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Showing 1291-1320 of 2959
Journal Article
Lydié, N., N.J. Robinson, B. Ferry, E. Akam, M. De Loenzien, L. Zekeng, and S. Abega.
Adolescent sexuality and the HIV epidemic in Yaounde, Cameroon
Journal of Biosocial Science 36, no. 5 (2004): 597-616.
Journal Article
Msisha, Wezi, Saidi Kapiga, Felton Earls, and SV Subramanian.
Socioeconomic status and HIV seroprevalence in Tanzania: a counterintuitive relationship
International journal of epidemiology 37, no. 6 (2008): 1297-1303.
Journal Article
Nnko, Soori, Betty Chiduo, Gabriel Mwaluko, and Mark Urassa.
Pre-marital sexual behaviour among out-of-school adolescents: Motives, patterns and meaning attributed to sexual partnership in rural Tanzania
(2001) African Journal of Reproductive Health.
Journal Article
Slaymaker, E., J.B. Bwanika, I. Kasamba, T. Lutalo, D. Maher, and J. Todd.
Trends in age at first sex in Uganda: evidence from Demographic and Health Survey data and longitudinal cohorts in Masaka and Rakai
Sexually transmitted infections 85, no. Suppl 1 (2009): i12-i19.
Journal Article
Kaida, Angela, Walter Kipp, Patrick Hessel, and Joseph Konde-Lule.
Male participation in family planning: results from a qualitative study in Mpigi District, Uganda
Journal of biosocial science 37, no. 3 (2005): 269-286.
Journal Article
Asnake, Mengistu, Lakachew Walie, and Yilma Melkamu.
Improving the range of contraceptive choices in rural Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 20, no. 2 (2007): 74-78.
Journal Article
Abramsky, Tanya, Karen Devries, Liglia Kiss, Leilani Francisco, Janet Nakuti, Tina Musuya, Nambusi Kyegombe, Elizabeth Starmann, Dan Kaye, and Lori Michau.
A community mobilisation intervention to prevent violence against women and reduce HIV/AIDS risk in Kampala, Uganda (the SASA! Study): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial
Trials 13, no. 1 (2012): 96.
Journal Article
Jinabhai, C C, M Taylor, and K R Sullivan.
Implications of the prevalence of stunting, overweight and obesity amongst South African primary school children: a possible nutritional transition?
European journal of clinical nutrition 57, no. 2 (2003): 358-365.
Journal Article
Lutalo, Thomas, Medi Kidugavu, Maria Wawer, David Serwadda, Laurie Zabin, and Ronald Gray.
Trends and determinants of contraceptive use in Rakai District, Uganda, 1995-98
Studies in Family Planning 31, no. 3 (2000): 217-227.
Journal Article
Hunter, Susan, F Kaijage, P Maack, A Kiondo, and P Masanja.
Using rapid research to develop a national strategy to assist families affected by AIDS in Tanzania
(1997) Health Transition Review.
Journal Article
Abramsky, Tanya, Charlotte H Watts, Claudia Garcia-Moreno, Karen Devries, Ligia Kiss, Mary Ellsberg, Henrica A Jansen, and Lori Heise.
What factors are associated with recent intimate partner violence? Findings from the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence
BMC Public Health 11, no. 1 (2011): 109.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sangber-Dery, Matthew.
The role of birth order in infant mortality in Ifakara DSS area in rural Tanzania
Journal Article
Beekle, A. T, and C. McCabe.
Awareness and Determinants of Family Planning Practice in Jimma, Ethiopia
International Nursing Review 53, no. 4 (2006): 269-276.
Conference Paper
Mulugeta, Fitsum Zewdu.
Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Childhood Mortality in Ethiopia: An Instrument Variable Approach
Main theme:“Development of Statistical Infrastructure in Ethiopia” Sub theme:“Civil Registration and Vital Statistics System in a Federal and.
Journal Article
Bradley, Heather, Amare Bedada, Heena Brahmbhatt, Aklilu Kidanu, Duff Gillespie, and Amy Tsui.
Educational attainment and HIV status among Ethiopian voluntary counseling and testing clients
AIDS and Behavior 11, no. 5 (2007): 736-742.
Working Paper
Kojima, Masami, Robert Bacon, and Xin Zhou.
Who uses bottled gas? evidence from households in developing countries
(2011) Evidence from Households in Developing Countries (July 1, 2011). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, Vol.
Abate, Gugsa, Jemal Haidar, and Amare Degene.
Nutrition Survay Report in Habru and Kobo Woredas, North Wollo Zone
Working Paper
Fulford, Scott.
Returns to education in India
Journal Article
Snow, Rachel C, Rebecca A Winter, and Siobán D Harlow.
Gender attitudes and fertility aspirations among young men in five high fertility East African countries
Studies in Family Planning 44, no. 1 (2013): 1-24.
Smith, Lisa C, Usha Ramakrishnan, Aida Ndiaye, Lawrence Haddad, and Reynaldo Martorell.
The importance of women's status for child nutrition in developing countries
Washington DC, USA: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2003.
Journal Article
Pandey, Aviral, and Reena Kumari.
Women's work participation in labour market in contemporary India
Journal of Community Positive Practices (Jurnalul Practicilor Comunitare Pozitive) , no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Sharma, Smriti.
Benefits of a Registration Policy for Microenterprise Performance in India
(2012) Available at SSRN 1982786.
Guindon, G. Emmanuel, Arindam Nandi, Frank J Chaloupka IV, and Prabhat Jha.
Socioeconomic differences in the impact of smoking tobacco and alcohol prices on smoking in India
Journal Article
Srivastava, DK, JA Khan, Sanjay Pandey , Rajesh Pandey, and Heman Shah.
Prevalence of physical disability in rural population of district Mau of Uttar Pradesh, India during May 2007
Working Paper
Imai, Katsushi S, and Takahiro Sato.
Fertility, parental education and development in India in 1992-2006
(2009) (unpublished draft).
Journal Article
Dhillon, Preeti, and Laishram Ladusingh.
Working life gain from gain in old age life expectancy in India
Demographic Research 28, no. 26 (2013): 733-762.
Journal Article
Guha, Sriparna.
Women and development in India: An issue of marginalization of female labour
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science 5, no. 4 (2012): 40-45.
Journal Article
Bakshi, Sanjeev, and Prasanta Pathak.
Who works at older ages? the correlates of economic activity and temporal changes in their effects: evidences from India
(2010) MPRA.
Journal Article
Saha, Amitava.
An Assessment of Gender Discrimination in Household Expenditure on Education in India
Oxford Development Studies 41, no. 2 (2013): 1-19.
Journal Article
Nguyen, Minh Duc, Shirley A Beresford, and Adam Drewnowski.
Trends in overweight by socio-economic status in Vietnam: 1992 to 2002
Public health nutrition 10, no. 02 (2007): 115-121.
Showing 1291-1320 of 2959