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Showing 61-88 of 88
Journal Article
Peiris-John, Roshini, Berlin Kafoa, Iris Wainiqolo, Ravi Krishnan Reddy, Eddie McCaig, and Shanthi N Ameratunga.
Population-based characteristics of fatal and hospital admissions for poisoning in Fiji: TRIP Project-11
Injury prevention 19, no. 5 (2013): 355-357.
Journal Article
Reddy, Sandeep Kaushal, and Rafiuddin M Ahmed.
In-situ wave resource assessment near Taveuni, Fiji Islands
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 6, no. 4 (2014).
Journal Article
Maharaj, Jagdish C, and Mahendra Reddy.
Young stroke mortality in Fiji Islands: An economic analysis of national human capital resource loss
(2012) ISRN neurology.
Journal Article
Shilubane, Hilda N, Robert AC Ruiter, Arjan ER Bos, Priscilla S Reddy, and Bart Borne.
High school students’ knowledge and experience with a peer who committed or attempted suicide: a focus group study
BMC public health 14, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Gender, small-scale livestock farming and food security: Policy implications in the South African context
(2015) Human Sciences Research Council.
Working Paper
Laurent, Thomas, Fabrice Murtin, Geoff Barnard, Dean Janse Rensburg, Vijay Reddy, George Frempong, and Lolita Winnaar.
Policy Determinants of School Outcomes Under Model Uncertainty
Working Paper
Juan, A, V Reddy, TL Zuze, C Namome, and S Hannan.
Does it matter whether students enjoy learning science?: exploring student attitudes towards science in South Africa
Journal Article
Reddy G, Jayachandra.
Human resources: A new dimension of cooperation between India and the Philippines
Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 5, no. 3 (2012): 80-92.
Journal Article
Reddy, S, and T Abuka.
Determinants of Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice among Mothers of Children Under Two Years Old In Dilla Zuria District, Gedeo Zone, Snnpr, Ethiopia, 2014
Journal of Pregnancy and Child Health 3, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Meshram, II, Rao K Mallikharjun, Ravindranath M Ch Gal Reddy, Sharad S Kumar, Sreerama K Krishna, Hari R Kumar, K Venkaiah, and A Laxmaiah.
Prevalence of Under Nutrition and its Predictors among Under 5 Year Children in Surat Region, Gujarat, India
Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics 2, no. 1:2 (2016): 1-12.
Journal Article
Ramachandran, Reshma M, and Sudhakar C Reddy.
Monitoring of deforestation and land use changes (1925-2012) in Idukki district, Kerala, India using remote sensing and GIS
(2016) Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing.
Journal Article
Reddy M, Malla.
Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana: Current Status
International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing 6, no. 2 (2016): 149-160.
Journal Article
Manyaapelo, Thabang, Robert AC Ruiter, Anam Nyembezi, Bart Borne, Sibusiso Sifunda, and Priscilla Reddy.
The psychosocial determinants of the intention to avoid sexual engagement when intoxicated among young men in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Reddy, Venkatashiva B, Yadlapalli S Kusuma, Chandrakant S Pandav, Anil Kumar Goswami, and Anand Krishnan.
Prevalence of malnutrition, diarrhea, and acute respiratory infections among under-five children of Sugali tribe of Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India
Journal of natural science, biology, and medicine 7, no. 2 (2016): 155-160.
Working Paper
Lloyd, Pam, Vera Frith, Jacob Jaftha, Sheena Rughubar-Reddy, and Kate Le Roux.
Quantitative Literacy for University students in South Africa
Journal Article
Reddy, Ravichandra, Gangaraj Subba, and Sudip Dutta.
Infant and young child feeding practices: a cross sectional study in Sikkim
International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics 3, no. 4 (2016): 1244-1248.
Journal Article
Govender, T, P Reddy, and S Ghuman.
Obstetric outcomes and antenatal access among adolescent pregnancies in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
(2017) South African Family Practice.
Journal Article
Manyaapelo, Thabang, Anam Nyembezi, Robert AC Ruiter, Bart Borne, Sibusiso Sifunda, and Priscilla Reddy.
Understanding the Psychosocial Correlates of the Intention to Use Condoms among Young Men in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, no. 4 (2017): 339.
Journal Article
Marquis, Grace S, Esi K Colecraft, Owuraku Sakyi-Dawson, Anna Lartey, Ben K Ahunu, Katherine A Birks, Lorna M Butler, Manju B Reddy, Helen H Jensen, and Elizabeth Huff-Lonergan.
An integrated microcredit, entrepreneurial training, and nutrition education intervention is associated with better growth among preschool-aged children in rural Ghana
The Journal of Nutrition 145, no. 2 (2015): 335-343.
Working Paper
Mamgain, Rajendra P, and D.N. Reddy.
Outmigration from the Hill Region of Uttrakhand Magnitude, Challenges and Policy Options
(2016) Giri Institute of Development Studies.
Journal Article
Ports, Katie A, Diane M Reddy, and Anjali Rameshbabu.
Barriers and facilitators to HPV vaccination: perspectives from Malawian women
Women & Health 53, no. 6 (2013): 630-645.
Journal Article
Reddy, Elizabeth A, Chris Bernard Agala, Venance P Maro, Jan Ostermann, Brian W Pence, Dafrosa K Itemba, Donna Safley, Jia Yao, Nathan M Thielman, and Kathryn Whetten.
Test site predicts HIV care linkage and antiretroviral therapy initiation: a prospective 3.5 year cohort study of HIV-positive testers in northern Tanzania
BMC infectious diseases 16, no. 1 (2016): 497.
Journal Article
Georgiadis, Andreas, Liza Benny, Sheikh Galab, Prudhvikar Reddy, and Tassew Woldehanna.
Growth recovery and faltering though early adolescence in low-and middle-income countries: Determinants and implications for cognitive development
(2017) Social Science & Medicine.
Journal Article
Ostermann, Jan, Elizabeth A Reddy, Meghan M Shorter, Charles Muiruri, Antipas Mtalo, Dafrosa K Itemba, Bernard Njau, John A Bartlett, John A Crump, and Nathan M Thielman.
Who tests, who doesn't, and why? Uptake of mobile HIV counseling and testing in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania
PLoS One 6, no. 1 (2011).
Reddy, Vijay, Haroon Bhorat, Marcus Powell, MM Visser, and Fabian Arends.
Skills supply and demand in South Africa
: the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP), 2016.
Working Paper
Minoiu, Camelia, and Sanjay G Reddy.
Estimating poverty and inequality from grouped data: How well do parametric methods perform?
Journal Article
Sumner, Steven A, Anthony J Pallangyo, Elizabeth A Reddy, Venance Maro, Brian W Pence, Catherine Lynch, Elizabeth L Turner, Joseph R Egger, and Nathan M Thielman.
Effect of free distribution of safety equipment on usage among motorcycle--taxi drivers in Tanzania—A cluster randomised controlled trial
Injury 45, no. 11 (2014): 1681-1686.
Journal Article
Njau, Bernard, Jan Ostermann, Derek Brown, Axel Muhlbacher, Elizabeth Reddy, and Nathan Thielman.
HIV testing preferences in Tanzania: a qualitative exploration of the importance of confidentiality, accessibility, and quality of service
BMC Public Health 14, no. 1 (2014): 838.
Showing 61-88 of 88