Using shuttle radar topographic mission imagery to identify inland valley areas and the soil suitability studies for vegetable production in Akure South local government area Nigeria

Type Journal Article - European Scientific Journal
Title Using shuttle radar topographic mission imagery to identify inland valley areas and the soil suitability studies for vegetable production in Akure South local government area Nigeria
Volume 3
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
Page numbers 297-304
The Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) imagery was used in 2012 to
identify stream courses in Akure South Local Government Area (AKSLGA) where Akure
(Latitute 70
15‘N and Longitude 50
15‘E) the capital of Ondo State Nigeria which had
witnessed a tremendous urban sprawl in the last twenty years was located. The cultivation of
vegetable in the inland valley areas was a way to improve the income and diet of the city
dwellers. The polygonized boundary of AKSLGA which was superimposed on SRTM image
was extracted out while the focal statistics, the contour lines at an interval of 10 m and the
stream courses were generated using the Spatial Analyst Tools in ArcMap. The streams were
each buffered at a distance of 100 m to generate the inland valley areas using the Analysis/
Proximity/ Buffer Tools. The soils were generally sandy loam while the average bulk
densities and gravel content values were 1.53 g/cm3
and 9% respectively. The nutrient
concentration showed mean values of 1.02 %, 11.2 ppm, 0.25 cmol/kg, 3.77 cmol/kg, 1.66
cmol/kg and 3.32 % for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and organic
matter respectively which were suitable soil conditions for vegetable production.

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