Cybercrime in Nigeria: Causes, Effects and the Way Out

Type Journal Article - ARPN Journal of Science and Technology
Title Cybercrime in Nigeria: Causes, Effects and the Way Out
Volume 2
Issue 7
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2012
Page numbers 626-631
Cybercrime involves using computers and Internet by individuals to commit crime. Cyber terrorism, identity theft and
spam are identified as types of cybercrimes. The study identified some of the causes of cyber crimes to include
urbanization, unemployment and weak implementation of cyber crime laws. The effects of cybercrimes on organizations,
the society and the country in general include reducing the competitive edge of organizations, waste of production time and
damage to the image of the country. With Nigeria venturing into cashless society, there is a need for cybercrimes menace
to be minimized if not completely eradicated. Some of the ways of combating such crimes include taking reasonable steps
to protect ones property by ensuring that firms protect their IT infrastructure like Networks and computer systems;
government should assure that cyber crime laws are formulated and strictly adhered to and individuals should observe
simple rules by ensuring antivirus protection on their computer systems.

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