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Showing 91-120 of 289
Journal Article
Lemme, Francesca, Aoife M Doyle, John Changalucha, Aura Andreasen, Kathy Baisley, Kaballa Maganja, Deborah Watson-Jones, Saidi Kapiga, Richard J Hayes, and David A Ross.
HIV infection among young people in northwest Tanzania: The Role of biological, behavioural and socio-demographic risk factors
PloS one 8, no. 6 (2013).
Journal Article
Nery, Susana Vaz, James S McCarthy, Rebecca Traub, Ross M Andrews, Jim Black, Darren Gray, Edmund Weking, Jo-An Atkinson, Suzy Campbell, and Naomi Francis.
A cluster-randomised controlled trial integrating a community-based water, sanitation and hygiene programme, with mass distribution of albendazole to reduce intestinal parasites in Timor-Leste: the WASH for WORMS research protocol
BMJ open 5, no. 12 (2015).
Journal Article
Campbell, Suzy J, Susana V Nery, Catherine A D’Este, Darren J Gray, James S McCarthy, Rebecca J Traub, Ross M Andrews, Stacey Llewellyn, Andrew J Vallely, and Gail M Williams.
Investigations into the association between soil-transmitted helminth infections, haemoglobin and child development indices in Manufahi District, Timor-Leste
Parasites & vectors 10, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Ross, John.
Improved reproductive health equity between the poor and the rich: an analysis of trends in 46 low-and middle-income countries
Global Health: Science and Practice 3, no. 3 (2015): 419-445.
Journal Article
Mburu, Gitau, Ian Hodgson, Sam Kalibala, Choolwe Haamujompa, Fabian Cataldo, Elizabeth D Lowenthal, and David Ross.
Adolescent HIV disclosure in Zambia: barriers, facilitators and outcomes
Journal of the International AIDS Society 17, no. 1 (2014).
Working Paper
Mukong, Alfred Kechia, Corne Van Walbeek, and Hana Ross.
Lifestyle and Income-related Inequality in Health in South Africa
Berton, Hélène, Rica Garde, Rosie Jackson, Frances Mason, Abigail Perry, Alex Rees, Victoria Sibson, Anna Taylor, and Delphine Valette.
Hungry for change
London: Save the Children UK, 2009.
Hagemann, Frank, Yacouba Diallo, Alex Etienne, and Farhad Mehran.
Global child labour trends 2000 to 2004
Geneva: ILO, 2006.
Malik, Elfatih Mohd, Hoda Yusef Atta, Mamhoud Weis, Alex Lang, Chilunga Puta, Cheryl Lettenmaier, and Allison Bell.
Sudan roll back malaria consultative mission: Essential actions to support the attainment of the Abuja targets
: SUDAN RBM , 2004.
Journal Article
Fotso, Jean-Christophe, Alex C Ezeh, Nyovani J Madise, and James Ciera.
Progress towards the child mortality millennium development goal in urban sub-Saharan Africa: the dynamics of population growth, immunization, and access to clean water
BMC Public Health 7, no. 1 (2007): 218.
Noble, Jeanne A, Balbina Lemos, Loren Galvao, Sandra Mara, Alex Rios, and Angela Viana.
Situation analysis of reproductive health care in the State of Bahia, Brazil: assessing the impact of interventions in 1994-1998
Journal Article
Ezeh, Alex C, Ivy Kodzi, and Jacques Emina.
Reaching the urban poor with family planning services
Studies in Family Planning 41, no. 2 (2010): 109-116.
Blanc, Ann, Brent Wolff, Anastasia Gage, Alex Ezeh, Stella Neema, and John Ssekamatte-Ssebuliba.
Negotiating reproductive outcomes in Uganda
: Macro International, 1996.
Journal Article
de Sherbinin, Alex.
The biophysical and geographical correlates of child malnutrition in Africa
Population, Space and Place 17, no. 1 (2011): 27-46.
Working Paper
Kaharuza, Frank, Jonathan H Mermin, George W Rutherford, Joshua Musinguzi, Wilford Kirungi, Edson Nuwagaba, Anne Cross, Vinod Mishra, Alex Opio, and Rebecca Bunnell.
Feasibility and Acceptance of Home-based HIV Counseling and Testing during a Population-based HIV Serologic Survey
Journal Article
Fotso, Jean-Christophe, Alex C Ezeh, and Hildah Essendi.
