Teenage Pregnancy and Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Behavior in Suhum, Ghana

Type Journal Article - European Journal of Educational Sciences
Title Teenage Pregnancy and Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Behavior in Suhum, Ghana
Volume 4
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2017
Page numbers 1
URL http://ejes.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/EJES.Vol_.4.No_.1-FOR-PRINT.pdf#page=5
This study sought to investigate the key factors that influence teenage
reproductive and sexual behaviours and how these behaviours are likely to
be influenced by parenting styles of primary caregivers of adolescents in
Suhum, in Eastern Ghana. The study aimed to identify risky sexual and
reproductive behaviours and their underlying factors among in-school and
out-of-school adolescents and how parenting styles might play a role.
While the data from the study provided a useful snapshot and a clear picture
of sexual and reproductive behaviours of the teenagers surveyed, it did not
point to any strong association between parental styles and teens’ sexual
reproductive behaviours.

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