Status paper on road safety in Nepal

Type Conference Paper - The 67th Session of the Working Party 1 (WP 1) of UNECE New Delhi, India, 4 to 6 December 2013
Title Status paper on road safety in Nepal
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
City New Delhi
Country/State India
URL Paper on Road Safety in Nepal​- Dep of Roads - 2013.pdf
Nepal is situated in the Himalayas bordering the Peoples Republic of China on the north and
India on the remaining three sides. Nepal is elongated in east west direction with an average
length of 885 km and the width varying from 133 km to 255 km in North South direction having
an area of 147,181 sq. km. The Population of the country is 26.494 million with growth rate
1.35% per annum1
Interim Constitution, 2006 has declared the country as a Federal Republic but the structure of
federation is yet to be finalized. The first Constitutional Assembly (CA) elected on 2008 could
not draft the constitution and new election 2013 has just accomplished to form a second
Constituent Assembly to draft the Constitution.

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