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Showing 631-660 of 1469
Ahmed, Sadiq, and Hans G. P. Jansen.
Managing Food Price Inflation in South Asia
Dhaka, , Bangladesh: The University Press Limited, 2010.
Working Paper
Lokshin M, Michael.
Effects of Child Care Prices on Replacing fiiniily alloiva, ices
(2000) World.
Working Paper
Ghins, Léopold, and Karl Pauw.
The impact of policy and the market environment on production and wholesale trade incentives for rice in Rwanda
Working Paper
Gregory, Paul R, and Valery Lazarev.
Structural change in Russian transition
Thesis or Dissertation
Ojeda Zurita, Katiusca Lucia.
Plan de negocios para la produccion y comercializacion de yogurt con base en chia y frutas, en la ciudad de Quito
titulo de Inginiera en Negocios Internacionales, Quito: Universidad de las Americas, 2016., 2016.
Alemu, D, G Ayele, B Behute, Y Beyone, R Dewana, B Fekadu, R Vargas Hill, N Minot, S Rashid, and A Taffesse.
Cereals Availability Study in Ethiopia, 2008
Journal Article
Cohen, Jessica, Gunther Fink, Katrina Berg, Flavia Aber, Matthew Jordan, Kathleen Maloney, and William Dickens.
Feasibility of distributing rapid diagnostic tests for malaria in the retail sector: evidence from an implementation study in Uganda
PloS one 7, no. 11 (2012).
Journal Article
Cohen, Jessica, Gunther Fink, Kathleen Maloney, Katrina Berg, Matthew Jordan, Theodore Svoronos, Flavia Aber, and William Dickens.
Introducing rapid diagnostic tests for malaria to drug shops in Uganda: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 93, no. 3 (2015): 142-151.
Working Paper
Fitzpatrick, Anne, and Zoe McLaren.
The Impact of Public Health Sector Stockouts on Private Health Sector Care: Evidence from the Ugandan Antimalarial Market
Journal Article
Sabot, Oliver, Megumi Gordon, Bruno Moonen, Ambrose Talisuna, and George Amofah.
A path to an optimal future for the Affordable Medicines Facility - malaria
Health Policy and Planning 26, no. 6 (2011): 441-444.
Journal Article
Ahmed, Mohammed, Muhammed Siraj, and Said Mohammed.
Marketing practices and challenges of Mung Bean in Ethiopia Amhara Regional State: North Shewa Zone in focus
African Journal of Marketing Management 9, no. 4 (2017): 35-45.
Thesis or Dissertation
Karoki, Rita Wachera.
Determinants of residential real estate prices in Kenya
Master of Business Administration, Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi, 2013.
Journal Article
Betancour, Gustavo Sandoval.
Causas de la pobreza en Bogota
Cuadernos Latinoamericanos de Administracion 12, no. 23 (2016): 17-28.
Gierend, Albert, and Alastair Orr.
Consumer demand for sorghum and millets in eastern and southern Africa: Priorities for the CGIAR Research Programme for Dryland Cereals
Journal Article
Sultana, Abeda.
Rice marketing in Bangladesh: From the perspective of village study at Coxs Bazar district
African Journal of Agricultural Research 7, no. 45 (2012): 5995-6004.
Journal Article
Talukder, Dayal.
Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Poverty in Rural Bangladesh
Poverty & Public Policy 6, no. 3 (2014): 282-307.
Journal Article
Mottaleb, Khondoker Abdul, and Samarendu Mohanty.
Farm size and profitability of rice farming under rising input costs
Journal of Land Use Science 10, no. 3 (2015): 243-255.
Bhuiyan, MR, and Tasneem Siddiqui.
Migration in the Ganga-Brahmaputara-Meghna delta: a review of the literature
Journal Article
Hong, Seung-Hyun, and Frank A Wolak.
Relative prices and electronic substitution: Changes in household-level demand for postal delivery services from 1986 to 2004
Journal of econometrics 145, no. 1 (2008): 226-242.
Journal Article
Ferdous, Nazneen, Abdul Rawoof Pinjari, Chandra R Bhat, and Ram M Pendyala.
A Comprehensive Analysis of Household Transportation Expenditures Relative to Other Goods and Services: An Application to United States Consumer Expenditure Data
Transportation 37, no. 3 (2010): 363-390.
Working Paper
Vian, Taryn, Frank G Feeley, and Silviu Domente.
Framework for addressing out-of-pocket and informal payments for health services in the Republic of Moldova
(2014) World Health Organization.
Thesis or Dissertation
Dixson, Erin.
Developing a Green Business Opportunity for Self-Sustainability in Windhoek’s Informal Settlements
Bachelor of Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2017.
Working Paper
Wright, Austin L, and Patrick Signoret.
Climate Shocks, Price Dynamics, And Human Conflict
Thesis or Dissertation
Sunde, Tafirenyika.
A small macro-econometric model for Namibia emphasising the dynamic modelling of the wage-price, productivity and unemployment relationship
Doctor of Literature and Philosophy, University of South Africa, 2015.
Journal Article
Haddad M, Akram.
Demand Analysis for Major Consumer Commodities in Jordan
Journal of Accounting, Business & Management 20, no. 2 (2013): 33-64.
Working Paper
Ramadan, Racha, and Racha Ramadan.
Would taxes decrease tobacco consumption in Egypt? Hala Abou-Ali
Journal Article
Boccanfuso, Dorothée, Antonio Estache, and Luc Savard.
Electricity reforms in Mali: a macro-micro analysis of the effects on poverty and distribution
South African journal of economics 77, no. 1 (2009): 127-147.
Journal Article
Sundaram, Neisha, Cynthia Chen, Joanne Yoong, Munkh-Erdene Luvsan, Kimberley Fox, Amarzaya Sarankhuu, Sophie La Vincente, and Mark Jit.
Cost-effectiveness of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in Mongolia
Vaccine 35, no. 7 (2017): 1055-1063.
Working Paper
Arzhenovsky, Sergey.
Socioeconomic determinants of smoking in contemporary Russia
(2005) Economics Education and Research Consortium.
Journal Article
Bacon, Robert, Soma Bhattacharya, and Masami Kojima.
Changing Patterns of household expenditures on energy: A case study of Indonesia and Pakistan
(2009) Extractive Industries and Development.
Showing 631-660 of 1469