Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and salt intake in some rural areas of Sisak-moslavina county, Croatia

Type Journal Article - Periodicum biologorum
Title Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and salt intake in some rural areas of Sisak-moslavina county, Croatia
Volume 113
Issue 3
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2011
Page numbers 321-326
Background and Purpose: High salt intake through food rich in salt
is one of the important risk factors for hypertension, and even modest
reduction in salt intake lowers the blood pressure (BP). In Croatia 91.6
% of the total territory is classified as rural and 47.6% of population live in
rural regions. The study was conducted in order to determine salt intake and
awareness on harmful effect of salt on BP, prevalence, treatment and control
of hypertension in rural part of Sisak – Moslavina County (SMC), third
largest county in Croatia.
Materials and Methods: In total there were 107 participants, 50 (46.7%)
male, and 57 (53.3%) female. Hypertension was defined as systolic BP
140 mmHg and/or diastolic BP 90 mmHg, and/or current treatment
with an antihypertensive medication. Treated hypertension was defined as
the current use of an antihypertensive medication. Salt intake was estimated
based on questionnaire results.
Results: Prevalence of hypertension was 84% for male and 77.2% for female.
Out of 88 hypertensive participants, 76.7% were treated, and hypertension
of 59.1% was uncontrolled. Salt intake was high. 71% of participants
were aware that salt intake is related to hypertension, 70% did not
know main sources of salt intake in every day meal, and only 39.2% were
advised by health professionals.
Conclusion: Prevalence of hypertension, nutrition without variety but
rich in salt, and unsatisfactory knowledge on harmful effect of salt on BP
and health should attract attention of national and local public health authorities
to apply proper measures.

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