Analysis of the threats posed by risks in poultry production among farmers in Kaduna metropolis of Kaduna state, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - Journal of Animal Production Research
Title Analysis of the threats posed by risks in poultry production among farmers in Kaduna metropolis of Kaduna state, Nigeria
Volume 28
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
Page numbers 313-320
The study examined the threats posed by risks amongst poultry farmers in Kaduna Metropolis of
Kaduna State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study identified the sources of risk that posed as a threats
to poultry farmers in the study area. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 130
farmers. Primary data were collected using structured questionnaire and analysed using
descriptive statistics. The results showed that the average age was 45 and the average household
size was 9. It was discovered that the 3 most important risks in poultry were disease out-break,
rise in cost of inputs, and change in poultry output prices (eggs and meat). These were reported
by 100%, 96.9% and 94.6% of the respondents respectively. It can be concluded that the 3 most
important of risks in poultry were disease out-break, rise in cost of inputs, and change in poultry
output prices (eggs and meat). Therefore, it was recommended that Poultry farmers in Northern
Nigeria should be encouraged by Government and non-Government organizations to join
cooperatives in order to have access to better health hygiene practices, veterinary services,
extension services, and information that would help to further facilitate positive interactions
especially on risk sharing. This would present a collective bargaining front, and serve as a
conduct for transmitting government extension recommendations to the farmer.

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