudaman S Minhas, Patricia Kitsao-Wekulo, and Amyn Lakhani. "Effect of provision of an integrated neonatal survival kit and early cognitive stimulation package by community health workers on developmental outcomes of infants in Kwale County, Kenya: study protocol for a cluster randomized trial." BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 16, no. 1 (2016): 265.
Journal Article
Chakraborty, Nirali M, Mwende Mbondo, and Joyce Wanderi. "Evaluating the impact of social franchising on family planning use in Kenya." Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 35, no. 1 (2016): 19.
Journal Article
Sayeed, Yeasmin. "Effect of girls’ secondary school stipend on completed schooling, age at marriage, and age at first birth." WIDER Working Paper , no. 110 (2016).
Journal Article
Zhang, Lei, Bonita J Iritani, Winnie Luseno, Shane Hartman, Simbarashe Rusakaniko, and Denise Dion Hallfors. "Marital Age Disparity Among Orphaned Young Women and Their Husbands: A Mixed Methods Study in Rural Zimbabwe." The journal of primary prevention 37, no. 5 (2016): 487-492.
Journal Article
Seme, Assefa, and Abera Seifu. "Institutional Delivery Services utilization by women of childbearing age in South West Showa Zone, Oromia Region." Ethiopian Medical Journal 55, no. 1 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Mumbi, Hiuhu Esther. "Relationship between umbilical cord care factors and outcomes among neonates attending Meru teaching and referral hospital, Meru county, Kenya." Master of Public Health, Kenyatta University, 2016.
Journal Article
Mpabanga, Dorothy. "Resilient Public Service Provision after the Global Financial Crisis: The Case of Botswana." (2017) Public Sector Management in a Globalized World.
Journal Article
Kwamboka, Agwata Diana, Ongus Juliette, Mbugua Amos, Peter Maturi, Nyamari Jackim, and Uwamungu Schifra. "Development of an algorithm of haematologic parameters as surrogate markers for CD4 cell count in resource-limited settings." Journal of Medical Laboratory and Diagnosis 7, no. 3 (2016): 13-19.
Liambila, Wilson, Francis Obare, Edward Ikiugu, Vitalis Akora, Jesee Njunguru, Michael Njuma, Kate Reiss, and Harriet Birungi. Availability, use and quality of care for medical abortion services in private facilities in Kenya. 2015.
Journal Article
Ifeanyichukwu, Ume Smiles, Ezeano Caleb Ike, Agu Leonard Uchechukwu, and Emma-Ajah I Josphine. "Resource Use Efficiency among Cocoyam Farmers in Anambra State of Nigeria." Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences 1, no. 3 (2016): 1-11.
Journal Article
Sarnquist, Clea, Jake Sinclair, Benjamin Omondi Mboya, Nickson Langat, Lee Paiva, Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, Neville H Golden, Yvonne A Maldonado, and Michael T Baiocchi. "Evidence that classroom-based behavioral interventions reduce pregnancy-related school dropout among Nairobi adolescents." Health Education & Behavior 44, no. 2 (2017): 297-303.
Showing 3721-3750 of 4626