Comprehension of Traffic Control Devices Amongst Urban Drivers-A Study of Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - European Journal of Engineering and Technology
Title Comprehension of Traffic Control Devices Amongst Urban Drivers-A Study of Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
Volume 2
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
Page numbers 9-19
Traffic control devices aim to regulate and control traffic by providing information about the
road and its environment for road users in order to promote safety. This paper elucidates on
the understanding of traffic control devices as a safety measure in controlling traffic problems
relative to accident occurrences. This study investigated the understanding of traffic control
devices by drivers in the city of Ado-Ekiti with respect to their personal characteristic such as
age, gender, educational background and marital status. A total of 32 symbols which includes
traffic signs of eight warning signs, 10 regulatory signs and 6 informatory signs, 5 road
markings and 3 traffic signal lights were investigated. The analysis showed that there is a low
understanding of traffic control devices by drivers. The overall average percentage of drivers
who correctly understood the traffic control device investigated was 64.5%. From the study,
education is an important factor in the understanding of traffic control devices while age and
gender were of no effect. The statistical analysis at 5% significance further proved that
education and understanding of traffic control devices are dependent on each other.

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