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Showing 511-540 of 1244
Working Paper
Guha-Sapir, Debarati, and Olivier Degomme.
Counting the deaths in Darfur: Estimating mortality from multiple survey data
(2006) Households in Conflict Network .
Working Paper
Lum On, Miriam, Vicki Bennett, and Maxine Whittaker.
Issues and challenges for health information systems in the Pacific: Findings from the Pacific health Information network meeting
(2009) Health Information Systems Knowledge Hub Working Paper Series.
Leburg, Corey, Nazo Kureshy, Joseph Valadez, Lusine Mirzoyan, Vardan Matevosyan, Liliana Veloso, and Collen Conroy.
Network for health in Armenia: Baseline report supplement
: ADRA, CARE, and Save the Children, 2001.
Working Paper
Hertz, Tom.
The relation between poverty, inequality and unemployment in South Africa
South African Network for Economic Research Working Paper , no. 9 (1998).
Working Paper
Aksan, Anna-Maria.
Malaria and Africa's sluggish demographic transition
(2011) Social Science Research Network.
Working Paper
van der Berg, Servaas.
Poverty in South Africa - An analysis of the evidence
(2003) Southern African Regional Poverty Network.
Journal Article
Lutz, Wolfgang, and Samir KC.
Global human capital: Integrating education and population
(2011) Population Network Newsletter.
Working Paper
Filmer, Deon.
The structure of social disparities in education: gender and wealth
(1999) The World Bank Development Research Group/ Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network.
Working Paper
Akresh, Richard, Leonardo Lucchetti, and Harsha Thirumurthy.
Wars and child health: Evidence from the Eritrean-Ethiopian conflict
(2010) Households in Conflict Network Working Papers.
Journal Article
Al-Sammak, Najlaa Ibrahim, and Asma Ahmed Al-Jawadi.
Contraceptive use dynamics among married women attending primary health care centers in Mosul City, Iraq: A cross-sectional study
Journal of the South Asian Primary Care Research Network 3, no. 1 (2012).
Conference Paper
Yusupov, Nurmukhammad.
Breastfeeding, son preference and child health: Evidence from Central Asia
CIS Research Network Workshop.
Kiev, Ukraine, December 17-19, 2011.
Conference Paper
Mariara, Jane.
Poverty, childhood mortality and policy options from DHS surveys in Kenya: 1993-2003
6th PEP research network general meeting.
Lima, Peru, 2007.
Putney, Pamela.
The Nepal safe motherhood network
Bethesda, MD, USA: Partnerships for Health Reform, 2000.
Hruska, Allan J, and Carrie Osborne.
NicaSalud & Umoyo Network: Lessons learned from establishing and managing health networks in Nicaragua and Malawi
Washington, DC, USA: NGO Networks for Health, 2003.
Journal Article
Flowers, Cara, and Kerstin Danert.
Finding information on rural water supplies
(2012) Rural Water Supply Network.
Journal Article
Kebede, Wassie, and Alice K Butterfield.
Social Networks among Poor women in Ethiopia
International Social Work 52, no. 3 (2012): 357-374.
Working Paper
Agrawal, Tushar.
Educational Attainment in India
(2012) Social Science Research Network.
South African Cities Network,.
State of the Cities Report 2006
Braamfontein, South Africa: SACN, 2006.
Working Paper
Brück, Tilman, Patricia Justino, Philip Verwimp, and Andrew Tedesco.
Measuring Conflict Exposure in Micro-Level Surveys
(2013) HiCN (Households in Conflict Network) Working Paper 153.
Working Paper
Gasparini, Leonardo, Walter S Escudero , Mariana Marchionni , and Sergio Olivieri.
Understanding Quality of Life in Latin America and the Caribbean
(2007) Latin American Research Network IADB. CEDLAS.
Working Paper
Favre, Raphy.
Market Development, Location of Bazaars and Road Network Conditions in Afghanistan
Working Paper
Diagne, Oumar D, Ousmane Faye, and Salimata Faye.
Le Noyau Dur de la Pauvrete au Senegal
(2007) Poverty and Economic Policy Research Network WP No. PMMA-2007-17.
Working Paper
Jensen A, Hans.
Scaling up, Networking and Replication. Paradigm and Visions: Network for Poultry Production and Health in Developing Countries
Working Paper
Howe, John, and Rabira Garba.
Farm-level transport and animal dependency in Kaffecho Zone, Ethiopia
(1997) Animal Traction Network of Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA) Workshop “Improving donkey utilisation and management.
Journal Article
Savadogo, Boubakar.
Analyse Critique des Politiques Éducatives et de Développement du Burkina Faso de 1960 a 2012, Perspectives Ante et Post 2015
(2013) Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training.
Conference Paper
Corong, Erwin.
Growth, Trade Liberalization, and Poverty in the Philippines: An Integrated Sequential Dynamic CGE Microsimulation Analysis
4th PEP Research Network General Meeting.
Colombo, Sri Lanka, June 13-17, 2005.
Conference Paper
Soraya, Jessaine Surui.
Overseas Workers, Remittances, and Household Welfare in the Philippines
6th PEP Research Network General Meeting.
March 7, 2007.
Working Paper
Lanzona Jr A, Leonardo.
An Analysis of Globalization and Wage Inequality in the Philippines. An Application of the Stolper-Samuelson Theory
(2000) Philippine APEC Study Center Network.
Conference Paper
Garde, Maricar Paz M, Michael M Alba, and Jessaine Soraya C Sugui.
The Implications of Remittances to Filipino Households’ Labor Participation, Welfare, and Inequality
5th PEP Research Network General Meeting.
June 18-22, 2006.
Working Paper
Nchor, Dennis, and Jonathan Adabre.
Global Development Network Strengthening Institutions to Improve Public Expenditure Accountability
Integrated Social Development Centre .
Showing 511-540 of 1244