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Conference Paper
Limonov, Leonid, and Albrecht Kauffmann. "Types of Demographic and Economic Development of Russian Cities in Post-Soviet Period." 54th Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "Regional development & globalisation: Best practices". St. Petersburg, Russia, August 26-29, 2014.
Journal Article
Kraan, Dirk-Jan, Valentina Kostyleva, Colin Forthun, Jutta Albrecht, and Ragnar Olofsson. "Budgeting in Moldova." OECD Journal on Budgeting 10, no. 3 (2010).
Banzet, Amelie, Christine Bousquet, Beatrice Boyer, Agnes Geoffroy, Francois Grunewald, Domitille Kauffmann, Peggy Pascal, and Nicolas Riviere. Linking Relief Rehabilitation and Development in Afghanistan. 2006.
Journal Article
Dutz, Mark, Celine Kauffmann, Serineh Najarian, Peter Sanfey, and Ruslan Yemtsov. "Labour market states, mobility and entrepreneurship in transition economies." Revista Brasileira de Economia de Empresas 4, no. 2 (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Albrecht, Jutta. "Entwicklung des Lebensstandards im postsowjetischen Zentralasien während der Transformation." PhD thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2007.
Journal Article
Von Both, Claudia, Steffen Fleßa, Ahmad Makuwani, Rose Mpembeni, and Albrecht Jahn. "How much time do health services spend on antenatal care? Implications for the introduction of the focused antenatal care model in Tanzania." BMC pregnancy and childbirth 6, no. 22 (2006).
Journal Article
von Both, Claudia, Albrecht Jahn, and Steffen Fleßa. "Costing maternal health services in South Tanzania: a case study from Mtwara Urban District." The European Journal of Health Economics 9, no. 2 (2008): 103-115.
Journal Article
Nguyen, Binh T, James W Albrecht, Susan B Vroman, and Daniel Westbrook. "A quantile regression decomposition of urban-rural inequality in Vietnam." (2006)
Journal Article
Oliveira, Sergio, Nat'alia Mantuano, Afonso Albrecht, and Leonardo Flor. "Análise das Exposições Médicas em Mamografia Digital." Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences 3, no. 1A (2015).
Journal Article
Mushi, Declare L, Rose M Mpembeni, and Albrecht Jahn. "Knowledge about safe motherhood and HIV/AIDS among school pupils in a rural area in Tanzania." BMC pregnancy and childbirth 7, no. 1 (2007): 5.
Journal Article
De Allegri, Manuela, Justin Tiendrebeogo, Olaf Muller, Maurice Ye, Albrecht Jahn, and Valery Ridde. "Understanding home delivery in a context of user fee reduction: a cross-sectional mixed methods study in rural Burkina Faso." BMC pregnancy and childbirth 15, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Abubakari, Abdulai, Gisela Kynast-Wolf, and Albrecht Jahn. "Prevalence of abnormal birth weight and related factors in Northern region, Ghana." BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 15, no. 1 (2015): 335.
Journal Article
Agbozo, Faith, Abdulai Abubakari, Joyce Der, and Albrecht Jahn. "Prevalence of low birth weight, macrosomia and stillbirth and their relationship to associated maternal risk factors in Hohoe Municipality, Ghana." (2016) Midwifery.
Journal Article
Abubakari, Abdulai, and Albrecht Jahn. "Maternal Dietary Patterns and Practices and Birth Weight in Northern Ghana." PloS One 11, no. 9 (2016): e0162285.
Journal Article
Sabir, Muhammad, and Zehra Aftab. "Dynamism in the gender wage gap: evidence from Pakistan." The Pakistan Development Review 46, no. 4 (2007): 865-882.
Book Section
Tiafack, Ojuku, and Chretien Ngouanet. "Visages et défis des principales villes camerounaises." (2008) Population Dynamics and Urban Growth Challenges in Kumba, South West Province of Cameroon.
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