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Showing 241-270 of 723
Journal Article
Kaplanoglu, Mustafa, Atilla Karateke, Burak Un, Utku Akgor, and Ali Baloglu.
Complications and outcomes of repeat cesarean section in adolescent women
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 7, no. 12 (2014): 5621-5628.
Journal Article
Topçu, Hasan Onur, Ali Irfan Guzel, Kuntay Kokanali, Sabri Cavkaytar, Dilek Uygur, and Salim Erkaya.
Maternal Serum Nitric Oxide Levels in Adolescent Pregnancies
(2014) Gynecology Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine.
Journal Article
Bennasr, Ali.
L'étalement Urbain de Sfax
Revue Tunisienne de Geographie , no. 36 (2011).
Journal Article
Ozer, Erdal, Mehmet Can Nacar, Ali Yildirim, Ozgur Enginyurt, Hasan Din, and Durmus Evcuman.
Underage mothers in Turkey
(2014) Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research.
Journal Article
Kut, Altug, and Ali Ümit Geçkil.
Vaccination Status in Children under 8 Years and Attitudes of Their Parents
Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care.
Journal Article
Eryurt, Mehmet Ali, and Ismet Koç.
Child poverty and regional disparities in Turkey
(2013) The Turkish journal of pediatrics.
Journal Article
Iser, Ali, and Nurullah Arslan.
Obesity in adults in Turkey: age and regional effects
The European Journal of Public Health 19, no. 1 (2009): 91-94.
Journal Article
Berker, Ali.
The impact of internal migration on educational outcomes: Evidence from Turkey
Economics of Education Review 28, no. 6 (2009): 739-749.
Journal Article
Saka, Gunay, Meliksah Ertem, Alida Musayeva, Ali Ceylan, and Tahire Kocturk.
Breastfeeding patterns, beliefs and attitudes among Kurdish mothers in Diyarbakir, Turkey
Acta Paediatrica 94, no. 9 (2005): 1303-1309.
Conference Paper
Ural, Ali, and Adem Dogangün.
Out of Plane Performance of Confined Masonry Walls with Different Tie-Column Configurations
Seventh International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, October11-13, 2006 Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.
Journal Article
Çelik, Ali Kemal, and Ahmet Kamil Kabakus.
Do E-government Services ‘Really’Make Life Easier? Analyzing Demographic Indicators of Turkish Citizens’ E-government Perception Using Ordered Response Models
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 6, no. 1 (2015): 185-194.
Journal Article
Swahn, Monica H, Bina Ali, Jane B Palmier, George Sikazwe, and John Mayeya.
Alcohol marketing, drunkenness, and problem drinking among Zambian youth: findings from the 2004 Global School-Based Student Health Survey
(2011) Journal of environmental and public health.
Journal Article
Özdemir, Ali Murat, and Gamze Yücesan-Özdemir.
Living in endemic insecurity: An analysis of Turkey’s labour market in the 2000s
SEER-South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs , no. 02 (2004).
Journal Article
Özdemir, Ali Murat, Gamze Yücesan-Özdemir, and Derya Erel.
Rethinking the informal labour market in Turkey: A possible politics for the trade unions
SEER-South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs , no. 03 (2004).
Journal Article
Özdemir, Ali Murat, and Gamze Yücesan-Özdemir.
Social regulation under neo-liberalism: new forms of labour contract and labour flexibility in Turkey
SEER-South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs , no. 03 (2005).
Adaman, Fikret, Ali Carkoglu, and Refik Ezran.
The Social Dimension in Selected Candidate Countries in the Balkans: Country Report on Turkey
Alpas, Hami, Serhat Asci, and Ahmet Ali Koç.
Threats to Food and Water Chain Infrastructure
: Springer, 2010.
Book Section
Ozgulbas, Nermin, and Ali Serhan Koyuncugil.
Surveillance technologies and early warning systems: Data mining applications for risk detection.
(2010) Financial early warning system for risk detection and prevention from financial crisis .
Journal Article
Hashemi, Arman, Heather Cruickshank, and Ali Cheshmehzangi.
Environmental Impacts and Embodied Energy of Construction Methods and Materials in Low-Income Tropical Housing
Sustainability 7, no. 6 (2015): 7866-7883.
Journal Article
Rasooly, Mohammad H, Mohamed M Ali, Nick JW J Brown, and Bashir Noormal.
Uptake and predictors of contraceptive use in Afghan women
BMC women's health 15, no. 1 (2015): 9.
Journal Article
Ali, Kazi Md Barkat, Morshed Hossan Molla, and Md Mostafa Faisal.
Urban Socio-Economic and Environmental Condition of Hill Tracts Bangladesh: A Case Study in Bandarban Municipality
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science .
Journal Article
Ashraf, Ali M, Md Rezuanul Islam, and Sarfaraz Gani Adnan.
GIS and Multi Criteria Decision Method Based Approach of Identifying Appropriate Landfill Sites for the City Of Chittagong
International Journal of Environment 4, no. 1 (2015): 1-15.
Working Paper
Ali, Babu.
Level of Agriculture and Rural Development in Aligarh District, Uttar Pradesh (INDIA): A Block Level Analysis
Journal Of Humanities And Social Science 18, no. 3 (2013): 41-67.
Journal Article
Deininger, Klaus, and Daniel A Ali.
Do Overlapping Land Rights Reduce Agricultural Investment? Evidence from Uganda
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90, no. 4 (2008): 869-882.
Working Paper
Ali, MK.
Covariates of infant mortality for first births in Bangladesh: a hazards model analysis.
Journal Article
Kiwanuka, Noah, Ali Ssetaala, Juliet Mpendo, Matthias Wambuzi, Annet Nanvubya, Simon Sigirenda, Annet Nalutaaya, Paul Kato, Leslie Nielsen, Pontiano Kaleebu, Josephine Nalusiba, and Nelson K Sewankambo.
High HIV-1 Prevalence, Risk Behaviours, and Willingness to Participate in HIV Vaccine Trials in Fishing Communities on Lake Victoria, Uganda
Journal of the International AIDS Society 16, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Swahn, Monica H, Bina Ali, Jane Palmier, Nazarius M Tumwesigye, George Sikazwe, Jeremiahs Twa-Twa, and Kasirye Rogers.
Early alcohol use and problem drinking among students in Zambia and Uganda
Journal of Public Health in Africa 2, no. 20 (2011): 83-86.
Journal Article
Ali, Akhter, and Bhagirath Behera.
Household participation and effects of community forest management on income and poverty levels: Empirical evidence from Bhutan
(2015) Forest Policy and Economics.
Journal Article
Mahmood, Shakeel Ahmed Ibne, Shaiful Ali, and Rashedul Islam.
Shifting from infectious diseases to non-communicable diseases: A double burden of diseases in Bangladesh
Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 5, no. 11 (2013): 424-434.
Thesis or Dissertation
Abbas, Ali.
Determinants of women’s labour supply in Bangladesh and Pakistan
Master Thesis, 2013.
Showing 241-270 of 723