“Study into the Economics of Low Carbon, Climate-Resilient Development in Vietnam-Scoping Phase”.

Type Report
Title “Study into the Economics of Low Carbon, Climate-Resilient Development in Vietnam-Scoping Phase”.
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2011
URL http://www.ciem.org.vn/Portals/1/CIEM/TinTuc/2010/Final_ReportCIEMrevised_21.pdf
During the last decades, Vietnamese government has already acknowledged the challenges of
climate change and harmful impacts of increasing environmental pollutions in the country.
Economic growth is no longer a sole development objective in Vietnam but a more sustainable
and high-quality growth is targeted in a number of policy documents. Supporting these policies
and building capacity in Vietnam to undertake and update analyses of the economics of low
carbon development and climate change, Department of International Development (DFID) of
British government in association with the Ministry of Investment (MPI) of Vietnam initiated a
study namely ―Study into the Economics of Low Carbon, Climate-Resilient Development in
Vietnam‖ and Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) was chosen as the main
implementing agency. The scope of this overall study comprises three phases: i) Scoping phase;
ii) Input studies phase; and iii) Main study.
The objectives of the scoping study are: i) To collate and assess what data and studies exist that
will be of use to the study and identify what work will need to be commissioned to fill key gaps;
ii) To review the proposed methodology and note where new tools will need to be developed or
existing models adopted; iii) To assess what skills exist in Vietnam against those required for the
study and identify in-country training needed and/or what international support will need to be
brought in for the subsequent two phases (Input Studies and the main Study phases); iv) To
identify and consult with key stakeholder groups on the work scope, its phasing and key steps for
engagement. During the process of completing these four tasks, the ―business as usual‖ scenarios
for Vietnamese economy at least by 2020 (some indicators are actually set out for 2030) will also
be formulated.

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