Analysis of the Relevance of Baseline Survey in the Selection of Beneficiaries: The Case of Community and Social Development Agency Adamawa State, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - World Rural Observations
Title Analysis of the Relevance of Baseline Survey in the Selection of Beneficiaries: The Case of Community and Social Development Agency Adamawa State, Nigeria
Volume 3
Issue 3
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2011
Page numbers 33-39
A baseline survey was conducted in nine selected Local Government Areas of Adamawa State to
ascertain the present state of socio-economic status of participating communities to ensure that at the end of the
project, proper and acceptable impact assessment studies could be carried-out in the State. Data were collected from
900 respondents using random sampling technique and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results from survey
revealed that majority of the respondents (71.11%) are in the prime of age of 20 to 49 years, 76.67% had one form
of formal education or the other, farming provides primary and secondary occupation with 60.67 % and 39.33 %
respectively. Income from secondary source was 55.78%. Also, 73. 89% of the respondents live in their own family
houses, water supply source was mainly by well (63.89%), 69.33% of the respondents used pit toilets and waste
disposal was by vacant plots. Recommendations for project intervention were made.

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