Nonearnings income migration in the United States: Anticipating the geographical impacts of baby boom retirement

Type Working Paper
Title Nonearnings income migration in the United States: Anticipating the geographical impacts of baby boom retirement
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2004
This paper highlights geographic regions gaining and losing investment and social
security income (collectively referred to as nonearnings income) through migration of baby
boomers and their predecessors. There is a consistent Rustbelt to Sunbelt shift in nonearnings
income due to migration, as well as movement down the urban hierarchy into nonmetropolitan
destinations. The analysis further indicates migration of those over age 55 contributes to greater
levels of economic disparity across space. Regions like the Plains are losing a higher proportion
of well-to-do migrants in this age group, as individuals move to high amenity destinations in the
Rocky Mountains. Such destinations are likely to enjoy significant economic benefits as these
new sources arrive. The places of origin, however, are left with less-well-off populations posing
significant social and economic problems. In contrast, baby boomer migration appears to benefit
nonmetropolitan territories in all regions, and baby boomers with higher levels of per capita
economic resources appear to be responsible for these nonmetropolitan income gains.

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