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Thesis or Dissertation
Lugome A, Baraka. "Impact of trade liberalization towards SME’s development in Tanzania: a case study of Morogoro municipality." Master of Business Administration, Mzumbe University, 2013.
Conference Paper
"CBMS: Looking beyond poverty monitoring : Proceedings of the 2006 CBMS Network Meeting." The 2006 CBMS Network Meeting. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2006.
Journal Article
Nandi K, Tushar. "Social Networks and Employment in India." Economics Bulletin 30, no. 4 (2010): 2769-2778.
Journal Article
Krishnan, Pramila, and Emanuela Sciubba. "Links and Architecture in Village Networks." The Economic Journal 119, no. 537 (2009): 917-949.
Working Paper
Sumelius, John, Shimelles Tenaw, Stefan Backman, Faustine Bee, Suleman Chambo, Gervas Machimu, and Neema Kumburu. "Cooperatives as a Tool for Poverty Reduction and Promoting Business in Tanzania." (2013) Finland: Department of Economics and Management.
Journal Article
Ruriko Sakamoto, Angela, and Wanderley Souza Júnior. "Living Lab: a proposal for a collaborative network for open innovation between University and High School."
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Journal Article
Bardasi, Elina, and Quinton Wodon. "Who pays the most for water? Alternative providers and service costs in Niger." Economics Bulletin 9, no. 20 (2008): 1-10.
Working Paper
Gertler, Paul J, and John W Molyneaux. "The Impact of Strategically Allocated Family Planning Programs in Indonesia, 1986-94." (1999)
Journal Article
Behrman, J.R., H.P. Kohler, and S.C. Watkins. "Social networks and changes in contraceptive use over time: Evidence from a longitudinal study in rural Kenya." Demography 39, no. 4 (2002): 713-738.
Journal Article
Kemp, Julia, Jean-Marion Aitken, Sarah LeGrand, and Biziwick Mwale. "Equity in health sector responses to HIV/AIDS in Malawi." (2003) Regional Network for Equity in Health in Southern Africa. Harare: Equinet.
Journal Article
Valente, T. W, and W. P Saba. "Campaign exposure and interpersonal communication as factors in contraceptive use in Bolivia." Journal of Health Communication 6, no. 4 (2001): 303-322.
Working Paper
Masiye, Felix, Bona M Chitah, Pascalina Chanda, and Felix Simeo. "Removal of user fees at primary health care facilities in Zambia: a study of the effects on utilisation and quality of care." Regional Network for Equity in Health in east and souther Africa Discussion Paper , no. 57 (2008).
Journal Article
Bangha, Martin, Alioune Diagne, Ayaga Bawah, and Osman Sankoh. "Monitoring the millennium development goals: the potential role of the INDEPTH Network." (2010) Global Health Action.
Journal Article
Nepal, Mani, Alok Bohara, and Robert Berrens. "The impacts of social networks and household forest conservation efforts in rural Nepal." Land Economics 83, no. 2 (2007): 174-1.
Conference Paper
Mpofu, Amon, and Phillip Nyahoda. "National health financing in Zimbabwe 2005: Contribution of the national AIDS levy to national health care support." Regional Network for Equity in Health in Southern Africa. Cape Town, South Africa, March, 2008.
Book Section
Gurung B, Astrid. "Sustainable development in mountain regions: Southeastern Europe." (2011) Science Networks for global change in mountain regions: the mountain research initiative.
Journal Article
Burns, Justine, Susan Godlonton, and Malcolm Keswell. "Social networks, employment and worker discouragement: Evidence from South Africa." Labour Economics 17, no. 2 (2010): 336-344.
Journal Article
Schöer, Volker, and Murray Leibbrandt. "Determinants of job search strategies: Evidence from the Khayelitsha / Mitchell’s Plain Survey." South African Journal of Economics 74, no. 4 (2006): 702-724.
Working Paper
Keswell, Malcolm. "Social networks, extended families, and consumption smoothing: Field evidence from South Africa." CSSR Working Paper No 58 , no. 58 (2003).
Working Paper
Godlonton, Susan, and Justine Burns. "Social networks, employment and worker discouragement: Evidence from South Africa." Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 06/06 (2006).
Working Paper
Burger, Ronelle, and Christelle Swanpoel. "Have pro-poor health policies improved the targeting of spending and the effective delivery of health care in South Africa?." Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 12/06 (2006).
Journal Article
Metzger, P., N. A Baloch, G. N Kazi, and K. M Bile. "Tuberculosis Control in Pakistan: Reviewing a Decade of Success and Challenges." (2010) Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal.
Journal Article
Sawers, Larry. "Measuring and Modelling Concurrency." Journal of the International AIDS Society 16, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Aruneri, Maria Estela Ponce, and Erwin Kraenau Espinal. "Perceptrón memoria de correlación multicapa para predecir la violencia sistemática contra la mujer por su pareja en la Sierra del Perú." Revista ECIPerú Volumen 10, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Harlan, Sarah V, Tara M Sullivan, and Samson E Hailegiorgis. "Mapping networks to improve knowledge exchange among family planning and reproductive health organizations in Ethiopia." Knowledge Management for Development Journal 9, no. 2 (2013).
Working Paper
Nguyen, Huu Chi, and Christophe Nordman. "Household entrepreneurship and social networks: panel data evidence from Vietnam." (2013)
Conference Paper
Quoc, Hoang Dinh, Thomas Dufhues, and Gertrud Buchenrieder. "Facilitating access to rural services in Vietnam: The invisible social capital link." International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Triennial Conference, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 18-24 August, 2012. 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gaduh B, Arya. "Three essays on cooperation, social interactions, and religion." University of Southern California, 2013.
Showing 271-300 of 1244