Extending higher educational opportunities through e-learning: a case study from Sri Lanka

Type Working Paper
Title Extending higher educational opportunities through e-learning: a case study from Sri Lanka
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2011
URL http://centaur.reading.ac.uk/23842/
The Knowledge Economy favours high skilled and adaptable workers, typically those with a degree. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have the potential to extend educational opportunities through e-Learning. In Sri Lanka efforts have been made to employ ICTs in this way. The case study of Orange Valley University (pseudonymous) is presented, exploring the impact of ICT-based distance education on access to higher education. This ethnographic research employed questionnaires, qualitative interviews and documentary analysis. Online learning was found to appeal to a specific segment of the population. Flexibility and prestige were found to be important influences on programme selection. The majority possessed resources and skills for e-Learning; access and quality issues were considered.

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