Aquaculture, a Component of the Farming Systems among the Fishing Communities in Oil Producing Areas of Delta, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development
Title Aquaculture, a Component of the Farming Systems among the Fishing Communities in Oil Producing Areas of Delta, Nigeria
Volume 3
Issue 6
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
Page numbers 371-377
URL, Vol. 3(6)2013-371-377.pdf
The study focused on ascertaining the relative importance of aquaculture in the farming systems of Oil
Producing Areas Delta State, Nigeria. A stratified random sample of 598 households from 47
communities was used. Primary data collected between the months of May 2009 and February 2011 by
means of structured questionnaire, complemented by oral were analysed using both descriptive and
inferential statistics. The results show that 69% of the respondents were into fishing/fish farming either
as sole enterprise or in combination with other farming activities while 31% were into non-fish
farming activities only. Among those involved in fishing activities, 37% were into capture fisheries,
while about 32% were involved in aquaculture either as sole enterprise or in combination with other
farming enterprises. The average size of fish pond was about 51 m2
. The mean household net income
from aquaculture per annum was about N91, 542, giving the highest returns on investment of about
45%. The study also found that households practicing aquaculture together with arable cropping
generated significantly (P = 0.05) highest net farm income (N127342) than the rest groups of
households. The major constraints to aquaculture development were inadequate finance, high cost of
feeds and water pollution problems. It was recommended that the current government efforts at
boosting investment in aquaculture through microcredit should be stepped up. Local sourcing of feeds
by the farmers is also encouraged.

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