Wood fuel consumption in Nigeria and the energy ladder: A review of fuel wood use in Kaduna State

Type Journal Article - Journal of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels
Title Wood fuel consumption in Nigeria and the energy ladder: A review of fuel wood use in Kaduna State
Volume 4
Issue 5
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
Page numbers 85-89
URL http://www.academicjournals.org/journal/JPTAF/article-full-text-pdf/2DF32EA9283
Rural areas of developing countries are very dependent on biomass fuels such as wood fuel and dried
dung for their energy consumption. Wood fuel as a source of energy plays a vital role in household
energy requirements, due to increasing economic hardship in the country, many people are finding it
increasingly difficult to afford conventional fuels in Nigeria. Wood fuel in Kaduna State is the most
highly consumed fuel, together accounting to about 1,722,904 t/year consumed per person in the State.
This review examines the wood fuel used and the energy ladder in Kaduna State. However, the major
reason why people used wood fuel as the alternative source for heat energy generation is poor income,
poverty and like of adequate national grid.

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