Maternal health in resource-poor urban settings: how does women's autonomy influence the utilization of obstetric care services
Reproductive Health 6, no. 9 (2009): 1-8.
Working Paper
Boom, Bart, Alex Halsema, Vasco Molini, and Saide Dade.
Does the context-specific cost-of-basic-needs hit the mark?
(2012) Centre for World Food Studies.
Journal Article
Oliveira Carvalhaes, Flavio Alex, Rogério Jerônimo Barbosa, Pedro Herculano G. F. de Souza, and Carlos Antônio Costa Ribeiro.
Os Impactos da Geração de Empregos Sobre as Desigualdades de Renda: Uma análise da década de 2000
Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais 29, no. 85 (2014): 79-221.
Tapper, Helena, Patti Swarts, Alex Twinomugisha, Senthil Kumar, Juho Mikkonen, Mary Hooker, Roxana Bassi, Margaret Nyambura, and Niamh Brannigan.
African Leadership in ICT. Assessment of Environmental, Institutional and Individual Leadership Capacity Needs for the Knowledge Society in Africa: A Situational and Needs Analysis in Four Countries: Mauritius, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia
Working Paper
Chiwele, Dennis, Martin Fowler, Ed Humphrey, Alex Hurrell, and Jack Willis.
Evaluation of Budget Support in Zambia: Agriculture Case Study
Book Section
Cohen, Alex.
World Mental Health Casebook
(2002) Our Lives Were Covered in Darkness: The Work of the National Literacy Mission in Northern India.
Journal Article
Wamala, Joseph F, Luswa Lukwago, Mugagga Malimbo, Patrick Nguku, Zabulon Yoti, Monica Musenero, Jackson Amone, William Mbabazi, Miriam Nanyunja, Sam Zaramba, Alex Opio, Julius J Lutwama, Ambrose O Talisuna, and Sam I Okware.
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Associated with Novel Virus Strain, Uganda, 2007-2008
Emerging Infectious Diseases 16, no. 7 (2010): 1087-1092.
Bikouyah, Giglah, Mickael Gautier, Paul Y Nganga, Alex Ohlsen, Cellou Bah, Bernard Felix D Ouendeno, Ansoumane Ndiaye, Moussa Thiam, Agnes Gamys, Aissatou Diallo, and Sylvain Dufour.
Etude de la Chasse et de la Filière Gibier dans le Corridor du Chemin de Fer–Projet SIMANDOU/Rio Tinto
Sullivan, Caroline, Charles J Vorosmarty, Eric Craswell, Stuart Bunn, Sarah Cline, Claudia Heidecke, Adam Storeygard, Alex Proussevitch, Ellen Douglas, Deborah Bossio, and others.
Mapping the links between water, poverty and food security.
Conference Paper
Brillantes B, Alex.
Philippine governance indicators survey tools
10th National Convention on Statistics, EDSA, Shangrila Hotel.
October 1--2, 2007.
Working Paper
Chu, Yun-han, Bridget Welsh, and Alex Chang.
Congruence and Variation in Sources of Regime Support in Asia
Asian Barometer A Comparative Survey of Democracy, Governance and Development , no. 64 (2012).
Logan, Gorbee, Neil M Vora, Tolbert G Nyensuah, Alex Gasasira, Joshua Mott, Henry Walke, Frank Mahoney, Richard Luce, Brendan Flannery, and others.
Establishment of a community care center for isolation and management of Ebola patients—Bomi County Liberia, October 2014
Book Section
Covarrubias, Alex, and Alfonso B Ortiz.
The Automotive Sector in Emerging Economies: Industrial Policies, Market Dynamics and Trade Unions
(2017) Employment and Trade Union Policies in the Auto Industry in Mexico.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chavez Carias, William Stanley, Hernandez Erooa Loida Ester, and Alex Daniel Vasquez.
Analisis de las relaciones comerciales entre Centro America y la Republica Popular China, caso Costa Rica y sus repercusiones en El Salvador, periodo 2010-2015
Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad de El Salvador, 2016.
Journal Article
Lysova, Alexandra V, and William Alex Pridemore.
Dramatic Problems and Weak Policy: Trends in alcohol consumption, harms and policy: Russia 1990-2010
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 27, no. 5 (2010): 425-448.
Showing 91-120 of 289