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Showing 91-120 of 543
Dorward, Andrew, and Ephraim Chirwa.
Evaluation of the 2011/12 Farm Input Subsidy Programme, Malawi: report on programme implementation and benefit cost analysis
Journal Article
Smallman-Raynor, Matthew R, and Andrew D Cliff.
Civil War and the Spread of AIDS in Central Africa
Epidemiology and Infection 107, no. 01 (1991): 69-80.
Rionda, Z, and Andrew Clements.
The burden of disease in the West Bank and Gaza: an assessment report
Farrow, Andrew.
Managing Factors that Affect the Adoption of Grain Legumes in Uganda in the N2Africa Project
Working Paper
Dube K, Andrew.
Participation of Disabled People in the PRSP/PEAP Process in Uganda
(2005) Disability Knowledge and Research Programme .
Collison, Chris, Kelly Wanda, Andrew Muganga, and Shaun Ferris.
A Market Opportunities Survey for Value-added Utilization for Cassava-based Products in Uganda; Part II: Supply Chain Analysis Constraints and Opportunities for Growth and Development
: IITA, 2004.
Journal Article
Morrison, Andrew, Mary Ellsberg, and Sara Bott.
Addressing gender-based violence in the Latin American and Caribbean Region: A critical review of interventions
(2004) Policy Research Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
De Broe, Sofie, and Andrew Hinde.
Diversity in fertility patterns in Guatemala
Population, Space and Place 12, no. 6 (2006): 435-459.
Journal Article
Channon, Andrew A, Jane Falkingham, and Zoe Matthews.
Sexual and reproductive health and poverty
(2010) Social determinants of sexual and reproductive health.
Scott, Andrew, Emily Darko, Alberto Lemma, and Juan-Pablo Rud.
How does electricity insecurity affect businesses in low and middle income countries?
: London: Overseas Development Institute, 2014.
Journal Article
Wood, Sarah M, Samir S Shah, Margaret Bafana, Adam J Ratner, Peter A Meaney, Kolaatamo Malefho, and Andrew P Steenhoff.
Epidemiology of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteremia in Gaborone, Botswana
Infection Control 30, no. 08 (2009): 782-785.
Journal Article
Baschieri, Angela, and Andrew Hinde.
The proximate determinants of fertility and birth intervals in Egypt: An application of calendar data
Demographic Research 16, no. 3 (2007): 59-95.
Journal Article
Behets, Frieda, Andrew Edmonds, François Kitenge, François Crabbe, and Marie Laga.
Heterogeneous and decreasing HIV prevalence among women seeking antenatal care in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
International journal of epidemiology 39, no. 4 (2010): 1066.
Working Paper
Kandala, Ngianga, Andrew A Channon, and Nyovani Madise.
Children’s nutritional status and low haemoglobin level in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Working Paper
Foster D, Andrew.
Creating Good Employment Opportunities for the Rural Sector
(2011) ADB economics working paper series.
Journal Article
Leigh, Andrew, and Hector Thompson.
How much of the variation in literacy and numeracy can be explained by school performance?
Economic Round-up , no. 3 (2008).
Journal Article
Breedon, Francis, Thorarinn G Petursson, and Andrew K Rose.
Exchange rate policy in small rich economies
Open Economies Review 23, no. 3 (2012): 421-445.
Book Section
Murray, Andrew, and Neil Parsons.
Studies in the Economic History of Southern Africa: The front-line states
(1990) The modern economic history of Botswana .
Journal Article
Bentley, M.E., and P.L. Griffiths.
The burden of anemia among women in India
European journal of clinical nutrition 57, no. 1 (2003): 52-60.
Journal Article
Griffiths, Paula, Zoë Matthews, and Andrew Hinde.
Gender, family, and the nutritional status of children in three culturally contrasting states of India
Social science & medicine 55, no. 5 (2002): 775-790.
Journal Article
Griffiths, Paula, Zoë Matthews, and Andrew Hinde.
Understanding the sex ratio in India: A simulation approach
Demography 37, no. 4 (2000): 477-488.
Journal Article
Andrew, S, and Arodys Roblesb.
The co-occurrence of correct and incorrect HIV transmission knowledge and perceived risk for HIV among women of childbearing age in El Salvador
Journal Article
Nickson, Andrew.
Juventud paraguaya ¿protagonista o espectadora del proceso democrático?
Revista Novapolis 1, no. 11 (2007).
Working Paper
Friedman, Andrew.
Kagame's Rwanda: Can an Authoritarian Development Model Be Squared with Democracy and Human Rights
(2012) Or. Rev. Int'l L.
Conference Paper
Pichel, Frank, Bloh P Sayeh, Andrew Thriscutt, and Ounzuba Kemeh-Gama.
Implementing a Low-Cost, Rapid Deployment Land Records Management Solution for Liberia
Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty.
April 23-26, 2012.
Working Paper
Tun Sein, Than, Phone Myint, and Andrew Cassels Cassels.
How can health equity be improved in Myanmar?
World Health Organization.
Working Paper
Andrew, Ruby, and Benjamin N Lawrance.
Anti-Trafficking Legislation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Analyzing the Role of Coercion and Parental Responsibility
Journal Article
Shahmanesh, Maryam, Sonali Wayal, Frances Cowan, David Mabey, Andrew Copas, and Vikram Patel.
Suicidal behavior among female sex workers in Goa, India: the silent epidemic
Journal Information 99, no. 7 (2009).
Journal Article
Channon, Andrew.
Can mothers judge the size of their newborn? Assessing the determinants of a mother's perception of a baby's size at birth
(2011) Journal of Biosocial Science.
Journal Article
Akwara, Priscilla, Nyovani Madise, and Andrew Hinde.
Perception of risk of HIV/AIDS and sexual behaviour in Kenya
Journal of Biosocial Science 35, no. 3 (2003): 385-411.
Showing 91-120 of 543