Community-based water resource management institutions: perspectives from the Mzingwane catchment, Zimbabwe

Type Book
Title Community-based water resource management institutions: perspectives from the Mzingwane catchment, Zimbabwe
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2004
Some countries in Sothern Africa, Zimbabwe included, have implemented reforms in
the water sector, being guided by the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
framework. However, since the IWRM model is being implemented in a setting that
already has water management taking place at community level, it is important that
there be an understanding of the existing water management institutions and how
people relate to the institutions and the available water resources. This study presents an
analysis of some of the institutions in water resources management in Ward 1, Insiza
District which is in the Mzingwane Catchment. It highlights the importance of
understanding the realities in which institutions operate, and why there is need for
research at the local level to enable better crafting of institutions that match the practices
of people.

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