Land degradation, soil conservation and poverty status of farmers in Osun State, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology
Title Land degradation, soil conservation and poverty status of farmers in Osun State, Nigeria
Volume 2
Issue 6
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
Page numbers 1205-1231
URL 11.pdf
This study deals with Land degradation and Poverty Status of farmers in Osun
State, Nigeria. Data were collected from 105 randomly sampled respondents in the study
area. The methods employed in analyzing the data were, Descriptive statistics, FGT poverty
index and Probit regression model. The study revealed that averagely they were aged 51.66
years. Majority 79.05% were male, 73.33% were married and 46.67% had household size of
6-10 members with a mean household size of 8 members in the house. The mean farm size
was 9.70ha58.48% of the respondents had between 0.5-2ha of land subjected to fallowing.
9.52% of the respondents had between 0.5-2ha of land subjected to livestock farming.
78.10% of the respondents had between 0.5-2ha of degraded cash crop land. 74.29% of the
respondents had between 0.5-2ha of degraded food cropland. 47.62% of the respondents had
between 0.5-2ha of degraded fallow land. 86.67% of the respondents did not use dung of
livestock kept on the farm. 72.38% of the respondents used bush burning on their farm.
65.71% of the respondents used mulching on their farm. 85.71% of the respondents practiced
clean clearing on their farm. 63.81% of the respondents practiced crop rotation on their farm.
66.67% of the respondents did not use organic manure on their farm. 62.66% of the
respondents did not practice zero tillage on their farm. The study further revealed that poverty
incidence (P0) was 51%, poverty depth (P1) was 17% and poverty severity (P2) was 8%. The
determinants of poverty in the study area are; marital status, household size and land area
under livestock farming.

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