Major Causes of Declining Quality of Education in Nigeria from Administrative Perspective: A Case Study of Dekina Local Government Area

Type Journal Article - Canadian Social Science
Title Major Causes of Declining Quality of Education in Nigeria from Administrative Perspective: A Case Study of Dekina Local Government Area
Volume 6
Issue 3
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2010
Page numbers 183-198
This paper points out the fact that the problem of declining quality of
education is mainly an administrative one. Administrative concepts of educational
inspection and supervision used in the analysis of the major causes of declining
quality of education in Nigeria: A Case study of Dekina Local Government Area
clearly reveals this fact. Just as it is within the domain of the sector of educational
inspection and school supervision to establish and maintain quality education in the
country, so is it also that adequate educational inspection and school supervision will
produce high quality education, while lack of it will produce declining quality
education. In this case study, the assumed lack of adequate school inspection and
supervision had its variable factors that directly or indirectly make for declining
quality of education. These identified variables in the form of : lack of qualified
teachers, students’/pupils’ attitude to study, library facilities, parental responsibilities,
misplaced government priorities and corruption or lack of integrity among some
educational stakeholders were x-rayed in both primary and secondary schools in
Dekina Local Government Area. With the analysis of the primary data collected, the
learners were able to confirm the existence to a high degree of the aforementioned
variable factors that make for declining quality of education. The result of the
research enabled the learners to provide the conclusions, recommendations and
suggestions advanced for further studies.

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