Agricultural Marketing Information Usage among Soybean Farmers in Nigeria

Type Journal Article - International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
Title Agricultural Marketing Information Usage among Soybean Farmers in Nigeria
Volume 1
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2012
Page numbers 160-170
This study examined agricultural marketing information usage among soybean farmers in Nigeria using data from
randomly sampled 150 soybean farmers in Benue State. The soybean farmers get agricultural marketing information mainly
through other soybean producers (83.33%), family (70.00%), neighbours (67.33%), farmer’s cooperative organization
(65.33%) and extension agents (62.67%). Other soybean producers (83.33%), family (81.33%), neighbours (80%), farmer
cooperative society (80%), extension agents (66.67%) were highly evaluated as USEFUL by the farmers. Other soybean
producers, cooperative society, off-farm employment, extension services and access to markets significantly influenced the
probability of producers evaluating their agricultural marketing information as adequate. The greatest constraint to access to
agricultural marketing information by soya bean farmers included inadequate access to extension services (22%), ineffective
communication (20%), distance from other soya bean producers (16.67%), middlemen (16%), lack of capital (13.33%) and
illiteracy (12%). Information sources and marketing information usefulness were not independent of one another among the
respondents. Information sources and marketing information adequacy are not independent of one another among the
respondents. More extension agents should be deployed to where the farmers are residing so as to reach a large number of
the farmers and teach them on their areas of critical needs. Other methods of extension information dissemination should be
used to transfer current, adequate and useful marketing information to the farmers. It should be ensured that any extension
method being used to disseminate marketing information to the farmers is such that the farmers understand the message
and marketing information being communicated to them.

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