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Thesis or Dissertation
AKAKPO, Ézin Jocelyn Côme Alex. "Les déterminants de l'observance a la trithérapie antirétrovirale chez les patients infectés par le VIH a Cotonou, Bénin." Mémoire pour l'obtention du grade de Maître es Sciences, Université Laval, 2009.
Journal Article
Teclessou, JN, S Akakpo, D Gbetoglo, G Koumagnanou, A Singo, and P Pitché. "Enquête comportementale et de séroprévalence du VIH chez les professionnelles du sexe au Togo en 2015." (2017) Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kayembe, Kazadi Nshindanyi. "Role of men in programme to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Jwaneng, Botswana." Master in Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand, 2005.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pieschacón Gomez, Mauricio. "Bogotá città musicale : Master - plan per una città musicale e progettazione architettonica di un auditorio sostenibile." Politecnico di Torino, 2012.
Journal Article
Vesco, Camilla, and Astrig Tasgian. "Le associazioni femminili: il caso del Burkina Faso." Quaderni di Donne & Ricerca , no. 21 (2011).
Witter, Sophie, Nouria Brikci, Tim Harris, Richard Williams, Sarah Keen, Anna Mujica, Alex Jones, Alex Murray-Zmijewski, Barbara Bale, and Bailah Leigh. The Sierra Leone Free Health Care Initiative (FHCI): process and effectiveness review. 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Callo Quinte, Gabriela. "Conocimientos y prácticas sobre alimentación y nutrición de niños menores de 5 años en madres participantes y no participantes de sesiones educativas en Paucará- Huancavelica." Tesis para optar el título de Licenciada en Nutrición, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos. Facultad De Medicina Humana. E. A. P. De Nutrición, 2009.
Journal Article
Egiziabeher, Tegegn G, and Fekadu Kassa. "The Service Adequacy of Long Distance Bus Transport in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia." International Journal of Research in Advent Technology 1, no. 5 (2013).
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Journal Article
Subramanian, S V, Emre Ozaltin, and Jocelyn E Finlay. "Height of nations: a socioeconomic analysis of cohort differences and patterns among women in 54 low-to middle-income countries." PLoS One 6, no. 4 (2011): e1896.
Conference Paper
DeJong, Jocelyn, Bonnie Shepard, Iman MORTAGI, and Rana Jawad. "The reproductive health of young people in the MIddle East and North Africa." IUSSP Conference. Tours, France, 2005.
Gonzales, Patrick, Lisette Partelow, Erin Pahlke, Leslie Jocelyn, David Kastberg, Trevor Williams, and Juan Carlos Guzmán. Highlights from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2004.
Gross, Jocelyn, and Barbara Swirski. Time use surveys and gender equality. 2002.
Working Paper
Kynch, Jocelyn, and Amartya Sen. "Indian women: well-being and survival." Cambridge Journal of Economics 7, no. 3/4 (1983): 363-380.
Rogers, Beatrice, Gray Maganga, Shelley Walton, Lauren Jayson, Simone Passarelli, Devika Suri, Breanne Langlois, Kwan Ho Kenneth Chui, Jocelyn Boiteau, Elizabeth Ignowski, Irwin Rosenberg, Stephen Vosti, and Patrick Webb. Feasibility and Acceptability Study of Preparing Corn Soy Blend with Fortified Vegetable Oil in Malawi. 2015.
Journal Article
Corsi, Daniel J, Jocelyn E Finlay, and S V Subramanian. "Global burden of double malnutrition: Has anyone seen it?." PLoS ONE 6, no. 9 (2011): e2512.
Journal Article
DeJong, Jocelyn, Rana Jawad, Iman Mortagy, and Bonnie Shepard. "The sexual and reproductive health of young people in the Arab countries and Iran." Reproductive Health Matters 13, no. 25 (2005): 49-59.
Journal Article
Kabakian-Khasholian, Tamar, Afamia Kaddour, Jocelyn DeJong, Rawan Shayboub, and Anwar Nassar. "The policy environment encouraging C-section in Lebanon." Health policy 83, no. 1 (2007): 37-49.
Journal Article
Neuman, Melissa, Jocelyn E Finlay, George D Smith, and SV Subramanian. "The poor stay thinner: stable socioeconomic gradients in BMI among women in lower-and middle-income countries." The American journal of clinical nutrition 94, no. 5 (2011): 1348-1357.
Journal Article
De Jong, Jocelyn, and Bonnie Shepherd. "Youth, gender and the family in the Arab World." (2006) Arab Youth Strategising for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Journal Article
Obermeyer, Carla M, and Robert F Reynolds. "Female genital surgeries, reproductive health and sexuality: a review of the evidence." Reproductive Health Matters 7, no. 13 (1999): 112-120.
Working Paper
Finlay, Jocelyn. "Fertility response to natural disasters: the case of three high mortality earthquakes." (2009) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Corsi, Daniel, Melissa Neuman, Jocelyn Finlay, and S V Subramanian. "Demographic and health surveys: a profile." International journal of epidemiology 41, no. 6 (2012): 1602-1613.
Journal Article
Corsi, Daniel J, Jocelyn E Finlay, and S.V. V Subramanian. "Weight of communities: A multilevel analysis of body mass index in 32,814 neighborhoods in 57 low- to middle-income countries (LMICs)." (2012) Social Science & Medicine.
Working Paper
Pal, Sarmistha, and Jocelyn Kynch. "Determinants of occupational change and mobility in rural India." Applied Economics 32, no. 12 (2000): 1559-1573.
Journal Article
Rabby, Talukder Golam, Gazi Mahabubul Alam, Leo Jocelyn Fredericks, Sulochana Nair, Mohammad Nurul Azam, Abul Quasem Al-Amin, K Ahmed Sheikh, and Issa Khan. "What offers solution to the poverty reduction of the Haor people in Bangladesh? seasonal migration or a new inshore economic livelihood policy.." African Journal of Business Management 5, no. 23 (2011): 9979-9991.
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